The numbers tell the story: The 13 years and 131 issues of WaterShapes saw publication of nearly 500 articles written by nearly 300 watershaping professionals. The success and value of the magazine extends from the willingness of these experts to give of their time and energy to communicate what they know and what they’ve learned to other watershapers. In testimony to the power of the forum, these contributions have come from the mainstream as well as the farthest-flung corners of the Watershaping Industry – from pool builders and pond installers as well as from fountain designers, Japanese gardeners and a range of talented artists, engineers and suppliers.
Note: In this special Index, individual copies of the magazine are referred to using a simple shorthand that calls out the month (or months) of publication and the year, followed after a colon (:) by the number of the item’s opening page. To see a digital version of the article, click on the date in blue. To see it as it originally appeared in print, just find the appropriate issue in the eArchive (either through the whole eArchive or by clicking on the desired year in the pulldown menu) and click on it to reach a .pdf version of the edition that includes the article you seek.
ABALDO, MARIO. The Complete Retreat. Fun and fantasy in a rustic setting. Nov 04:40
–– The Pleasure Garden: Shaping water and rock on a steep hillside. Jun 05:34
–– A Rustic Retreat: Leading a huge vision to grand-scale fruition. Sep 04:34
ADAMS, HOLLI. Public Forms and Functions: Creating variety and excitement with today’s community pools. Aug 99:34
AFFLECK, RAFE. Liquid Mettle: Shaping steel and water in playful combinations. Feb 02:50
ALLEN, RICHARD. Life in an Oasis: Water, homes and a space for recreation. Oct 04:56
ALPERSTEIN, KEN. Digging the Quarry: Imposing beauty on a beastly landscape. Jul 03:52
–– Great Lengths: The amazing underpinnings of golfcourse watershapes. Mar 01:50
–– Mastering the Greens: Bringing watershapes to a protected setting. Dec 06:34
–– Mediterranean Charm: Watershaping with a genuine Old World flair. Sep 05:54
ALTORIO, JOHN J. A Modest Monument: A small fountain with historic ambition. Jun 02:30
ALTVATER, ERICH. Good Aerations: Dissolved oxygen and living water systems. Sep 00:32
ANDERSON, RICK. Cutting a Channel: An expert’s guide to laying out natural streambeds. Apr/May 00:34
–– with Brian Van Bower, Richard Dube, Skip Phillips and David Tisherman. Designing a New Paradigm: A roundtable exploring the pool/landscape connection. Dec 99:56
–– Finding China: Defining the distinctions of classic Chinese gardens. Nov/Dec 02:54
–– Pond Perfection: The five keys to great performance. May 02:40
–– Soothing Sounds: Designing waterfeatures for maximum aural pleasure. Jun 99:42
–– A Stream Comes to Life: Lending depth, dimension and detail to watercourses. Oct 00:44
–– Stream-Lined Effects: Keys to making a beautiful stream work beautifully. Jun/Jul 00:54
–– Where Streams live: A field guide for truly natural design. Aug 99:26
ANDREWS, DAN. A Real Glass Act: An ancient art form meets Computer Age technology. Feb 00:46
ARAHUETE, HELENA. Organic Artistry: John Lautner – and a role for watershapers. Nov/Dec 00:34

ARCHER WILLS, ANTHONY. The Art of Finishing: On planning, improvisation and detailed execution.
Sep/Oct 10:46
––Beginnings: An expert’s guide to water sourcing.
Jun 09:30
— Earthbound Endeavors: The ins and outs of working on a grand scale.
Apr 10:22
–– Echoes of Enchantment: Surveying the work of a master watergardener.
May 05:36
–– Graceful Reflections: Mirrored surfaces and the essence of watershaping.
Feb 07:38
––Historic Perspectives: Inside the design of a grand pond/stream system.
Mar 10:26
–– A Human Touch: Exploring the refined versatility of formal ponds.
Nov 08:44
–– Sculpting Edges: Establishing boundaries for informal watershapes.
Aug 05:34
–– Simple Transparency: Crystal clear water for ponds and streams.
May 06:36
ATLAS, JAMES. Opening a Shell: Finishing touches for a huge, multi-year project.
Jan 09:38
–– Shell Games: Tracing the early stages of an enormously artful project.
Feb 08:56
BAKER, MARK, Perry Wood and Travis Tuck. All About the Water: Harmonizing with nature on the grandest of scales.
Apr 08:56
BARNES, CHRIS. Troughs and Trenches: Pursuing excellence in a logistical minefield.
Apr 07:46
BATCHELOR, MICHAEL, and Andrey Berezowsky. Glass Works: Where watershaping meets artistic passion.
Oct 05:56
–– Sailing Grace: Using glass, water and light to make a statement.
Feb 09:32
BEARD, MARTHA, and Randy Beard. Both Sides Now: Worthy partners in awesome projects.
Jun 02:48
–– and Randy Beard. Contemporary Sensibilities: Exploring the watershapes of architect Mark Singer.
Feb 05:52
–– and Randy Beard. Continental Class: Mediterranean flair in a big California yard.
Apr 06:40
–– and Randy Beard. Exterior Motifs: Building to suit a designer’s vision.
Feb 03:34
–– and Randy Beard. Senses of Direction: Aquatic excitement in high-style settings.
Feb 04:36
BEARD, RANDY,and Martha Beard. Both Sides Now: Worthy partners in awesome projects.
Jun 02:48
–– and Martha Beard. Contemporary Sensibilities: Exploring the watershapes of architect Mark Singer.
Feb 05:52
–– and Martha Beard. Continental Class: Mediterranean flair in a big California yard.
Apr 06:40
–– and Martha Beard. Exterior Motifs: Building to suit a designer’s vision.
Feb 03:34
–– Forms and Figures: Making water and sculptures work together.
Jul 08:30
–– Imagination at Play: A watershape meant to encourage ‘messin’ around.’
Mar 08:42
–– One for the Sun: Catching all the breaks with a complex project.
Jul 09:48
–– and Martha Beard. Senses of Direction: Aquatic excitement in high-style settings.
Feb 04:36
BEAULIEU, ED. A Green Harvest: Revamping a community’s role in water management.
Jan 11:30
–– Harvesting Rain: A look inside an ecofriendly concept.
Jan 09:48
–– Magic to Do: Epcot, flowers, fun – and information about ponds.
Jul 08:42
BECKER, BRUCE. Increasing Access: Seeking ways to get more people into pools.
Jul 08:36
BENEDETTI, PAOLO. An Aerial Assist: Positioning technology and the mastery of difficult terrain.
Nov/Dec 00:74
–– Covering Levels: Setting skimmers for use with automatic covers.
Nov 09:40
–– Expansive Tendencies: The ABCs of hiding deck-construction joints.
Mar 09:38
–– Keeping It Clean: Designing surge tanks with service in mind.
Aug 09:36
–– Kitchens of Distinction: New frontiers in backyard design.
Mar 03:42
–– Material Issues: An expert’s guide to finding great sources.
May 07:30
–– Protect and Serve: A practical introduction to stonework sealing.
Feb 04:42
–– Protective Measures: Finding ways of ‘fortifying’ concrete.
Jul 04:42
–– Quicker Compaction: A faster way to deal with incompetant soil.
Apr 09:36
–– Radiant History: A look at how the Romans heated their pools.
Apr 10:34
–– Strands of Light: The ABCs of installing fiberoptic systems.
Mar 01:44
–– Transit Cubed: Simple shapes mask a sublime complexity.
Aug 05:56
–– Under Control: A simple way to hide spaside controls.
Jun 09:50
–– Wiring Simplified: A guide to safer, saner equipment-pad layouts.
Feb 10:38
BENNETT, WILLIAM, and Walter Williams. All the Right Angles: Stepping up to tackle a complex, artful project.
May 08:36
–– Builder’s Pride: Working on high to craft an awesome pool.
Jun 09:52
–– Solid Solutions: For clients who want pools – and ballrooms as well?
Jul 11:40
BEREZOWSKY, ANDREY, and Michael Batchelor. Glass Works: Where watershaping meets artistic passion.
Oct 05:56
–– Sailing Grace: Using glass, water and light to make a statement.
Feb 09:32
BETHUNE, LAUCHLIN. Echoes of Grandeur: A localized approach to mimicking natural beauty.
Oct 02:48
BIANCHI, KIRK. Desert Rhythms: Using water and color to set a sophisticated tone.
Oct 08:38
BIBBERO, RICK. Every Boulder Tells a Story: An expert’s guide to special rocks for unique applications.
Jun/Jul 00:38
BIERNESSER, E.J., Pete Biernesser and Mike Raible. Up on Rocky Top: Restoring a shoreline on the grandest scale.
Feb 02:36
BIERNESSER, PETE, E.J. Biernesser and Mike Raible. Up on Rocky Top: Restoring a shoreline on the grandest scale.
Feb 02:36
BLAIR, STEPHEN N., Swimming to Longevity: A look at the true value of aquatic exercise.
May 09:46
BLEDSOE, ROBERT. Passion in the Heartland: Introducing the exotic to a Kansas clientele.
Jul 07:32
BOLINGER, EUGENE R., and Johannes H.Wagner. An Edge of Honor: Water, serenity and remembrance.
May 03:30
BOUCHER, JEFFREY. Artful Restoration: Walking in the footsteps of 20th-century masters.
May 11:46
––and William Drakeley. Indoor Fortitude: Making the details work for an exceptional pool.
Sep/Oct 10:38
BOWER, BRIAN VAN,with Rick Anderson,Richard Dube, Skip Phillips and David Tisherman. Designing a New Paradigm: A roundtable exploring the pool/landscape connection.
Dec 99:56
–– A Seaside Classic: The romance of an aquatic trend-setter.
Jan 02:48
–– Teaming Perfection: A close collaboration leads to clifftop beauty.
Oct 07:34
BOWMAN, FRANK. Collective Effort: Using outside expertise to achieve great results.
Feb 06:30
BRANDES JR., DONALD. Down to the River: Putting the water back in Pueblo’s old riverfront.
May 01:50
BRAVO, RON. Reclaiming Olympic Gold: A timely approach to updating a classic.
Aug 04:28
BRINKERHOFF-JACOBS, JULIE. Luxury on Parade: A model exterior built with active families in mind.
Jul 04:28
BROWN, DONOVAN, and Mark Holden. A New Dimension: Defining precision in equipment-pad design.
Nov 06:42
–– Rendered Vision: Exploring four methods of client communication.
Nov 07:50
BUCKLIN, JIM, and Mark Holden. A Base of Comfort: Art for a good cause – and in a great hurry.
Aug 09:50
BUTLER, KIRK. The Science of Selection: Defining a supplier’s role in fueling creativity.
Feb 09:38
CANNON, GREG, and William N.Rowley. Resounding Renewal: Bringing a devastated urban pool back to life.
Oct 08:50
CANON, LEAH, and Clint West. Rendering a Visual Assist: Working with artists in the watershape-design process.
Dec 99:66
CARLSON, JOHN. Powers of Imagination: The art of fooling the eye, one formation at a time.
Mar 11:40
CASTLE, JEFF. Mass in Motion: Creativity and the art of floating stone objects.
Dec 06:52
CATTANO, PETER. An Elegant Edge: A vanishing horizon over woods and water.
Mar 04: 42
–– Simple Green: Finding a place for modest swimming pools.
Jan 10:32
CHAPMAN, KIRK. Subtle at the Surface: Making hybrids with pebbles, ceramics and glass in the mix.
Jan 00:46
CHENG, FU-TUNG. Concrete Expressions: An artist explores his medium’s fuller potential.
Mar 11:22
COHEN, JOHN. Acting on Vision: Clients, settings and a true passion for design.
Aug 06:34
–– An Artisan’s Touch: Pushing at the edges of the creative envelope.
Feb 07:60
COHEN, SCOTT. Libation Sensations: Fanciful forms that respond to clients’ passions.
Jun 05:52
–– Outdoor Living: An expert’s guide to al fresco kitchen designs.
Jul/Aug 10:22
COLES, ADRIAN R. Fitting Pieces: Matters of choice for exterior environments.
Sep 08:48
COOK, DOUGLAS. Subterranean Energy: An introduction to geothermal systems.
Feb 10:24
COOK, TOMMY T. Casting Nature: Using plants to inspire custom-crafted fountains.
Nov 10:54
COPLEY, JOHN, and Lynn Wolff. Cooling the Flock: Reshaping a church plaza’s fountain for fun and safety.
Oct 02:30
–– and Lynn Wolff. Covering the Traces: From urban eyesore to splendid public parks.
Apr 10:46
–– and Lynn Wolff. Little Amphibians: Bringing fun to a staid historic setting.
Jan 04:46
CORONA, JUDITH. Color Keys: Using theory to enhance watershapes and landscapes.
Aug 06:48
COWEN, AARON, and Ron Lacher. Technical Daring: Lifting structural design to a whole new level.
Nov 05:56
CRONISE, RAY. Considering an Option: Is there any reason to include drains in pools?
Nov 08:38 (Commentary)

DALLONS, STEVE. A Cantilevered Dream: A high-wire act for an incredible setting.
May 04:52
–– Viewing a Dream: A photographic tour of an exceptional watershape.
Jun 04 :32
DANKE, ELENA, and Michael Mudrick. Animal Applications: Marine exhibits and the art of waterproofing.
Jan 11:40
DANSKIN, GREG. The Architect Connection: Keys to building valuable creative relationships.
Mar 08:50
D’ASCANIO, FRANCO. Latitude for Attitude: Grandscale fun in the sun of the Florida Keys.
Nov 08:56
–– Palm Passions: Tropical details for watershape settings.
Dec 07:40
DAVITT, KEITH. Small Wonders: Designing watershapes for tiny yards.
Sep 00:22
DELLA PIETRO, PHIL. Standing Steady: Carving a niche for custom vinyl-liner pools.
May 07:44
DENMAN, MICHAEL. Desert Moves: Watershapes for the driest places on earth.
Nov 07:70
DEWS, BOB. The Hidden Source: A look at techniques for masking headwaters.
Apr 02:50
–– Pocket Change: An all-new approach to aquatic plantings.
Mar 03:50
–– Swimming with Nature: A pond primed for pool-style fun.
Aug 09:26
–– Welcoming Waters: Making the most of front-yard features.
Apr 09:26
DI GIACOMO, PHILIP,and Mark Holden. Living Art: Seeking higher truths through watershaping.
Oct 04:36
DIRSMITH, RON, and Suzanne Dirsmith. The Birth of a Dream: A pool, a pond, a grotto – and a slice of the good life.
Oct 05:40
–– and Suzanne Dirsmith. Everyone’s Garden: A guided tour through a treasured Chicago space.
Sep/Oct 10:28
–– and Suzanne Dirsmith. Helping Hands: A pool built with a special child in mind.
Jul 03:46
–– and Suzanne Dirsmith. A Place for All Seasons: The grand tale of a 20-year labor of love.
Sep 02:54
–– and Suzanne Dirsmith. A Point Well Made: Year-round seclusion in a private paradise.
Jan 05:58
–– and Suzanne Roe Dirsmith. Winter Delights: Finding the beauty where fountains freeze.
Apr 01:32

DIRSMITH, SUZANNE,and Ron Dirsmith. The Birth of a Dream: A pool, a pond, a grotto – and a slice of the good life.
Oct 05:40
–– and Ron Dirsmith. Everyone’s Garden: A guided tour through a treasured Chicago space.
Sep/Oct 10:28
–– and Ron Dirsmith. Helping Hands: A pool built with a special child in mind.
Jul 03:46
–– and Ron Dirsmith. A Place for All Seasons: The grand tale of a 20-year labor of love.
Sep 02:54
–– and Ron Dirsmith. A Point Well Made: Year-round seclusion in a private paradise.
Jan 05:58
–– and Ron Dirsmith. Winter Delights: Finding the beauty where fountains freeze.
Apr 01:32
DIXON, BEN. Custom Contours: Techniques for giving a most interesting twist to water walls.
Feb 99:38
DOBBS, ERIC. At Play in the Fountain of Life: A whimsical watershape for a desert community.
Oct 01:36
DOOLIN, MATT, and Paul Doolin. Malleable Permanence: Family, fine art and fun with ceramic tile.
Jul 09:36
DOOLIN, PAUL, and Matt Doolin. Malleable Permanence: Family, fine art and fun with ceramic tile.
Jul 09:36
DOUD, KEVIN. A Flair with Flames: Fanning creativity with today’s fire features.
Jul/Aug 10:34
DOWNES, LOU. On Common Ground: The virtues of lively collaboration.
Apr 03:42
DOYLE, CHRIS, and Bill Gullekson. Pride of the Yavapai: Molding watershapes into a cultural experience.
Feb 06:38
DOZIER, BEN. Eastern Eclectic: Fusing styles at the frontiers of creativity.
May 08:54
–– and Michael Percy. Luxury with a Twist: A wall-to-wall project, from the ground up.
Sep 09:34
–– Transparent Ambition: A cantilevered lap pool with a ‘clear’ distinction.
Jul 11:46
DRAKELEY, WILLIAM, and Jeffrey Boucher. Indoor Fortitude: Making the details work for an exceptional pool.
Sep/Oct 10:38
–– Top of the Class: Proving a point with a shotcrete shell.
May 09:38
DRIEMEYER, RICK. Garden Tea: Bringing personal touches to an exceptional space.
Jan 08:64
–– National Wonders: Finding inspiration in nature’s bounty.
Sep 09:56
–– Safe Havens: Shaping habitats for fascinating creatures.
Jul 09:28
DUBE, RICHARD, Brian Van Bower, Rick Anderson, Skip Phillips and David Tisherman. Designing a New Paradigm: A roundtable exploring the pool/landscape connection.
Dec 99:56
DUFF, DOUGLAS, and Paul L’Heureux. Market Variations: Where watershapes meet consumer culture.
Jul 06:50
DUKES, RANDY. From the Start: A consensus approach to starting plaster pools.
May/Jun 10:40
DUNN, G.BRUCE. Core Value: Quality, profit and midrange pools.
Jul/Aug 02:44
EMBURY, RODGER. Instant Geology: Molded panels bring vivid details to rockscapes.
Oct 00:52
EORGAN, TIM. Sealing the Deal: Waterproofing for the new Wynn Hotel.
Nov 05:36
EPTAIMEROS, GIORGOS. Level Fun: Bringing a waterpark touch to a backyard setting.
Feb 09:44
ESSER, JOE. Modular Marvels: A step-by-step look at installing modular pools.
Apr/May 00:42
EVERS, DALE J. Alive by Design: A natural touch with aquatic sculptures.
Sep 06:54
EWEN, LES. A Recipe for Jambalaya: Restoring the pride to a park’s watershapes.
May 04:44
FARLEY, MIKE, and Tom Moneta. Site-Specific Solutions: Keys to linking designs to a space’s individuality.
Mar 01:26
FINLEY, ELIZABETH NAVAS. Back to the Garden: Defining the fundamentals of Japanese garden design.
Dec 99:28
FINTEL, BILL. Wings on the Water: Crafting watershapes to attract wild birds.
Jul 03:34
FLEMING, KEVIN. Greater Expectations: Tracking progress toward high-end goals.
Jan 03:38
–– and David Tisherman. Progressive Surprise: Transforming a driveway into a grand entrance.
Feb 05:44
–– Softly Modern: A contemporary look with traditional appeal.
Sep 07:58
–– Unlocking the Future: Finding the right mindset for a new, upscale approach.
Jan/Feb 01:42
FLEMING, SCOTT, and John Marckx. Beads on Glass: An inside look at the splendor of glass tile.
Oct 03:56
FORNI, GEORGE. Clearwater Credence: Maintaining clarity at a huge corporate facility.
Apr 04:40
–– A Crystal-Clear Mandate: Dazzling water in a chemical-free pond.
Mar 05:30
–– Free and Clear: Pool-like water quality in naturalistic watershapes.
Jan 04:60
–– Little Great Lakes: Defining qualities that make lakes beautiful and enduring.
Mar 00:50
–– The Power of Flowers: Watershapes fit for a classic conservatory.
Nov 03:66
–– Welcoming Waters: Turning a dying lake into a family fun zone.
Oct 06:58
–– When Ponds Go Bad: Keys to curing serious water problems.
Dec 05:28
FOWLER, MIKE. Helping Habitats: Filtering a watershape for big marine mammals.
Mar 03:34
FRAGOMENI, JASON. Restoring a Classic: Finding the inner beauty of a 1920s-vintage pool.
Jan 08:44
FREEMAN, JEFF. Chemical Solutions: The ABCs of water-treatment technology.
Jul 05:40
–– Elemental Finesse: Finding new value in an old technology.
Jan 10:48
–– Good Chemistry: Defining the basics from a watershaper’s perspective.
Nov 04:52
–– Good Chemistry: Exploring the relationship of water and concrete.
Feb 05:52
–– Remote Patrol: Hydraulics to the rescue in Panama.
May 03:36
FRIEDMAN, KERRY,and Mike Perkowski. Back to the Fair: Accenting beauty in a pair of historic spaces.
May 04:34
–– Breathtaking Beauty: Thirty years’work at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Jan 07:36
–– Urban Statements: Making a city park fun for one and all.
Jan 10:54
FURNARI, SERGIO. Passion’s Furnace: An artist’s expressions in tile and swimming pools.
May 05:48
GAMBINO, MIKE. Night Eyes: An expert’s approach to dramatic landscape lighting.
Sep 07:44
–– The Science of Lighting: A look inside the basic technology of illumination.
Feb 08:46
GARBIER, JEAN, and John Jennings. Water in the Desert: Draping a waterpark over a spectacular setting.
Nov 03:38
GARDINER, SIMON. The Artful Dance: Using new technologies to animate fountains.
Mar 09:40
GARDNER, MICHAEL. Testing Know-How: Sizing up the quality of pool and pond water.
Sep 05:48
GARIANO, RODGER. Classic Perspective: Reviving the ancient art of tile mosaics.
Jan 07:48
GARLAND, JAMES, Tom Yankelitis and Ritesh Khetia. A Hit on the High Seas: Water, jets and acrobats on an open, shipboard stage.
Nov 10:60
GARRETT, GREG. Pebbles, Pozzolons and Polymers: Three Ps that are reshaping modern plaster finishes.
Jun 99:48
GARTON, DAVID. Making Frames: Shaping water into living works of art.
May 09:28
–– Natural Transference: The art’s in the details with ponds and streams.
Oct 06:32
GIBBONS, RON. Stars on the Wetlands: An unusual project yields stellar results.
May 02:54
GODDARD, BILL. Estate ofMind: Making statements from the ground up.
Nov 07:38
–– Grand Cascades: A huge-scale debut for an ambitious watershaper.
Mar 07:54
GOLDSTEIN, BARBARA. Swimming to Wellness: Making a personal case for waterborne therapy.
Jan 08:52
GRAFINGER, RAINER. Going Natural: An introduction to an emerging phenomenon.
Jan 08:56
GRAVENMIER, MIKE. Squeezing the Gaps: A step-by-step approach to fixing cracks in shells.
Feb 00:40
GREGORY, FREDERICK L. On Sails of Stone: Water, granite and intuitive artistry.
Apr 04:48
GRIFFOUL, MICHELLE. Coloring with Clay: Bold expressions in tiles, palettes and surfaces.
Nov 04:58
GROFT, ERIC D. A Sense of Place: Thinking locally in designing waterscapes.
Nov 09:30
GRUSHESKI, ED. Historic Treatments: Tracing the tale of a pioneering utility.
Oct 04:46
GULLEKSON, BILL, and Chris Doyle. Pride of the Yavapai: Molding watershapes into a cultural experience.
Feb 06:38
GUNN, ANNE. Local Pride: Watershaping in service to community identity.
Mar 08:56
–– Spheres of Influence: Exploring the magic of floating granite balls.
Jan 06:36
–– Water and Whimsy: Art and technology in a folksy fountain.
Jun 03:30
GUTAI, STEVE. Backwashing Basics: Functions and selection criteria for backwash valves.
Feb 05:46
–– Balanced Force: Nailing down hydraulics for complex watershapes.
Mar 06:50
–– Crystalline Clarity: A close-up look at filter technology.
Sep 02:48
–– Equating Continuity: A fresh angle on hydraulic calculations.
Dec 05:36
–– Hydraulics in Hot Water: Keys to getting things right from the start.
Aug 99:42
–– Jet Setting: Portable-style therapy with your concrete spas.
Apr 04:36
–– Making Connections: The ABCs of pipes and plumbing joints.
Aug 03:42
–– Motive Power: An expert’s guide to motor classifications.
Dec 07:56
–– Over the Edge: Managing the flow of water across weirs.
Nov 06:50
–– Primed and Ready: Tips on putting pumps in their place.
Apr 02:48
–– A Pump Primer: Defining distinctions in basic pump technology.
Jan/Feb 01:50
–– The Skinny on Skimmers: What they do and how they do it.
Jun 02:36
–– Tank Command: An up-close look at surge management.
Jan 03:48
–– Valve Values: Defining types, selection and use.
Sep 04:46
–– Water Under Pressure: An inside look at flow and line velocity.
Apr 03:48
HAASE, DENNIS. Digging Quarries: A look at the origins of natural-stone products.
Sep 05:40
HAGEN, HAL. The Soul of the River. Borrowing nature’s ways to restore life to watercourses.
Oct 01:42
HAMELIN, STEPHEN. Forms of Fun: Exploring the nature of aquatic fun.
Oct 05:30
HAMIL, BETH. Ozone Lairs: Keeping the water clear for really large bathers.
Jun 06:42
HANSEN, RICHARD. Poetry in Stone: Exploring harmonies between rock and water.
May 03:48
HARE, FRED. As Good As It Looks? What every builder should know about hydraulic design.
Apr 99:36
HARPER, BOB. Salt Solutions: What designers and builders need to know.
Jul 09:44
HARRIS, GLENN. Inside Moves: Calling for a fresh take on interior finishes.
Jan 03:52
HART, KEN. Making Models Super: Diverse designs add texture to an upscale development.
Jan 00:22
HASEGAWA INGALLS, SANDRA. A Clear,Clean Public Service: Channeling the symbolic power of watershapes.
Jan 03:58
HAYES, CYNTHIA. A Taproot Manuscript: Exploring a space’s spiritual dimensions.
Apr 04:28
HEACOX, MIKE. Bridging the Design Gap: A two-pronged approach to success.
Jun 02:40
HEBDON, DERK. Good Medicine: Easing patients’ cares with a sinuous watershape.
Mar 04:54
–– Making the Wild Waters Flow: Using local scenery to inspire naturalistic streams.
Sep 03:30
HERMAN, BRETT. A Guard’s-Eye View: A deck-level perspective on waterpark design.
Feb 07:54
HERMAN, ERIC. Honoring Anthony Archer Wills: Joseph McCloskey Prize recipient.
Jun 08:48
–– Honoring William N.Rowley: Joseph McCloskey Prize recipient.
Jun 08:50
–– International Flavors: Checking in on work being done around the world.
Nov/Dec 00:54
–– The Platinum Standard: A survey of six years of brilliant achievement.
Dec 04:30
–– The Platinum Standard II: Surveying years of wondrous achievement.
Jun 08:54
––Refreshing the Supply: An inside look at a major water-treatment facility.
Apr 10:38
–– A Tasteful Genesis: A pictorial look at the school’s first graduating classes.
Dec 99:36
–– Therapy Power: New research on the benefits of pools and spas.
Dec 06:44
–– A Villa for the Ages: Exploring possibilities at the Getty’s new home.
Apr 06:48
HERMAN, GLENN, and Janet Rosenberg. Refined Expressions: The art of responding to clients and a setting.
Sep 02:30
HERSMAN, MIKE. Night Visions: Lighting design for exterior spaces and watershapes.
Feb 00:24
HETZNER, MARIA. Falling Water: Sheet waterfalls and the drama of the drop.
Sep 00:48
HOBBS, WILLIAM, and Wayne Pierce. Timeless Impressions: Exploring the ingenious watershapes of Maya Lin.
Nov/Dec 02:64
HOCHMAN, ALAN. Hearts of Stone: Finding the drama in subtle flows of water.
Jun 07:42

HOLDEN, MARK. Artful Education: Using a watershape to teach local history.
Mar 11:32
–– and Jim Bucklin. A Base of Comfort: Art for a good cause – and in a great hurry.
Aug 09:50
–– A Classic Crescendo: Bringing a huge project to completion.
Jul/Aug 02:56
–– Classic Persuasion: Period details in a timeless renovation.
Aug 03:48
–– Coming to Terms: A teacherly look at our quirky vocabulary.
Jun 07:50
–– The Crest of the World: Bringing watershapes to a true California classic.
Jan/Feb 01:32
–– Cresting Perfection: Conjuring a modern pool with a 1920s look.
Mar 02:30
–– Fluid Dynamics: Getting up to speed in communicating about water.
Sep 07:52
–– From the Beginning: Introducing a long-overdue college-level course on water.
Mar 07:48
–– Function Before Form: A pictorial survey of Italy’s watershape bounty.
Jul 04:50
–– Images in Motion: Tracing fountain design through the ages.
Jun/Jul 00:24
–– Images in Stone: Embracing the beauty of carved stone.
Nov 03:56
–– Images in Time: Surveying the roots of modern watershape design.
Oct 99:26
–– Inside a Classic Style: A look at the basics of the Spanish Colonial Revival.
Jul 06:38
–– and Philip di Giacomo. Living Art: Seeking higher truths through watershaping.
Oct 04:36
–– Material Issues: Exploiting the design potential of classic tile.
Jun 03:42
–– and Donovan Brown. A New Dimension: Defining precision in equipment-pad design.
Nov 06:42
–– Precision Planning: Defining the basics of quality documentation.
Aug 05:46
–– Survey Savvy: Defining the value of these key on-site services.
Jun 01:44
–– Water Everywhere: Viewing a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance.
Nov/Dec 02:34
HOLMES, COLLEEN. Graceful Transformation: A symphony in antiques, stone, plants and water.
Mar 10:36
–– Pastoral Frenzy: Delivering quality in an amazing hurry.
Aug 08:50
–– Playful Pursuits: Fun and excitement with tile, trees, stone and water.
Dec 06:60
–– Serious Whimsy: A lively setting for a powerful personality.
Mar 06:56
HOPKINS, ROGER. Classic Rock: Tips on turning rock piles into reflections of nature.
Apr 99:18
–– Primitive Modern: Artful studies in stone, water and contrast.
Jun 06:32
HORVATH, JEFF. Dancing Waters: Tapping into the dynamism of interactive waterfeatures.
Jan 00:30
HUGHES, BRUCE. 20 Years After: The origins of the National Plasterers Council.
Feb 09:28 (Commentary)
HUGHES, EAMONN. Natural Patterns: Keys to success in naturalistic watershapes.
Nov 04:66
JAUREGUI, MELANIE. The Power of Passion: An inspired client is a helpful, creative client.
Apr 01:24
–– Style Council: Adapting watershapes to clients and settings.
Aug 04:48
(see also Mackenzie, Melanie)
JECHART, ROBERT. Sound Solutions: Tracing the development of a novel pool alarm.
Feb 03:50
JENNINGS, JOHN, and Jean Garbier. Water in the Desert: Draping a waterpark over a spectacular setting.
Nov 03:38
JONES, TREADWELL. Public Statements: Aesthetic appeal meets multi-generational fun.
Jul 05:30
JUNGLES, RAYMOND. A Master at Work: Appreciating the artistry of Roberto Burle Marx.
Oct 07:54
KAHN TUTTLE, CLAIRE. The Heart of the City: Designing a fountain for a bustling urban hub.
Apr 06:30
KAISER, STEVE. Welcome to Paradise: Using watershapes to conjure popular appeal.
Feb 04:48
KANETIS, STEFAN, and David Stone. Rethinking the Pool: Why choose between a watershape and a deck?
Aug 09:40
KANIA, BRUCE. Buoyant Explorations: Surveying research into the ‘wetland effect.’
Oct 09:44
–– Island Life: An artificial approach to clear, clean pond water.
Apr 05:40
–– Microbes Rule!: Using tiny heroes to produce clear, clean water.
May 07:38
KATZ, JOSH. Moving Experiences: A lazy river for a truly custom vinyl-liner pool.
Aug 08:30
KENNY, STEVE. Building toward Clarity: Designing pools with fantastic water in mind.
May 11:22
KESLER, KRIS. Where Art Meets Technology: Using computers to guide artful fabrications.
Feb 10:30
KHETIA, RITESH, James Garland and Tom Yankelitis. A Hit on the High Seas: Water, jets and acrobats on an open, shipboard stage.
Nov 10:60
KINMAN, CYNTHIA,and Gary Kinman. Emotional Foundations: Setting a stage in the grandest way possible.
Jul 06:56
KINMAN, GARY, and Cynthia Kinman. Emotional Foundations: Setting a stage in the grandest way possible.
Jul 06:56
KNIGHT, STEVEN. Fun in the Sun: A paradise tailor-made for kids of all ages.
Mar 01:36
KNOX, DAVID. Light Dances: Where the science of optics meets glass tile.
Jun 06:50
–– Shimmer and Shine: Making magic with distinct optical twists.
Apr 07:58
KRZEMINSKI, TIM. Facing the Future: A young watershaper with classic ambitions.
May 07:54
KUNTZ, STEVEN. Standing Tall: Exploring nuance through water and wood.
Jun 03:36
LACHER, RON. Bad Benchmarks: What makes steps in concrete spas fail?
Aug 06:42
–– Expansion Solutions: Concrete ways to prevent deck lifting and cracking on expansive soils.
Feb 99:46
–– Ground Work: Defining the value of structural engineering.
Jul 03:40
–– Rough Edges: Seeking a cure for an epidemic of wall failures.
Aug 07:38
–– and Aaron Cowen. Technical Daring: Lifting structural design to a whole new level.
Nov 05:56
–– When Pools Crack: Keys to determining just what’s gone wrong.
May 05:54
–– Where Concrete Meets Steel: A look inside a critical relationship.
Jan 04:55
LAMPL, JIM. Natural Intuitions: Using classic principles in striving for ‘impact.’
Oct 00:24
LAUGHLIN, RICK. Echoes of Influence: Passionate application of a lifetime’s observations.
Mar 09:30
L’HEUREUX, DAVID. Civic Celebrations: Revitalizing an urban center with water and light.
Feb 10:42
L’HEUREUX, PAUL. Dancing Waters: An introduction to sequenced waterfeatures.
May 01:36
–– Les Fontaines Internationales: It takes discipline to build watershapes on a global scale.
Mar 00:22
–– Guiding the Lights: Approaches to enhancing the beauty of moving water.
Mar 02:48
–– Light Sensations: The practical art of lighting water in motion.
Oct 02:38
–– and Douglas Duff. Market Variations: Where watershapes meet consumer culture.
Jul 06:50
–– Stretching Water: Techniques for adding height to laminar flows.
Nov/Dec 00:46
LINES, CHRISTOPHER. Persuaded by the Past: Firing imaginations with classic detailing.
May 11:38
LONG, DAVID. Artful Ambition: Environments made special with artificial rock.
Nov 07:60
LONG, LARRY. Bent to Last: A step-by-step look at setting steel cages for watershapes.
Mar 00:42
LOPEZ, THOMAS. Refurbishing Wright’s Triangle: Brief encounters with Taliesin West’s iconic pool.
May/Jun 10:44
LOWRY, KEITH,and Kate Wiseman. Moving in Styles: Finding a unique niche with client-driven designs.
Mar 07:36
LUCAS, STEVE. A Classic Restored: The tale of a huge job made possible by planning.
Jun 99:56
–– Wild for Tigers: Building watershapes for a carnivorous clientele.
Aug 00:36

LUEBTOW, JOHN GILBERT. Liquid Glass: Modern sculpture with a free-flowing sensibility.
Jan/Feb 01:58
–– Winds of Life: Glass, water and a sublime artistic statement.
Oct 08:56
LYNCH DUMOULIN, MARIA. Classic Figures: A modern approach to timeless beauty.
Oct 06:50
MACAIRE, KEN. Creating Good Impressions: Making bold statements with faux-rock formations.
Feb 00:32
McCLOSKEY, JIM. Art for Art’s Sake: Symbolism and style at the Getty Center.
Nov/Dec 01:40
–– Behind the Prize: The development of the Joseph McCloskey Prize.
Jun 08: 48
–– Honoring David Tisherman: Joseph McCloskey Prize recipient.
Jun 08:52
McCULLOUGH, WILLIAM R.B., and Edwin M.Wallover III. Where the Bison Swim: Designing an aquatic center for multiple functions.
Sep 03:52
MACKENZIE, MELANIE. Integrated View: A design that embraces the total environment.
Aug 07:30
(see also Jauregui, Melanie)
MACKEY, SCOTT, and William Rowley. A New Oasis: Designing to meet a community’s varied needs.
May 02:32
MANN, STEVE. Fluid Melodies: Making music with ‘hands-on’ fountains.
Feb 08:36
MARCKX, JOHN, and Scott Fleming. Beads on Glass: An inside look at the splendor of glass tile.
Oct 03:56
MAROSZ, KATHY. Custom Integrations: Balancing clients’needs with a designer’s vision.
Feb 02:28
–– Driving Home: A multi-year project reaches a radiant conclusion.
Mar 09:48
–– Layering the Experience: Exploring the hydraulics behind a huge backyard pool.
Jul 08:50
–– When Dreams Grow: The art of keeping up when creativity runs wild.
Apr 08:34
MARTIN, KEN, and Gerald Tester. When Music Meets Water: Bringing harmony to a grand outdoor display.
Aug 04:36
MEDLEY, E.C., and Paul Ryan. Vertical Pursuits: Adding dimension and style with upright structures.
Aug 00:52
MEE, JOHN. Banking on Fog: Looking inside a truly cool effect.
Sep 06:44
MEHRNOOSH. Suburban Spaces: Tasteful watershapes revamp a modest front yard.
Feb 05:36
MILLER, ROSS. Public Interests: Watershapes as mirrors for local history.
Aug 03:34
MITOVICH, JON. Curbless Appeal: Five keys to setting up dry-deck fountains.
Oct 03:38
–– Dynamic Confluence: Turning ideas into a functioning watershape.
Apr 02:38
–– The Shape of Sacrifice: Remembering Allied valor on D-Day, 1944.
Jun 04:38
–– Shaping the Rain: An insider’s look at making water curtains flow.
Feb 05:40
–– Standing Tall on Deck: A high-tech fountain brings new life to an old pier.
Oct 99:38
–– A Window into Nature: Making a watershape that’s ‘been there forever.’
Feb 03:56
MONETA, TOM. On the Hot Edge: Enhancing the looks of the hot-water experience.
Feb 02:44
–– and Mike Farley. Site-Specific Solutions: Keys to linking designs to a space’s individuality.
Mar 01:26
MOOSMAN, DAN. Spanning Space and Time: Landscapes, water and a place for bridges.
Jan 06:52
MORRIS, DAVID CURT. Spirited Waters: Spouts and symbolism under desert skies.
Mar 04:34
–– Water in Sculpture: Pursuing fine art through stasis and fluidity.
Jun 05:44
MORRIS, JIM. Mile-High Gallop: Creating a habitat for bronze broncos.
Mar 02:40

MOSKO, MARTIN. Making a Mountain Haven: Big rocks, big water and a high-altitude paradise.
Sep 08:56
MOYER, JANET LENNOX. Public Light: Keys to peoplefriendly illumination of open spaces.
Jan 06:44
–– Shaping the Night: Illuminating plants for after-hours enjoyment.
Mar 05:40
–– Shining Through: A specialist’s introduction to the illumination of water.
Sep 04:50
MUDRICK, MICHAEL, and Elena Danke. Animal Applications: Marine exhibits and the art of waterproofing.
Jan 11:40
MÜLLER, AVIRAM. Awakening a Dream: Making water a key player in a Las Vegas super-show
Jan 09:58
–– Healthful Waters: A call for greener approaches to watershaping.
Oct 09:52
MURASE, SCOTT. An Elegant Slice: Setting a civic tone in a sliver of a park.
Sep 08:32
NANTZ, MICHAEL. Balancing Acts: Easing clients into deftly integrated spaces.
May 09:50
–– Mid-Range Mastery: The home itself guided the design of its pool and pond.
Apr/May 00:52
–– Roadside Attraction: Building a waterfeature designed to stop traffic.
Apr 99:28
–– Space Savers: Making the most of tight physical constraints.
May 06:28
NETTMANN, KARL. Flames On: The cautious art of playing with fire.
Mar 06:40
NOLAN, JOE. Flat-Out Gorgeous: Making full use of stone surfacing.
Apr 01:38
–– A Stone Primer: An expert’s guide to types, colors and characteristics.
Jul 07:40
NONEMAKER, ROBERT. Garden Grandeur: Pauses that refresh in Longwood Gardens.
Oct 08:64
–– Role Playing: Finding a place at the design team’s table.
Oct 06:42
–– The Subtlest Flows: Using rills to bring rhythm to garden spaces.
Apr 08:48
O’HEARN, LARRY. A Crowning Achievement: A watershape that faces up to its community.
Apr 05:50
OLIVER, STEVE. Affairs of the Art: Water, sculptures and an exquisite setting.
Oct 03:64
–– Liquid Layering: Flows and transitions through an elevated setting.
Apr 02:28
ORI, JAMISON C. Improving Your Moves: Meeting client expectations for a greener environment.
Oct 09:36
PARMELEE, LARRY, and Wayne Schick. Powerful Grounds: What you don’t know about geology can harm your pools.
Jun 99:36
PASOTTI, PAM. Invitations to Play: The human face of interactive waterplay.
Sep 01:28
–– Public Participations: Tracing the emergence of interactive waterplay.
May 02:46
PAULICK, LARRY. Club Connections: Designing a big project to suit everyone’s needs.
Aug 08:36
PECK, STEVEN, and Damon van der Linde. Green Horizons: Calling watershapers to join a rooftop revolution.
Nov 10:32 (Commentary)
PENDLETON, RICK. Falling Arches: Softening a scene with curtains of water.
Dec 07:62
PENICK, RUSSELL. Everything Under the Sun: Managing a five-part project that covered all the bases.
Mar 00:34
PERCY, MICHAEL. The Finishing Twist: Touring the grounds of a Texas-size project.
Nov 10:36
––and Ben Dozier. Luxury with a Twist: A wall-to-wall project, from the ground up.
Sep 09:34
PERKOWSKI, MIKE, and Kerry Friedman. Back to the Fair: Accenting beauty in a pair of historic spaces.
May 04:34
PETERSON, DAVID. Playing by Rules: Sizing up the value of CAD standards.
Dec 07:48
PEVNICK, STEPHEN. Graphic Appeal: Communicating with falling drops of water.
Aug 07:54
PHILLIPS, SKIP. Cutting Edges: Grand-scale construction with an improvised spirit.
Apr 07:28
–– with Rick Anderson, Brian Van Bower, Richerd Dube and David Tisherman. Designing a New Paradigm: A roundtable exploring the pool/landscape connection.
Dec 99:56
–– The Enchanted Hill: A look at Hearst Castle’s other watershapes.
Jan 02:40
–– Gaining an Edge: Creative relationships between water and deck.
Jun 99:24
–– Made to Order: The creative vision and a builder’s own pool.
Jun/Jul 00:46
–– Perfected in Place: Pouring concrete north of the border.
May/Jun 10:24
–– Quiet Efficiency: Reducing noise and cost with new pump technology.
May 06:46
–– Water in Transit: An expert’s guide to flows with an ‘edge.’
Nov/Dec 02:44
PIERCE, WAYNE, and William Hobbs. Timeless Impressions: Exploring the ingenious watershapes of Maya Lin.
Nov/Dec 02:64
POWELL, NICK. Boundless Expression: An inside look at tile’s artistic potential. Nov 05:46
RAIBLE, MIKE, E.J. Biernesser and Pete Biernesser. Up on Rocky Top: Restoring a shoreline on the grandest scale.
Feb 02:36
REED, JIMMY. Tile Lines: Defining a key role for an artful subcontractor.
Jul 11:30
REED, ROSALIND. Gallery Views: Making water work in an urban sculpture garden.
May 01:26
REYNOLDS, NATE. Shining Through: Cast acrylic and new horizons for watershapes.
May 06:54
RILEY, BRUCE. A Playful Change of Scene: Remodeling for a special client and purpose.
Sep 02:42
ROBINSON, JIM. Eastern Influences: Ancient traditions in a modern context.
Jun 07:56
ROBYN, JAMES. Planting a Pool: Easing the way toward acceptance of ‘natural’ pools.
Jan 11:48

ROCA, JUAN. Floating on Sunshine: Modern design in a subtropical setting.
Mar 06:32
–– Pure Vision: Business redefinition in a brave, new world.
Dec 05:48
–– Straight and Narrow: Finding the energy in long, simple shapes.
Mar 10:44
ROSE, STEPHANIE. Coordinated Perspective: Using a mirror-like pool to reflect bold outdoor art.
Nov 05:66
–– Sea of Tranquility: Finding inspiration in a great meditation garden.
Sep 05:30
ROSENBERG, JANET, and Glenn Herman. Refined Expressions: The art of responding to clients and a setting.
Sep 02:30
ROTH, DOUGLAS M. Thoughts for the Eyes: Exploring an ageless Japanese garden.
Jan 02:54
–– The Trouble with Liners: Are they suitable for use with works of art?
Oct 03:48
ROWLEY, WILLIAM N., and Patricia Soto. Competition Without Compromise: A first look at the Mesa Indoor Aquatic Center.
Jun 01:36
–– Heritage Trails: Exploring the art of historic renovations.
Jun 09:40
–– High-Rise Performance: An expert’s guide to building pools on rooftops.
Nov 10:44
–– and Scott Mackey. A New Oasis: Designing to meet a community’s varied needs.
May 02:32
–– Reasonable Choices: Examining the facts of suction entrapment.
May 04:28
–– and Greg Cannon. Resounding Renewal: Bringing a devastated urban pool back to life.
Oct 08:50
–– Restoring Waters Past: A Julia Morgan classic is coming back to life.
Jun 06:60
RUBENSTEIN, BARTON. Fluid Expressions: Kinetic sculptures that put the accent on water.
Oct 00:34
RUDDY, KEVIN. Inside Air: An expert’s guide to enclosing pools and spas.
Sep 03:40
–– Inside Maneuvers: Covering all the bases in designing an indoor pool.
Jul/Aug 10:42
–– Interior Dynamics: The art of selecting materials for indoor beauty.
Jan 04:40
RUGG, JEFF. Nature’s Balance: Healthy, clean water for plants and animals.
Jul/Aug 01:54
–– Practicing Nature’s Balance: Establishing ecosystems for plants and animals.
Sep 01:50
RUMPH, TIMOTHY. Green Verges: An insider’s guide to working in protected spaces.
Oct 09:28
RUSH, BOB. A Prize for the Eyes: Weaving details to fulfill an architect’s vision.
Feb 07:48
RUTHENBERG, DOUG. Precision on Deck: Checking in on a turnkey perimeter-overflow system.
Jul/Aug 01:40
RYAN, PAUL, and E.C.Medley. Vertical Pursuits: Adding dimension and style with upright structures.
Aug 00:52

SANDALIS, STEVE. Down to Size: A showpiece pond in a compact space.
Jul 11:22
–– A Fine Romance: Bringing true passion to ponds and streams.
Feb 06:54
–– Graceful Cascades: Finding the romance in a steeply sloped site.
Aug 06:56
–– Mining Their Dreams: Setting the stage for a Hollywood designer’s vision.
Mar 08:62
–– Softening Edges: Expert approaches to easy visual transitions.
Jan 10:40
SCHICK, WAYNE,and Larry Parmelee. Powerful Grounds: What you don’t know about geology can harm your pools.
Jun 99:36
SCHUNEMANN, SVEN. Forming Flows: Artful use of water’s unique rhythms.
Nov 09:44
SCHWARTZ, BOBBIE. Lasting Impressions: Making full use of the timeless qualities of stone.
Oct 01:26
–– New World Impressions: Translating Maya styles into contemporary designs.
Apr 03:52
–– Refinements in Stone: Past masterworks as guides to today’s designs.
Jul/Aug 01:28
–– Stone Impressions: Drawing inspiration from classic structures.
Jun 01:50
–– The Unfolding Garden: Adding drama to designs by controlling access to the water.
Apr/May 00:22
SHAW, DOMINIC. The Codes Less Traveled: Seeking clarity in the construction of fountains.
Jul 04:36
–– Native Vision: Shaping water to define a rich cultural heritage.
Nov 06:32
–– Role Players: Defining niches for aquatic consultants.
Nov 03:48
SHOPLICK, JANE. Earth, Air, Light and Water: Watershapes as tools for teaching children.
Apr 03:34
SIMMSGEIGER, PATRICK. Keeping Clean: A maintenance expert’s slant on pond/stream design.
May/Jun 10:32
SLAWSON, DAVID. Striking a Chord: Japanese inspiration and an Arkansas garden.
Jun 04:44
SMITH, ALAN. A Light on White: The once and future wonders of white plaster.
Sep 08:40
SO, SEAN. Light, Space and Water: Sculptures flow with a modernist movement.
Sep 03:46
SOARES II, ROGER, and Sheri Soares. Completely Contemporary: Managing spaces and vistas in a desert oasis.
Jun 05:58
–– Modern Movements: Using water in transit to create special spaces.
Apr 09:44
SOARES, SHERI, and Roger Soares II. Completely Contemporary: Managing spaces and vistas in a desert oasis.
Jun 05:58
–– Modern Movements: Using water in transit to create special spaces.
Apr 09:44
SOTO, PATRICIA. A Buccaneer’s Brew: Turning a pool complex into a community icon.
May 08:44
–– and William Rowley. Competition Without Compromise: A first look at the Mesa Indoor Aquatic Center.
Jun 01:36
STILLWELL, BELINDA. Healing Waters: A look inside a special aquatic exercise facility.
Aug 07:46
STOKS, GREG. Streamlined for Paradise: Defining a role for ‘value engineering.’
Sep 01:42
STONE, DAVID, and Stefan Kanetis. Rethinking the Pool: Why choose between a watershape and a deck?
Aug 09:40
STRAUB, CURT. Finding the Cure: A few simple tips to ensure proper shell performance.
Apr 99:42
–– The Power of Partnering: A simple conflict-resolution plan can come to your rescue.
Oct 99:46
–– Shaped in the Heartland: An appreciation of The City of Fountains.
Nov/Dec 01:32
–– Who Needs Litigation? Defining alternatives to courtrooms and judges.
Sep 00:40
STUPFEL, JOHN. Splash Factors: Waterpark attractions on a public-pool scale.
Jul/Aug 01:48
SYLVESTER, SCOTT. Sound Options: The ABCs of audio in outdoor settings.
Aug 04:44
TESTER, GERALD, and Ken Martin. When Music Meets Water: Bringing harmony to a grand outdoor display.
Aug 04:36

TISHERMAN, DAVID. Amazing Grace: Fallingwater and the art of Mr.Wright.
Nov/Dec 01:50
–– The Art of Finishing: Final touches for an immense backyard project.
Jan 06:60
–– The Art of the Rectangle: Basic shapes shine in a spectacular hillside project.
Aug 00:24
–– Classical Influences: Ancient sources for modern creativity.
Jul 05:48
–– with Rick Anderson, Brian Van Bower, Richerd Dube and Skip Phillips. Designing a New Paradigm: A roundtable exploring the pool/landscape connection.
Dec 99:56
–– Elegant Intentions: New watershapes with a distinctly ‘Old World’ look.
Nov 08:64
–– A Gem from Every Angle: Tips on maximizing the potential of designed spaces.
Oct 99:52
–– Great Wavelengths: Sinuous shapes in a rectilinear setting.
Jun 03:52
–– House Work: Colors, textures and a home that seems to float.
Feb 09:50
–– Integrity Below Grade: An uncompromising approach to achoring a pool on difficult soil.
Feb 99:22
–– Linear Grace: Integrating a lap pool into a modern context.
Nov 09:52
–– One for the Future: Celebrating the completion of an amazing project.
Sep 06:60
–– Picture Perfect: A guided tour of a magnificent project.
Apr 01:46
–– and Kevin Fleming. Progressive Surprise: Transforming a driveway into a grand entrance.
Feb 05:44
–– Shaping Perfection: Topping a great foundation with a fantastic pool and spa.
Apr 99:48
–– Splashes of Color: Unusual hues for a distinctive watershape.
Oct 02:56
–– Through the Lens: Finding just the right photographer for the job.
Jul/Aug 10:30
–– Whimsical by Nature: Making a reef appear above the California coast.
Nov 06:58
–– Woven Beauty: Pulling details together for a hilltop masterpiece.
Oct 01:50
TOBY, DARYL. Objects of Desire: Putting the old, exotic and authentic to good use.
Feb 05:32
TROUBETZKOY, NICK. Carving in Jade: Realizing a dream, one ‘sanctuary’ at a time.
Apr 07:36
TRUEHART, MICHAEL. Vinyl Lines: Custom aspirations with vinyl-liner pools.
Jan 07:58
TUCK, TRAVIS, Perry Wood and Mark Baker and Travis Tuck. All About the Water: Harmonizing with nature on the grandest of scales.
Apr 08:56
TYMIAK, ANDY. Cresting Waves: The art and craft behind artificial surf.
Oct 07:44
URBAN, MARK. Filling the Energy Gap: Envisioning pools as energy-saving dynamos.
Sep 01:34
VAN DE VOORDE, MICHELLE. The Graceful Dance: Balancing clients’needs with the designer’s passion.
Jul 05:58
VAN DER LINDE, DAMON, and Steven Peck. Green Horizons: Calling watershapers to join a rooftop revolution.
Nov 10:32 (Commentary)
VAN DUZER, CHET. Islands Afloat: Exploring realms of natural wonder.
Dec 05:40
VAN SETERS, RICHARD J. Floating Fascination: Exploring a bouyant watershaping specialty.
Jul 07:48

VAN SWEDEN, JAMES. A New American Garden: The art of watershaping at the very highest level.
Mar 05:52
VARICK, CLAYTON. Field of Streams: Imitating nature in a mountainous setting.
Jul/Aug 02:34
–– Natural Transitions: Bringing architecture together with nature.
Feb 04:28
VAUGHN, ROBERT. Southern Accents: Naturalistic watershapes that seem right at home.
Sep 07:34
WAGNER, JOHANNES H., and Eugene R. Bolinger. An Edge of Honor: Water, serenity and remembrance.
May 03:30
WALLOVER III, EDWIN M., and William R.B. McCullough. Where the Bison Swim: Designing an aquatic center for multiple functions.
Sep 03:52
WALTON, CHRIS. 21st-Century Drafting: Working CAD into the creative and operational mix.
Aug 00:44
WERNER, JERRY. Concrete Inevitabilities: On permeability and the need for waterproofing.
May 11:30
WEST, CLINT, and Leah Canon. Rendering a Visual Assist: Working with artists in the watershape-design process.
Dec 99:66
WHITE, PETER. Designs on Edge: Exploring options at the boundaries between water and landscape.
Feb 99:30
WHITEIS, DAVID. Shaping Bubbles: Big fun with rings rising through water.
Aug 08:42
WILDER, JIM. Eyes on the Skies: Steel, stone, water and a client’s stellar dream.
Sep 09:50
WILLIAMS, WALTER, and William Bennett. All the Right Angles: Stepping up to tackle a complex, artful project.
May 08:36
–– Builders’ Pride: Working on high to craft an awesome pool.
Jun 09:52
–– Solid Solutions: For clients who want pools – and ballrooms as well?
Jul 11:40
WILSON, MATT. Rock Talk: Realizing the potential of artifical stone.
Apr 09:38
WILSON, STEPHEN. Classic Lines: Clean contours, rich materials, great homes.
May 05:60
WINGET, RICHARD. Sculpted for Fun: Designs for the young – and young at heart.
Jun 01:26
WISE, CHARLES. Pioneer Pride: A Texas maverick and his leading-edge inclinations.
Jun 07:34
WISEMAN, KATE, and Keith Lowry. Moving in Styles: Finding a unique niche with client-driven designs.
Mar 07:36
WITTSTOCK, GREG. A Passion for Ponds: Making watergardens accessible in any setting.
Aug 99:48
WOLFF, LYNN,and John Copley. Cooling the Flock: Reshaping a church plaza’s fountain for fun and safety.
Oct 02:30
–– and John Copley. Covering the Traces: From urban eyesore to splendid public parks.
Apr 10:46
–– and John Copley. Little Amphibians: Bringing fun to a staid historic setting.
Jan 04:46
WOOD, PERRY,Mark Baker and Travis Tuck. All About the Water: Harmonizing with nature on the grandest of scales.
Apr 08:56
WOOTEN, DAVE. Riding a Golden Wave: Making magic for a Disney showcase.
Sep 06:30
YANKELITIS, TOM, James Garland and Ritesh Khetia. A Hit on the High Seas: Water, jets and acrobats on an open, shipboard stage.
Nov 10:60
YAVIS, RON. A True Cliffhanger: A custom approach to a vinyl-liner project.
Feb 03:44
YOGGY, GEORGE. The Elevated Game: An expert’s views on concrete standards.
Sep 09:44
ZARETSKY, BRUCE. Beyond Vision: Designing spaces for very special users.
May 03:42
–– A Garden Surprise: Squeezing Japanese touches into a Victorian setting.
May 01:44
–– The Making of a Great Wall: Tips on keeping slippery slopes up where they belong.
Jan 00:38
–– Walls of Stone: A look at dry-stacking from the inside out.
Apr 05:30
ZIGANN, BARBARA. Artistry in a Seashell: A surface material that puts waste to good use.
Mar 04:50
ZWEIGLE, TORY R. Walls of Wonder: An insider’s guide to a new world of water.
Feb 06:46