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WaterShapes eArchives Index

Please note: All of the issues listed below are available online, free of charge. Printed copies of many of these back issues are available for sale in the WaterShapes Store. Quantities are extremely limited! Clickherefor ordering information.


July 2011 (Vol. 13, No. 4)
Steve Sandalis on designing a showpiece pond for a small space; Jimmy Reed on exploiting the artistic potential of tile; William Bennett & Walter Williams on ballroom-floor-type covers for indoor pools; and Ben Dozier on a cantilevered pool with a ‘clear’ advantage.

May 2011 (Vol. 13, No. 3)
Steve Kenny on designing for great water quality; J.B. Werner on concrete permeability and waterproofing; Christopher Lines on working with classic details; and Jeffrey Boucher on reviving a historic pool with period accuracy.

March 2011 (Vol. 13, No. 2)
Fu-Tung Cheng on the potential of concrete as an artistic medium; Mark Holden on a park in which the watershapes reflect local history; and John Carlson on fooling the eye with artificial rockwork.

January 2011 (Vol. 13, No. 1)
Ed Beaulieu on one community’s approach to water management; Michael Mudrick & Elena Danke on the waterproofing of big marine exhibits; and James Robyn on the path to acceptance of ‘natural pools.’


December 2010 (Vol. 12, No. 9)
Resource Directory for 2011, including Supplier Directory, Product Table of Contents and Product Directory.

November 2010 (Vol. 12, No. 8)
Steven Peck & Damon van der Linde with a Commentary on watershaping and green roofs; Michael Percy on completing a spectacular, wall-to-wall project; William N. Rowley with an expert’s guide to building pools on high-rise rooftops; Tommy T. Cook on using giant leaf-castings as fountains; and James Garland, Tom Yankelitis and Ritesh Khetia on creating an open, shipboardstage for aquatic perfomances.

September/October 2010 (Vol. 12, No. 6)
Suzanne & Ron Dirsmith with an inside view of Chicago Botanic Garden; William Drakeley and Jeffrey Boucher on executing an intricately designed indoor pool; and Anthony Archer Wills on planning and installing a huge pond/stream project.

July/August 2010 (Vol. 12, No. 6)
Scott Cohen on designing outdoor kitchens; David Tisherman on finding the right photographer; Kevin Doud on working with fire features; and Kevin Ruddy on the process of designing indoor pools.

May/June 2010 (Vol. 12, No. 5)
Skip Phillips on poured-in-place concrete forpool construction; Patrick Simmsgeiger with a maintenance expert’s perspective on pond design; Randy Dukes on a consensus approach to starting plaster pools; and Thomas Lopez on restoring the pool at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin West.

April 2010 (Vol. 12, No. 4)
Anthony Archer Wills on keys to working at a grand scale; Paolo Benedetti on ancient Roman techniques for heating pools; Eric Herman on industrial water treatment; and Lynn Wolff & John Copley on Boston’s new waterfront parks.

March 2010 (Vol. 12, No. 3)
Anthony Archer Wills on designing a grand pond/stream system; Colleen Holmes on transforming a property with plants, stone and water; and Joan Roca on designing with simple forms for a resort in Costa Rica.

February 2010 (Vol. 12, No. 2)
Douglas Cook on geothermal energy and applications; Kris Kesler on using computers in watershape fabrication; Paolo Benedetti on safer, saner equipment pad layouts; and David L’Heureux on brightening urban centers with water and light.

January 2010 (Vol. 12. No. 1)
Peter Cattano on doing right by modest projects; Steve Sandalis on edges and visual transitions; Jeff Freeman on water-treatment technologies; and Kerry Friedman on CityGarden, St. Louis’ newest downtown park.


December 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 12)
Author Index, 2009; Article Topic Index, 2009; Column Indices, 2009; Supplier Directory; Product Table of Contents; Product Directory.

November 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 11)
Eric D. Groft on thinking locally in watershape design; Paolo Benedetti on setting skimmers for use with automatic covers; Sven Schunemann on the use of water’s unique rhythms; and David Tisherman on a luxurious lap pool.

October 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 10)
Timothy Rumph on working in protected spaces; Jamison C. Ori on client expectations for greener designs; Bruce Kania on research into ‘wetland effects’; and Aviram Muller with a call for greener approaches to watershaping.

September 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 9)
Ben Dozier & Michael Percy on a grand, wall-to-wall project; George Yoggy with an expert’s perspective on concrete standards; Jim Wilder on a watershape fit for the stars; and Rick Driemeyer on the inspiration to befound in national parks.

August 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 8)
Bob Dews on a pond made for pool-style use; Paolo Benedetti on proper designs for surge tanks; Stefan Kanetis & David Stone on a watershape that becomes a deck; and Mark Holden & Jim Bucklin on an artful project with a rapid timeline.

July 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 7)
Rick Driemeyer on creating watershapes to attract wildlife; Matt Doolin & Paul Doolin on the art of ceramic tile; Bob Harper on salt for pools; and Randy Beard on a deceptively simple watershape in a sublime setting.

June 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 6)
Anthony Archer Wills on designing water sources; William N. Rowley on the processes of historic renovation; Paolo Benedetti on methods for hiding spaside controls; and William Bennett & Walter Williams on a high-flying (but cost-conscious) project.

May 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 5)
Dave Garton on watershapes as living works of art; William Drakeley on shotcrete applications; Steven N. Blair on the medical value of aquatic exercise; and Michael Nantz on challenging sites and quirky clients.

April 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 4)
Bob Dews on front-yard waterfeatures; Paolo Benedetti on working with incompetent soil; Matt Wilson on the potential of artificial stone; and Sheri & Roger Soares II on using water in transit in special spaces.

March 2009 (Vol 11, No. 3)
Rick Laughlin on applying life’s lessons in design; Paolo Benedetti on hiding deck-construction joints; Simon Gardiner on new technologies for animating fountains; and Kathy Marosz on concluding an elaborate, multi-year project.

February 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 2)
Michael Batchelor & Andrey Berezowsky on glass sculptures and water; Kirk Butler on a stone supplier’s role in the creative process; Giorgos Eptaimeros on a small-scale backyard waterpark; and David Tisherman on colors, textures and visual impressions.

January 2009 (Vol. 11, No. 1)
James Atlas on completing a massive, multi-year project; Ed Beaulieu on rainwater harvesting; Aviram Muller on devising fountains for a Las Vegas show.


December 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 12)
Ten-year (1999-2008) article and topic indexes; ten-year (1999-2008) indexes for all columns; Resource Directory, with Supplier Directory, Product Table of Contents and Product Directory.

November 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 11)
Anthony Archer Wills on shaping formal ponds; Franco D’Ascanio on building for fun in the Florida Keys; David Tisherman on modern watershaping in an Old World style; and a Commentary from Ray Cronise on the use of drains in pools.

October 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 10)
Kirk Bianchi on blending water with desert architecture; William N. Rowley & Greg Cannon on revitailizing a neighborhood pool; John Gilbert Luebtow on making statements in glass and water; Robert Nonemaker on the watershapes at Longwood Gardens.

September 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 9)
Scott Murase on watershapes for a slender park; Alan Smith on the wonders of white plaster; Adrian R. Coles on garden accents and architectural features; Martin Mosko on shaping a high-altitude paradise.

August 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 8)
Josh Katz on a vinyl-liner lazy river; Larry Paulick on a country-club’s waterfeatures; David Whiteis on generating bubble rings; Colleen Holmes on doing a big front-yard project in a hurry.

July 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 7)
Randy Beard on water and sculpture; Bruce Becker on getting people into pools; Ed Beaulieu on ponds at Epcot; Kathy Marosz on large-scale residential hydraulics.

June 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 6)
The Joseph McCloskey Prizes for Anthony Archer Wills, William N. Rowley and David Tisherman; revisiting 20 previously published projects that define The Platinum Standard in watershaping.

May 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 5)
William Bennett & Walter Williams on an angular perimeter-overflow pool; Patricia Soto on a grand community pool complex; Ben Dozier on fusing diverse styles.

April 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 4)
Kathy Marosz on keeping up with a creative client; Robert Nonemaker on using rills; Perry Wood, Mark Baker & Travis Tuck on harmonizing a community with nature.

March 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 3)
Randy Beard on creating a watery playground; Greg Danskin on an architect’s perspective of watershaping; Anne Gunn on the power of watershaping; Steve Sandalis on realizing a client’s vision.

February 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 2)
Steve Mann on making music with water; Mike Gambino on lighting technology; James Atlas on early stages of a massive project.

January 2008 (Vol. 10, No. 1)
Jason Fragomeni on reviving a 1920s pool; Barbara Goldstein on swimming for health; Rainer Grafinger on ‘natural’ pools; Rick Driemeyer on intensely personalized design.


December 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 12)
Franco D’Ascanio on working with palms; David Peterson on the value of CAD standards; Steve Gutai on motor classifications; Rick Pendleton on using water curtains.

November 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 11)
Bill Goddard on an estate-scale project; Donovan Brown on mothods of client communication; David Long on artful artificial rockwork; Michael Denman on watershaping in the desert.

October 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 10)
Brian Van Bower on design collaboration; Andy Tymiak on designing wave pools; Raymond Jungles on the legacy of Roberto Burle Marx.

September 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 9)
Bob Vaughn on regionally appropriate design; Mike Gambino on landscape lighting; Mark Holden on communicating about water; Kevin Fleming on a thoroughly Modernist design.

August 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 8)
Melanie Mackenzie on total environmental design; Ron Lacher on wall failures; Belinda Stillwell on developing an aquatic-therapy facility; Stephen Pevnick on ‘writing’ with drops of water.

July 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 7)
Robert Bledsoe on market trailblazing; Joe Nolan on stone types and varieties; Richard J. Van Seters on grand floating fountains.

June 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 6)
Charles Wise on staying up to date; Alan Hochman on drama in stone and water; Mark Holden on watershaping terminology; Jim Robinson on using Eastern influences.

May 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 5)
Paolo Benedetti on finding great sources; Bruce Kania on microbes and water clarity; Phil Della Pietro on modular construction of vinyl-liner pools; Tim Krzeminski on growing ambition.

April 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 4)
Skip Phillips on organizing Jade Mountain; Nick Troubetskoy on envisioning Jade Mountain; Chris Barnes on building Jade Mountain’s pools; David Knox on accessorizing Jade Mountain’s watershapes.

March 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 3)
Kate Wiseman & Keith Lowry on client-driven design; Mark Holden on teaching about watershapes; Bill Goddard on grand-scale residential design.

February 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 2)
Anthony Archer Wills on using reflections; Bob Rush on working with an architect; Brett Herman with a poolside view of commercial design; John Cohen on pushing the creative envelope.

January 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 1)
Kerry Friedman on watershaping for the Missouri Botanical Garden; Michael Truehart on custom designs with vinyl liners; Roger Gariano on classic tile mosaics.


December 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 12)
Ken Alperstein on working in protected environments; Eric Herman on aquatic therapy; Jeff Castle on floating stone objects; Colleen Holmes on playful design.

November 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 11)
Dominic Shaw on culturally inspired design; Mark Holden & Donovan Brown on precise equipment pads; Steve Gutai on flows over weirs; David Tisherman on remodeling without demolition.

October 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 10)
David Garton on dertialing ponds and streams; Robert Nonemaker on joining design teams; Maria Lynch Dumoulin on classic replications; George Forni on reviving a dying lake.

September 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 9)
Dave Wooten on wave-making for Disney; John Mee on fog effects; Dale J. Evers on aquatic sculptures; David Tisherman on estate-scale design.

August 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 8)
John Cohen on client-oriented design; Ron Lacher on concrete step and bench failures; Judith Corona on using color theory; Steve Sandalis on stream and ponds on steep sites.

July 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 7)
Mark Holden on Spanish Colonial style; Paul L’Heureux & Douglas Duff on consumer-attracting watershapes; Cynthia & Gary Kinman on grand stage-setting.

June 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 6)
Roger Hopkins on stone and water; Beth Hamil on ozone systems for animal exhibits; David Knox on optical tile designs; William N. Rowley on reviving a Julia Morgan classic.

May 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 5)
Michael Nantz on designs for small spaces; Anthony Archer Wills on water clarity for ponds and streams; Skip Phillips on variable-speed pumps; Nate Reynolds on using acrylic panels.

April 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 4)
Claire Kahn Tuttle on the Columbus Cirle fountain; Randy & Martha Beard on the details of Mediterranean styling; Eric Herman on the Getty Villa.

March 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 3)
Joan Roca on modernist design in the tropics; Steve Gutai on hydraulics for complex watershapes; Karl Nettmann on designing fire features; Colleen Holmes on balancing design and personality.

February 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 2)
Frank Bowman on using consultants; Bill Gullekson & Chris Doyle on cultural echoes in watershaping; Tory R. Zweigle on water walsl; Steve Sandalis on passion with ponds and streams.

January 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 1)
Anne Gunn on floating-ball fountains; Janet Lennox Moyer on illuminating open spaces; Dan Moosman on bridges; David Tisherman on fine pool finishes.


December 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 12)
George Forni on curing serious water problems; Steve Gutai on hydraulic calculations; Chet Van Duzer on natural floating islands; Juan Roca on building pools in Costa Rica.

November 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 11)
Tim Eorgan on waterproofing; Nick Powell on textured ceramic tile; Ron Lacher & Aaron Cowan on imaging technology; Stephanie Rose on sculpture and watershapes.

October 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 10)
Stephen Hamelin on the dyanics of aquatic play; Suzanne & Ron Dirsmith on designing the Playboy Mansion pool; Michael Batchelor & Andrey Berezowsky on water and sculptural passion.

September 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 9)
Stephanie Rose on restoring tranquility; Dennis Haase on stone quarrying; Michael Gardner on water- test kits; Ken Alperstein on Old World styles.

August 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 8)
Anthony Archer Wills on edge treatments; Mark Holden on planned precision; Paolo Benedetti on water-in-transit geometry.

July 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 7)
Treadwell Jones on multi-generational appeal; Jeff Freeman on water-treatment technology; David Tisherman on classical influences; Michelle Van de Voorde on meeting clients’ desires.

June 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 6)
Mario Abaldo on hillside waterfalls; David Curt Morris on water sculptures; Scott Cohen on funfilled watershaping; Sheri & Roger Soares II on a water-filled desert oasis.

May 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 5)
Anthony Archer Wills on watergardening; Sergio Furnari on custom tile mosaics; Ron Lacher on factors in pool cracking; Stephen Wilson on pools as ‘inground sculptures.’

April 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 4)
Bruce Zaretsky on dry-stacked stone walls; Bruce Kania on floating-island systems; Larry O’Hearn on Chicago’s Crown Fountain.

March 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 3)
George Forni on chemical-free ponds; Janet Lennox Moyer on illuminating plants; James van Sweden on watershaping for the Chicago Botanic Garden.

February 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 2)
Daryl Toby on recycling materials and art; Jon Mitovich on rain curtains; Steve Gutai on backwashing basics; Randy & Martha Beard on projects with architect Mark Singer.

January 2005 (Vol. 7, No. 1)
Mehrnoosh on revamping small spaces; David Tisherman & Kevin Fleming on transforming an entrance; Jeff Freeman on water and concrete; Suzanne & Ron Dirsmith on creating a private paradise.


December 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 12)
Revisiting 25 previously published projects that define The Platinum Standard in watershaping.

November 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 11)
Mario Abaldo on grand-scale detailing; Jeff Freeman on water-chemistry ABCs; Michelle Griffoul on bold tile statements; Eamonn Hughes on naturalistic design.

October 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 10)
Philip diGiacomo & Mark Holden on watershaping’s role; Ed Grusheski on a river’s history; Richard Allen on integrated spaces.

September 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 9)
Mario Abaldo on a grand-scale vision; Steve Gutai on valves; Janet Lennox Moyer on principles of lighting water.

August 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 8)
Ron Bravo on Olympic-scale restoration; Ken Martin & Gerald Tester on water and music; Scott Sylvester on outsoor sound; Melanie Jauregui on clients and styles.

July 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 7)
Julie Brinkerhoff-Jacobs on model homes; Dominic Shaw on fountain ‘standards’; Paolo Benedetti on fortifying concrete; Mark Holden on Italy’s historic watershapes.

June 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 6)
Steve Dallons on a hilltop masterpiece; Jon Mitovich on the D-Day Memorial; David Slawson on Japanese inspiration.

May 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 5)
William N. Rowley on main-drain safety; Kerry Friedman & Mike Perkowski on revitalizing a St. Louis landmark; Les Ewen on purposeful restoration; Steve Dallons on high-wire watershaping.

April 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 4)
Cynthia Hayes on the spiritual side of design; Steve Gutai on jets for concrete spas; George Forni on huge-scale pond maintenance; Frederick L. Gregory on stone-and-water sculpture.

March 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 3)
David Curt Morris on kinetic sculpture; Peter Cattano on collaboration; Barbara Zigann on recycled coral; Derk Hebdon on water and settings for healing.

February 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 2)
Clayton Varick on nature and architecture; Randy & Martha Beard on working with architects; Paolo Benedetti on protecting stone; Steve Kaiser on grand-scale watershapes.

January 2004 (Vol. 6, No. 1)
Kevin Ruddy on enclosures; Lynn Wolff & John Copley on reviatizing a classic park; Ron Lacher on steel and concrete; George Forni on water quality for natural watershapes.


December 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 12)
Five-year (1999-2003) article and topic indexes; five-year (1999-2003) indexes for all columns.

November 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 11)
John Jennings & Jean Garbier on a resort waterpark; Dominic Shaw on roles of consultants; Mark Holden on carved stone; George Forni on periodsensitive renovation.

October 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 10)
Jon Mitovich on dry-deck fountains; Douglas Roth on liner issues; John Marckx & Scott Fleming on installing glass tile; Steve Oliver on blending water and sculptures.

September 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 9)
Derk Hebdon on nature-inspired stream design; Kevin Ruddy on indoor pools; Sean So on water in modernist sculpture; William R.B. McCullough and Edwin M. Wallover on designing a multi-finction aquatic facility

August 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 8)
Ross Miller on site-specific fountains; Steve Gutai on plumbing joints; Mark Holden on period-sensitive restoration.

July 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 7)
Bill Fintel on attracting birds; Ron Lacher on structural engineering; Suzanne & Ron Dirsmith on building for a special child; Ken Alperstein on golf course design.

June 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 6)
Anne Gunn on a folksy fountain; Steve Kuntz on water and wood; Mark Holden on classic tile; David Tisherman on watershaping for an art collector.

May 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 5)
Johannes H. Wagner & Eugene R. Bolinger on creating a war memorial; Jeff Freeman on hydraulic retrofitting; Bruce Zaretsky on sensory gardens; Richard Hansen on water/stone sculptures.

April 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 4)
Jane Shoplick on watershapes as teaching tools; Lou Downes on working with clients’ ideas; Steve Gutai on flow and line velocity; and Bobbie Schwartz on Mayan inspiration.

March 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 3)
Mike Fowler on watershapes for large marine mammals; Paul Benedetti on designing outdoor kitchens; Bob Dews on using planting pockets with ponds and streams

February 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 2)
Randy & Martha Beard on collaboration; Ron Yavis on custom vinyl-liner pools; Robert Jechart on developing a pool alarm; Jon Mitovich on Microsoft’s campus.

January 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 1)
Kevin Fleming on high-end ambitions; Steve Gutai on surge tanks; Glenn Harris on decorative interior finishes; Sandra Hasegawa Ingalls on symbolism in watershapes.


November/December 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 10)
Mark Holden on the Villa d’Este; Skip Phillips on water in transit; Rick Anderson on Chinese gardens; William Hobbs on Maya Lin’s watershapes.

October 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 9)
John Copley & Lynn Wolff on modernizing classic fountains; Paul L’Heureux on lighting water in motion; Lauchlin Bethune on imitating nature; David Tisherman on edgy colors.

September 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 8)
Janet Rosenberg & Glenn Herman on site-sensitive design; Bruce Riley on remodeling with artificial rock; Steve Gutai on filters; Suzanne & Ron Dirsmith on long-term design work.

July/August 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 7)
Clayton Varick on mountain-inspired waterfall design; G. Bruce Dunn on building quality into mid-range pools; and Mark Holden on completing a grand project.

June 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 6)
John J. Altorio on civic fountains; Steve Gutai on skimmers; Mike Heacox on the design/construction gap; Randy & Martha Beard on working with landscape architects.

May 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 5)
William Rowley & Scott Mackey on designing for varied needs; Rick Anderson on pond essentials; Pamela J. Pasotti on interactive waterplay; Ron Gibbons on ‘stellar’ fiberoptics.

April 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 4)
Steve Oliver on a multi-level, sculture-filled design; Jon Mitovich on translating designs into reality; Steve Gutai on pumps; Bob Dews on hiding a stream’s headwaters.

March 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 3)
Mark Holden on period-approriate design; Jim Morris on water in a massive sculptural composition; Paul L’Heureux on lighting for modern fountains.

February 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 2)
Kathy Marosz on project integration; E.J. Biernesser, Pete Biernesser & Mike Raible on restoring a lakeshore; TomMoneta on spa-edge details; Rafe Affleck on scupture and water.

January 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 1)
Skip Phillips on Hearst Castle’s watershapes; Brian Van Bower on the Raleigh Hotel pool; Douglas M. Roth on Katsura Rikyu.


November/December 2001 (Vol. 3, No. 9)
Curt Straub on Kansas City’s fountains; Jim McCloskey on the Getty Center; David Tisherman on Fallingwater.

October 2001 (Vol. 3, No. 8)
David Tisherman on exploiting hilltop views; Eric Dobbs on a whimsical fountain; Hal Hagen on natural stream work; Bobbie Schwartz on classic stonework (III).

September 2001 (Vol. 3, No. 7)
Pam Pasotti on interactive waterplay; Mark Urban on energy-saving pools; Greg Stoks on value-engineered watershapes; Jeff Rugg on pond basics (II).

July/August 2001 (Vol. 3, No. 6)
Bobbie Schwartz on classic stonework (II); Doug Ruthenberg on prefabricated perimeter overflows; John Stupfel on play-feature scaling; Jeff Rugg on pond basics (I).

June 2001 (Vol. 3, No. 5)
Richard Winget on fun-inspired waterforms; William Rowley & Patricia Soto on an indoor aquatic center; Mark Holden on survey formats; Bobbie Schwartz on classic stonework (I).

May 2001 (Vol. 3, No. 4)
Rosalind Reed on sculpture gardens; Paul L’Heureux on sequenced water; Bruce Zaretsky on care in mixing garden styles; Donald H. Brandes Jr. on restoring riverfronts.

April 2001 (Vol. 3, No. 3)
Melanie Jauregui on inspired clients; Suzanne & Ron Dirsmith on frosty fountains; Joe Nolan on the beauty of stone; David Tisherman on deluxe finishing.

March 2001 (Vol. 3, No. 2)
Tom Moneta & Mike Farley on site-specific design; Steven Knight on creating grand-scale fun; Paolo Benedetti on fiberoptics; Ken Alperstein on golfcourse water.

January/February 2001 (Vol. 3, No. 1)
Mark Holden on a retro-look design (I); Kevin Fleming on upscale approaches; Steve Gutai on pump technology; John Gilbert Leubtow on slumped-glass sculpture.


November/December 2000 (Vol. 2, No. 9)
Helena Arahute on John Lautner and watershaping; Paul L’Heureux on adding height to laminar flows; a pictorial on global projects; Paul Benedetti on using global positioning technology.

October 2000 (Vol. 2, No. 8)
Jim Lampl on classic pond/stream design principles; Barton Rubenstein on water in kinetic sculptures; Rick Anderson on detailing streams; Rodger Embury on artificial-rock panels.

September 2000 (Vol. 2, No. 7)
Keith Davitt on designing for small spaces; Erich Altvater on the importance of aeration; Curt Sraub on alternatives to litigation; Maria Hetzner on sheet falls.

August 2000 (Vol. 2, No. 6)
David Tisherman on the power of rectangles; Steve Lucas on watershaping for tigers; Chris Wilson on using CAD in design; Paul Ryan & E.C. Medley on using upright structures.

June/July 2000 (Vol. 2, No. 5)
Mark Holden on the history of fountain design; Rick Bibbero on using special rocks; Skip Phillips on designing and building his own pool; Rick Anderson on making streams work.

April/May 2000 (Vol. 2, No. 4)
Bobbie Schwartz on controlling garden access; Rick Anderson on streambeds; Joe Esser on modular steel pools; Michael Nantz on watershapes and architecture.

March 2000 (Vol. 2, No. 3)
Paul L’Heureux on international project management; Russell Penick on a multi-feature commercial project; Larry Long on steel cages; George Forni on installing and maintaining lakes.

February 2000 (Vol. 2, No. 2)
Mike Hersman on lighting design; Ken Macaire on faux-rock installations; Mike Gravenmeir on repairing cracks in concrete shells; Dan Andrews on glass mosaics.

January 2000 (Vol. 2, No. 1)
Ken Hart on pools for model homes; Jeff Horvath on interactive waterfeatures; Bruce Zaretsky on the art of building walls; Kirk Chapman on creativity with pool finishes.


December 1999 (Vol. 1, No. 6)
Elizabeth Navas Finley on Japanese gardens; Genesis 3 student-work review; a roundtable (David Tisherman, Richard Dube, Rick Anderson, Skip Phillips & Brian Van Bower) on pools and landscape design; ClintWest & Leah Canon on color rendering.

October 1999 (Vol. 1, No. 5)
Mark Holden on aquatic-design history; Jon Mitovich on dry-deck fountains; Curt Straub on conflict resolution; David Tisherman on site geometry.

August 1999 (Vol. 1, No. 4)
Rick Anderson on stream design; Holli Adams on community waterparks; Steve Gutai on spa hydraulics; Greg Wittstock on entry-level watergardens.

June 1999 (Vol. 1, No. 3)
Skip Phillips on working with water levels; Larry Parmelee & Wayne Schick on soils and geology; Rick Anderson on stream sounds; Greg Garrett on modern plaster; Steve Lucas on restoring a classic pool.

April 1999 (Vol. 1, No. 2)
Roger Hopkins on creativity with stone; Michael Nantz on signature watershapes; Fred Hare on hydraulic design; Curt Straub on shell curing; David Tisherman on sahping a great pool.

February 1999 (Vol. 1, No. 1)
David Tisherman on working in difficult soils; Peter White on edge treatments; Ben Dixon on twisting waterfalls; Ron Lacher on expansive soils.

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