Good Aerations
As the watershaping industry gets more involved with naturalistic bodies of water - particularly large ponds, lakes and streams intended to harbor life in the forms of aquatic plants and fish - it becomes increasingly worthwhile to understand the important role of proper aeration. Aeration is a simple process involving the injection of dissolved oxygen (DO) into water.  Nature aerates by way of things such as waterfalls and rain - activities we must imitate by mechanical means in our man-made settings if fish are to be healthy and a host of water-quality problems are
Small Wonders
Just as every garden should reflect the aesthetic values of its owners and accommodate their lifestyle preferences, so too every watershape should reflect the nature, purpose and "meaning" of the garden it inhabits. If it's a Victorian garden, then the watershape should be of similar style - perhaps a blend of formal and natural elements with stone or brick accents.  If the theme is "wild, romantic tangle," then cascades, blossom-laden pools and rambling roses may be in order.  For its part, a simple, paved court may call for a
A Productive Rivalry
There is no doubt about it - during the later years of the 19th Century, Thomas Edison was "Mr. Electric" in this country, and the electricity he promoted was direct current (DC).  Last month, we took a look at the shortcomings of his DC system versus the alternating current (AC) distribution system that now serves us all so well.  Now let's take a look at the personalities involved. In 1876, using
When Fall’s in the Air
As fall looms before us, it's timely to consider a question that should be a factor in every design we prepare:  To drop or not to drop? This question is a good one to ask before you start planning and has to do with how much natural debris your clients will be willing to fish out of their watershapes once you're gone.  In other words, while it's always important to decide what style of plants to put around your watershapes, it's also important to think about types - that is, evergreen vs. deciduous.   I'm sure most (if not all) of you are aware of the general distinction, but here's a short
Bringing Visions to Life
I remember several years ago, back before it was really fashionable to build completely naturalistic pools, that I decided this was exactly what I wanted to do.  This was in the very early 80s, when you'd see maybe some rocks on the bond beam or a waterfall on the end of the pool - but that was about as natural as it got back then. My new idea was to create environments that were completely natural, stem to stern.  I tried presenting the concept to a number of potential clients, explaining how we could do things like angle the top of the pool and install rocks all around the edge and create natural
Blissful Visions
For as long as I can remember, I've fantasized about owning my own swimming pool. I suppose such daydreams are the natural
The Art of the Rectangle
This really wasn't a job for the timid. The ground was unstable, access was limited, and the customer could afford to make massive changes along the way.  Other than that, of course, the project was a piece of cake. The truth is, I enjoy a good challenge.  People who know me well are aware that I revel in tackling jobs that test my mettle - and this was definitely one of those cases. Ultimately, it turned out to be one of the most satisfying and beautiful projects I've been involved with in a long while. The site is located on
21st-Century Drafting
As watershapers, we can look at the rest of the architectural world and see that every other genre is benefiting more than we are from computers. Bridge builders and skyscraper architects use computers to do everything from the simulated testing of three-dimensional structural models to the generation of detailed blueprints to be used on site.  Even the designers of modest housing developments are now using computers to conduct 3-D virtual tours for prospective homebuyers and in specifying floor plans and
Wild for Tigers
Believe it or not, I became involved with this project because my nine-year-old daughter, Savannah, plays tackle football.  I was watching one of her games when I overheard a teammate's father talking about a renovation at the Palm Beach Zoo.   Joining the conversation, I learned that he owned a general contracting company that builds large commercial projects and that he'd been hired to renovate the zoo's parking lot and utility infrastructure and build an exhibit facility for two Bengal tigers.  It was, he told me, the first phase of a long-term plan to upgrade the zoo at Dreher Park, a complex that also includes a planetarium and a museum. The work at the zoo, he said, was one phase of an effort by the city to create a quality facility that ultimately could serve as a low-cost alternative to Orlando's theme parks.  As part of the project, my new friend's firm also was acting as general contractor in the construction of a new tiger pen, the first of a series of new display areas planned for the modest zoo. When he talked about the watershapes involved, I jumped:  The design
Alternating and Direct
We're all advised to change the batteries in our smoke detectors once each year. This is truly good and affordable advice, and most of us are happy to comply. If you were to decide on a whim to replace all of the batteries in all of your battery-powered appliances or other devices that incorporate battery backup in their design on that mandated day, however, you might find the number of replacements surprising, the day a long one and the