Life Aquatic

– interesting things people do in and around water

For the Love of Sea Turtles
Are sea turtles medicine? To survive, sea turtles need our help and are the perfect group of animals for Wildlife Conservation Therapy, which helps us in return, explained the late Wallace J. Nichols in this widely read essay on the importance of sea turtles. ...
Nature Made by Design
According to pond specialist, Larry Carnes, in order to mimic nature when designing and building ponds, waterfalls and streams, the process involves a comprehensive understanding of geological principles, the plant kingdom, water treatment, and how to avoid telltale mistakes. ...
Mosaics of Experience
What started out as an Italy trip devoted to the pursuit of fine food and wine, Lea and George Frederick, wound up deeply imbibing in the world of mosaic art at a remarkable facility in Vincenza. Here they share a slice of travelogue and images that point to the remarkable possibilities of artistically arranged bits of glass tile.   ...
Durable for Dolphins
When it came time to install the interior surface at a Florida dolphin facility, Cameron Rhodes turned to a relatively new spray-on treatment designed to enhance plaster durability – a move that prevented damage from a desperate and highly unusual measure during the filling process.  ...
Poolside Perspectives Podcast Comes Online
Veteran watershapers Kevin Woodhurst and Mike Farley are teaming up for a new podcast targeting consumers with an eye toward elevating the industry’s public image. Titled Poolside Perspectives, the weekly podcast will feature in-depth interviews, valuable information and more. ...
Peace & Pleasure at the Water’s Edge
Working for one of the leading pond suppliers and builders in the U.S., Jennifer Zuri has seen countless examples of beautiful, naturalistic watershapes. When it came time to installing a pond for her and her family, even with all her experience, she wasn’t completely prepared for the positive impact it would have on their lives. ...
New World Horizons
For Joan Roca, coming to America from Central America was the result of professional evolution and a process of personal growth, all of which led him to a new home in Florida, and a much bigger and more demanding watershape market. As a watershape designer, he explains, the U.S. offered the best opportunity to pursue his highest creative ambitions. ...
The Hidden Wonder of Abiqua Creek
Time spent in the company of natural waters can become an obsession, and those experiences can fuel the creative spirit with inspiration and endless “design” ideas. Here Eric Herman recalls a day trip to a place in Oregon that stands as a perfect example of the serendipity of days devoed to seeking hidden wonders. ...
Oceans of Therapy
While most people are familiar with the pleasure and excitement of time spent in the company of seas and oceans, far fewer are aware that seawater and its constituents have a long history of specific therapeutic benefits, and have led to an entire category of luxurious and healthful spa treatments – with a very fancy name. ...
Blistering Ocean Temps Break Records
The water temperatures of the world’s oceans are rapidly on the rise. The result of elevating atmospheric carbon dioxide levels that are causing a host of extreme weather conditions the world over. Ocean-temperature rise is accelerating at unprecedented rates with a host of serious possible ramifications in its wake. ...