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Michael Phelps Doesn't Want Anyone to Compare Him to . . .
Ugh! Video of Blood-and-Guts Food Fight in a Swimming Pool
Ugh! Video of Blood-and-Guts Food Fight in a Swimming Pool
Compiled and written by Lenny Giteck Israel and Its Athletes Discriminated Against at Swimming World Cup
Compiled and written by Lenny Giteck Israel and Its Athletes Discriminated Against at Swimming World Cup
It's that time of year again, planning for Thanksgiving and family fun on the one hand while simultaneously getting ready for the International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo and an altogether different sort of family fun on the other. For the former, we'll have an unusually full house this year, with both of my brothers and at least one and possibly two of my three sisters here with their families and significant others in tow. I'd like to think they're coming to see how their brother, a vegetarian for 40 years, does in preparing
It's that time of year again, planning for Thanksgiving and family fun on the one hand while simultaneously getting ready for the International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo and an altogether different sort of family fun on the other. For the former, we'll have an unusually full house this year, with both of my brothers and at least one and possibly two of my three sisters here with their families and significant others in tow. I'd like to think they're coming to see how their brother, a vegetarian for 40 years, does in preparing