Professional Watershaping

Indoor Water & Air Quality (part I)
Indoor pools, known as natatoriums, are notorious for bad air quality. These facilities are unique in the world of design, construction and maintenance because they contain open bodies of water. In this two-part series, Eric Knight describes the basic framework for maintaining quality water and air in these special aquatic spaces.  ...
Cold Weather Fountain Care
While comprehensive maintenance implemented by skilled service professionals is always imperative, as fountain expert Jerry West explains, preventive care is especially critical in the colder months when damage from ice can destroy even the best-designed and installed fountain systems.  ...
WU Roars into 2023
Watershape University is stepping forward with a palette of educational offerings at three major industry events in Atlantic City, Houston and Colorado Springs – marking the beginning of WU’s strongest year yet.   ...
Pivoting to Renovations
During times of economic strife, many watershapers have kept financial pace by focusing on renovations rather than new construction. Is it time to again start thinking in that direction given current uncertain economic conditions? Industry veteran Brett Lloyd Abbott believes so, and has advice about making a tactical shift in messaging. ...
The Vermiculite Touch
In the world of concrete, vermiculite is in some ways an unusual material – a lightweight aggregate that creates a durable and ultra-smooth substrate for vinyl liner pool. (It’s also widely used as a soil amendment in agriculture.) Phoenix B. Owens has been using it in his pools for decades, and believe with the right touch, vermiculite is a perfect choice. ...
Power of Personal Connections
Watershape University prioritizes live events. There is simply no substitute for spending time in person with like-minded industry professionals. WU will be on hand at the upcoming International | Pool | Spa | Patio and Deck Expo in Las Vegas, Nov. 12-17, to not only provide top-flight education, but also spend time with friends, old and new. ...
Concrete Cancer III (a perfect storm)
As Paolo Benedetti explains in this conclusion to his series on Alkali Silica Reaction, although the problem can be avoided with basic and well-known precautionary measures, it is almost impossible to cure once the it starts. The business implications are grim for watershapers who are caught unaware. ...
Conservation by Example
Despite some of the driest weather on the planet, Israel has become a “water superpower.” The desert nation has for decades led the world in water conservation, infrastructure and resource development – lessons that could potentially have a significant impact in other drought-stricken regions. ...
Informed Vigilance
Are dark clouds gathering on the economic horizon? Many people think so, and are feeling that way with growing frequency and deepening levels of concern. As Eric Herman points out, based on past experience in periods of looming financial strife, this is the time to plan for a changing business landscape. ...
Expo Education at a Glance
The watershaping industry will gather at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the International Pool | Spa | Patio and Deck Expo, Nov. 12-17. Watershape University will be on hand to elevate industry professionals with its unique brand of topflight education. ...