Article Title
The notion that water can be used to treat physical problems and conditions is not new. In fact, when you study the history of watershaping and aquatic design, one of the first things you learn is that the ancient Romans might actually have had a better grip on the healing and nurturing powers of water than we ever will. ...
Detail A802: Vanishing Edge Perspectives
Movement is one of the foundational principles of design. That doesn't mean necessarily moving through space in the literal sense, but the way design can pull your attention and your eyes to certain elements. Vanishing edges, as Dave Peterson explains, are a compelling source of movement -- drawing our eyes across a reflective surface to another space beyond.
The True Value of Sea Turtles
In his campaign to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of an aquatic lifestyle, Dr. Wallace J. Nichols has declared 2021 "A Year of Blue Mind." Each day he publishes a different Blue Mind-related item on his Patreon page. This wonderful essay was published on day 23.
The Grass Menagerie
Despite water usage concerns, grass remains a mainstay in both commercial and residential landscapes. Working with grass, explains Mike Logsdon, usually requires some level of moderation and a knack for knowing how to ply the multitudinous types of grasses for the greatest effect, based on client expectations and anticipated grassy needs. 
Art of the Angle
Most people probably don't think of geometry as being "cool." While studying points, planes, protractors and the Pythagorean theorem may not have seemed like any fun back in high school, when you use the mathematics of form to create a beautiful hillside watershape, lines and angles become far more interesting. 
Collecting & Using Survey Data
No matter how sophisticated your design software, it’s not worth much without accurate site data,…
Accurate Estimating Support
Failure to accurately estimate and price projects is a common and costly misstep. Because reliable…
Battle for the Grandkids
As we grow older, and our children have children, there's a powerful desire to spend time with younger family members. Savvy grandparents know that one way you can make that happen is to have an at-home environment that kids can't resist.
Fighting Thirst
Solving world-wide water supply problems might just come down answering complex materials science questions on the molecular level. According to new research, life-saving breakthroughs in the desalination process may be possible by way of understanding the way water moves through reverse-osmosis membranes.
Detail: A171 (One Step Closer)
Vertical dimensions in floating steps can be critical to walking safety. In our last Beneath the Surface Detail, we coordinated the human stride to basic step geometry in a plan view, now Dave Peterson takes it one step further and looks at this detail from a different angle: an elevation view.