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Setting up equipment areas for efficiency and serviceability stands as one of the top priorities during the planning and construction process, explains Kevin Cobabe. Getting it right means first devoting enough space for the equipment set, an important consideration that is often over looked.
Civil engineer, Jerome Licata was interested in having a swimming pool installed at his home when he decided to try something new. He found a stay-in-place formwork system as a convenient way to create a concrete-reinforced pool structure.
Unfolding during the heart of the pandemic, this beautiful remodel in the fabled Hollywood Hills gave JC Escudero an opportunity to work his renovation magic in a truly breathtaking and vintage setting. The result is a pool area that celebrates both the view and the property’s mid-century design.
As design and construction become ever more dependent on sharing accurate information among project team members, the Revit platform has come to represent the state-of-the-art in modeling and plan-sharing software platforms. Here Rick Chafey shares his company’s journey using the program, and its broad implications.
Watershape University is set to roll into Atlantic City, NJ, for the 2023 edition of The Pool & Spa Show with a dynamic slate of courses emphasizing essential information for builders and subcontractors, with a number of advanced courses on tap, as well.
With the introduction of its SplashValve, manufacturer SplashBotix believes the device has the potential to revolutionize the way show fountains and interactive water features are designed. In this Q&A discussion, Ronn Garland, the company’s program director and the valve’s creator, explains how it works.
When it came time to install the interior surface at a Florida dolphin facility, Cameron Rhodes turned to a relatively new spray-on treatment designed to enhance plaster durability – a move that prevented damage from a desperate and highly unusual measure during the filling process.
Protecting its most beautiful waters and landscapes is a cultural priority seen as a civic responsibility in New Zealand. One example can be found in a shimmering body of water known as Te Waikoporopupu Springs, which stands among the island nation’s dreamlike places that are being treasured and preserved for future generations – and a great reason to visit.
The nature of concrete-based materials dictates the risk of contact with acidic solutions. In this “white paper” on the subject, industry educators, Paolo Benedetti and Jon Temple offer a bold reasoning for turning away from long-practices that expose plaster to acidic water.
Working in Water