Cascades of Destiny
While sorting through family photos for a personal project a few weeks back, I came across a computer folder filled with images I’d taken the last time I visited my sister in Washington, D.C. It had been a blustery, damp day and none of the shots I took was particularly good, but they brought back fond memories of
Ripples #43
Compiled and Written by Lenny Giteck   New Way to Make Pools Green: Fill Them Up with Apple’s Billions!
Positive Potentials
I don’t think I could be more pleased. After I wrote about the emergence of Artistic Resources & Training (ART) a few weeks back, I reported on a number of conversations I’d had with people who said I’d been unfair to Genesis 3 and had
Reaching for Permanence
The approach I took to this five-part series of articles on dry-stacked stone walls was a bit out of order – and I did it that way for a reason. If you’ll recall, in the last article I set aside any discussion of the drainage issues involved in stacking these walls. I did so both because it
The Great Bobcat Race
For a long time now, I’ve specialized in working with upscale clients along the coast of Orange County, Calif., a place where access is often restricted and where construction can honestly be described as challenging – lots of hilltop work above steep, fragile slopes. My history
Hiding the ‘Uglies’
Beyond their ability to hold and circulate water, virtually all concrete watershapes have one more thing in common: Depending upon the size and complexity of the installation, their internal surfaces must be penetrated at a few points (and sometimes at many points) to move water from the
Test Your Knowledge #31
Man Sneaks into Celebrity's HomeIn the Hamptons, Swims in Pool
From the Beginning
‘Why isn’t the appropriate use of water a defining, central component in the education of landscape architects?’ That’s how Mark Holden began a series of articles called “Future Class” in the March 2007 edition of WaterShapes. He continued: ‘That question has rattled around in my head for a long, long time, basically because it has no adequate or satisfactory
A Fresh Approach to Plaster Colors
Interview by Jim McCloskey In his role in developing business for Olympic Pool Plastering of Norcross, Ga., Shawn Still has spent a lot of time in front of classrooms for trade groups, including the National Plasterers Council, the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals and Genesis 3. His next educational venture, in which he partners with Shawn Hayes of Delta Performance Products (Covington, Ga.) to teach “ART: The Color of Water,” will be part of the first-ever weekend of
Ripples #42
Compiled and written by Lenny Giteck   Vanilla Ice Rips Out ‘Rotten’ Pool, Replaces It with New One