Professional Watershaping

Generations Rising
The concept of the “middle class” pool has changed, dramatically so in some ways, largely due to a set of generational and economic shifts that are directly impacting watershape designers and builders. Success in today’s market, says JC Escudero, means understanding the values and motivations of younger consumers, and the world in which they live.   ...
S409: Stainless Steel Wall Detail
For situations where space is tight, turning to stainless steel basins can be the best call, explains Dave Peterson. This structural wall detail can also be used to make a clean aesthetic statement, by bringing the water right up to surrounding hardscape.    ...
The Frothy History of pH
For anyone working with water chemistry, the pH scale is key to understanding a range of factors, from mineral saturation to the effectiveness of chlorine. It is essential to understanding water as the so-called “universal solvent” and the management of watershapes of all types. What many may not realize, however, is that this all-important chemical convention resulted from experimentation with beer. ...
D301: Fire-Fighting Hydrant Detail
As wild fires increase with frequency and intensity year after year, the idea of using swimming pool water to fight fires is gaining ground with many homeowners and general contractors. This simple detail enables firefighters to quickly access water that would otherwise be unavailable when it could be needed most. ...
Elite Instruction
Watershape University encompasses a range of educational ideals and attributes that we believe set us apart from other educational resources focused on constructing swimming pools and other types of decorative and recreational water. We take pride in working to be the best at helping others raise their sights and up their game. ...
Myth of the Long Ranger
Although watershapers are well-known for independence and sometimes almost fierce individualism, the art and craft of creating aquatic spaces is virtually always a collaborative effort. That’s why, says Kurt Kraisinger, shelving the myth of the Lone Ranger and embracing teamwork is critical to success ...
Admiring Japanese Garden Design
The tradition of Japanese Gardening has been inspiring designers for centuries. As Eric Herman points out, it’s equal parts philosophy and technique that is aimed at representing and celebrating nature – a set of ideas and disciplines that can deeply influence watershapers who take time to explore these spaces with an open mind and an open heart. ...
WU Rocks the Jersey Shore
The Wolfpack starts off ’22 with a successful campaign in Atlantic city, where despite concerns about weather and the pandemic, managed to draw an eager crowd that filled exhibit aisles and seminar rooms. With a full slate of upcoming events Watershape University and fresh classes in development is poised to deliver top-shelf education to a waiting industry. ...
Finding the Passion for Pools
CAD specialist, Jeff Greene, 25, made a decision to dive head-long into the watershaping industry and is now developing a career supporting builders with architectural and technical renderings, even though he initially had little idea what building pools was all about. ...
The Treatment Power Trio
In his pursuit of delivering “gourmet water” for his clients, Steve Kenny turns to the powerful combination of ozone, UV and low levels of chlorine whenever possible. Doing so, he says, creates synergies that cannot be achieved using the technologies separately. The result is superior water quality that thrills his clients who invest in the combined treatment methods.  ...