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The sound of moving water is universally appealing, be it in nature or built environments. As editor Eric Herman points out here, using sound in a deliberate and thoughtful way, adds a vibrant dimension to the aquatic environment and ultimately the client experience, one that they may not have fully anticipated.
CAD specialist, Jeff Greene, 25, made a decision to dive head-long into the watershaping industry and is now developing a career supporting builders with architectural and technical renderings, even though he initially had little idea what building pools was all about.
In his pursuit of delivering “gourmet water” for his clients, Steve Kenny turns to the powerful combination of ozone, UV and low levels of chlorine whenever possible. Doing so, he says, creates synergies that cannot be achieved using the technologies separately. The result is superior water quality that thrills his clients who invest in the combined treatment methods.
For many watershapers, plants are a mere afterthought. That’s a mistake, says “garden artisan” Scott Cohen. He takes the opposite approach by embracing planted areas as one of the primary design elements in all of his company’s projects. Doing so, he explains here, reduces liability, increases project control and opens up myriad design possibilities.
Marilyn Monroe’s legacy has a new home in a plaza directly adjacent the recently dedicated Downtown Park in Palm Springs, Calif. It’s a beautiful park with an ingenious design that blends modernism of the fabled resort city, while harmonizing with the desert environment. It also features a truly beautiful and inventive watershape.
Joan Roca has designed and built pools in some of the most beautiful locations in the Western Hemisphere, each conceived to harmonize and enhance their surroundings. For all of his years of watershaping mastery, there’s something about this subtle pool on a wooded hillside in Panama that stands out.
While lawsuits and expert witnessing has become an unfortunate cottage industry for the watershaping industry, long-time mediator and watershaper, Curt Straub, urges professionals and their clients to think in terms of “alternative dispute resolution” methods ahead of turning to civil court action. Doing so, he says, saves time, money and frustration.
As the New Year dawns and uncertainty remains, the big questions about the future far outweigh the answers. While editor Eric Herman freely admits that his own crystal ball has been on the fritz for the past two years -- as he points out -- knowing what we don’t know, as well as what we do, has value in assessing the road ahead.
We all know that water is essential to life, but do we know why, or to what extent the presence of water influences living organisms. Here Eric Herman shares insights found in an amazing and venerable text written in the 1960s known as “The Sensitive Chaos” a treatise on the influence of water that touches all aspects of biological science, as well as geology and weather patterns.
The Magnificent Mighty Mo