Landscape, Plants, Hardscape & Decks

Coping Skills
Your clients are thrilled with your pool design - with one exception.  It may be set up to withstand a 9.0 earthquake, but with all that decking and concrete, it resembles a bomb shelter.  Apparently while you were working with the client's desire for seismic durability in mind, you lost sight of their additional desire for soft, rolling meadows. I exaggerate here to make a point:  Too many watershapers are reluctant to
Making More of a Good Thing
By repeating something from one place in the yard to another, you tie everything together - and expand upon an idea that has already worked somewhere else in that yard. With landscaping, this doesn't always have to mean plants.  When you find something that works and you like it, why not stick with it? Last month, I told you how we turned a small wasteland into an indoor oasis for one of my clients.  When we were finished with the project, the clients were
Creating Good Impressions
  The most important use of faux rock is to make a geological statement - to provide an important accent or focal point in a landscape where none exists.  My goal is to create rock formations that complement and enhance the natural setting and fit in harmoniously with their surroundings. That's a point builders who use artificial rock sometimes fail to grasp.  They'll execute an ambitious scheme with lots of interesting, well-crafted rockwork, but it ultimately looks unnatural because the rocks they've created have no logical relationship to any indigenous formations or anything else in the surrounding space. I approach things in a different way - one that embraces the site and all of its features.  I select, form and install faux rocks that, together, create interesting and beautiful statements in the overall landscape design.  As I work, I make my installations to stand up to the question, "Is this rock formation
Small Solutions
What do you do with a space that seems too small for a watershape and too small for plantings?   The answer:  Think small.  You don't have to compromise on style or substance, but simply by thinking on a smaller scale, you'll open up a lot of possibilities you might not have considered. About three years ago, for example, I was brought in on a job to do a quick fix for a very small but prominent area of a client's yard.  The homeowner wanted to completely rework the entire property, but it was clear there was a lot of other work to do first. The quick fix went very well and the clients were pleased, so they asked me to
The Making of a Great Wall
Retaining walls are used for one simple reason:  to hold something back.  Whether you need to terrace down to a lower yard, hold up a house on a hillside lot or provide a level area for watershape installation, these walls are indispensable when you lack the room needed to grade a sloped area gradually. Of course, this notion of holding back the forces of ground movement is no small challenge, and proper engineering and construction are critical.  Do the job well, and a retaining wall will hold up indefinitely.  But if you cut corners or
A Tropical Oasis
When we think of water, much of the time we think of a tropical scene - Hawaii, the Caribbean or some other exotic island somewhere - a place we'd all like to go.   Why not create that "somewhere else" in your clients' backyards?  They'll thank you for all the money you'll save them on that cruise that probably would have been less than perfect anyway.  And this tropical scene will be one they can enjoy not only this week, but for as long as they want. Imagine palm trees swaying in the wind, the sweet smell of
What About Roses?
Let's say your clients have spent all their loose change on your watershape and can't afford to hire a landscape designer or architect.  They don't even want to meet that wonderful person you've been telling them about.  So why not suggest a few plants that will really spiff up their new backyard Niagara Falls?   If you're brave enough to try, I'll help you here and in a couple of future columns.  Let's start by talking about
A Style to Call Her Own
I've had the pleasure over the past few years of working with a client who ultimately has become a good friend - and with whom I created a very unique garden.  The process of designing the space was lengthy, but it afforded me time to truly understand my client and her wants.   As we progressed, many issues arose that needed to be addressed; over time and at many points, patience was indeed a virtue.  Her yard had existing structures as well as large Eucalyptus, Pittosporum and Chorisia trees and other plantings along with
Searching for Style
Among the most complicated tasks you'll encounter in designing a watershape is determining your clients' style and how it applies to the project. How important is it to know what style they want?  That's a complicated
Size Does Matter
Surely you've heard this line before and never believed it, but I'm here to tell you that size does matter. Have you ever, for example, built a pond or fountain with concrete either surrounding it or fanning out from it beneath the soil - and then had your clients say they wanted a very mature tree or shrub planted right up against the edge?  There you are with six inches of soil (maximum!) to work with, and there's just no way to