Please note: All of the issues listed below are available online, free of charge. Printed copies of many of these back issues are available for sale in the WaterShapes Store. Quantities are extremely limited! Clickherefor ordering information.
November/December 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 10)
Mark Holden on the Villa d’Este; Skip Phillips on water in transit; Rick Anderson on Chinese gardens; William Hobbs on Maya Lin’s watershapes.
October 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 9)
John Copley & Lynn Wolff on modernizing classic fountains; Paul L’Heureux on lighting water in motion; Lauchlin Bethune on imitating nature; David Tisherman on edgy colors.
September 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 8)
Janet Rosenberg & Glenn Herman on site-sensitive design; Bruce Riley on remodeling with artificial rock; Steve Gutai on filters; Suzanne & Ron Dirsmith on long-term design work.
July/August 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 7)
Clayton Varick on mountain-inspired waterfall design; G. Bruce Dunn on building quality into mid-range pools; and Mark Holden on completing a grand project.
June 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 6)
John J. Altorio on civic fountains; Steve Gutai on skimmers; Mike Heacox on the design/construction gap; Randy & Martha Beard on working with landscape architects.
May 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 5)
William Rowley & Scott Mackey on designing for varied needs; Rick Anderson on pond essentials; Pamela J. Pasotti on interactive waterplay; Ron Gibbons on ‘stellar’ fiberoptics.
April 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 4)
Steve Oliver on a multi-level, sculture-filled design; Jon Mitovich on translating designs into reality; Steve Gutai on pumps; Bob Dews on hiding a stream’s headwaters.
March 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 3)
Mark Holden on period-approriate design; Jim Morris on water in a massive sculptural composition; Paul L’Heureux on lighting for modern fountains.
February 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 2)
Kathy Marosz on project integration; E.J. Biernesser, Pete Biernesser & Mike Raible on restoring a lakeshore; TomMoneta on spa-edge details; Rafe Affleck on scupture and water.
January 2002 (Vol. 4, No. 1)
Skip Phillips on Hearst Castle’s watershapes; Brian Van Bower on the Raleigh Hotel pool; Douglas M. Roth on Katsura Rikyu mySpace