
Miles of Tiles
I know I've quoted or paraphrased Ernest Hemingway on this point before, but it bears repeating once again:  Anything that was ever any good, you pay for.   I'd go so far to say I've based my entire business philosophy on that basic idea.  For one thing, there's an essential truth to what he's saying.  For another, I see its clear application to watershaping on a variety of levels - particularly when it comes to the materials we use in creating our "art."  Indeed, a huge part of giving clients the unique elegance and beauty they so often crave involves understanding and appreciating
Water in Sculpture
I'm particularly interested in the behavior of water. To me as a sculptor, differing water flows and their textures are like "colors" to a painter:  I find a color that holds meaning for me and then look for a structural form that can present it.  To this extent, my artistic medium is the behavior of water and the means to make it behave.  The sculpture in this case is water combined with a structure in steel, stone and equipment. The work is abstract:  abstractions of feelings related to the movement of people, animals, fish and the flows of water in streams, rivers, rain - even the flow of numbers.  As a result, I need metaphors and feelings to drive my creative expressions, then use water and other sculptural elements in much the same way a choreographer might use line and gesture to express a feeling or a composer will use chord changes and musical phrasing.   My hope is that, in creating forms that are meaningful to me, other
On Contracts
It'd be great if we all lived in a world where a handshake was sufficient to seal a deal and no legal documents were needed.  Unfortunately, however, we live in a society in which contracts are a necessity for most of us in business. When I first started out, I took on jobs without signed contracts, and for the first few years I didn't run into any problems.  As I moved into higher-dollar projects, however, I developed a quick appreciation for the value of a contract when a client refused to pay for my services as we'd verbally agreed he would.  Although I realize there are people out there who run strong, successful businesses without a need for contracts and rarely run into problems, for most of us I believe it is a critical component of every job. The purpose of any contract is to
Walls of Stone
As a landscape designer and installer, I have an abiding fascination with stone.   I love the feel of it and its myriad colors, veins, streaks, shapes and textures, and I particularly admire its strength and flexibility.  We pave with it, sculpt it and run water over, under and through it.  It doesn't need painting or much care, looks great with plant material and has, as those who work with stone will point out, a timeless quality that cannot be reproduced with artificial materials. The best thing about stone is that when you use even one piece in an aesthetically meaningful way, you've
Backwashing Basics
Backwash valves are the unsung heroes of many a fine hydraulic system.  Seldom considered other than when in use, these handy devices simplify filter maintenance, significantly extend filter cycles and even serve to stretch the service lives of a filter’s internal components.  Ensuring that level of reliable performance, says hydraulics expert Steve Gutai, is a matter of understanding the role these valves play and selecting the right one for the given application. Backwash valves are simple in concept:  They reverse the flow of water through a filter and, in so doing, dislodge dirt and debris that has built up on the surface of and in the filter medium. This procedure has a couple of key benefits in both sand and diatomaceous-earth filters:  First, it improves filter performance by breaking up and flushing out the near-solid cakes of dirt and oil particles that build up in the media over time.  Second, it prolongs filter cycles and extends the time between major (and messy) cleanings.  Third, because they minimize those invasive cleanings, backwashing helps to extend the service lives of a filter’s internal components. For all that, I keep seeing systems in the field in which backwash valves are
Liquid Textures: John Luebtow’s Platinum Standard Project
Watershaping advanced by leaps and bounds from 1999 through 2004 – a journey of artistry…
Shapes of Things to Come
To know where you're going, you need to have a sense of where you've been. That phrase is a bit shopworn, but it
The Complete Retreat
Finishing up a project of any size is all about the details.   From the final touches on the artificial rockwork and the placing and adjusting of lights to the fine tuning of the circulation system and signing off on the equipment room, the art of fine watershaping ultimately boils down to applying the same stringent standards for excellence that you bring to the beginning and middle of the project straight through to the end. Of course, it's virtually impossible to complete a project of this magnitude without
Shining Through
Maximizing the potential of landscape lighting is always about thinking ahead - a philosophy that absolutely applies when it comes to planning and designing the lighting for a watershape.    The process begins with a set of questions that should be considered at the outset of any project:  Is the watershape to be the focal point of the composition, or is it to be one among equally important features such as plantings, sculptures or hardscape details?  Is the feature to be visually prominent at night, or is it to blend in with the darkness?  Will the water you are lighting be in motion, or are you working with a still surface? Observers and chief vantage points also come into play.  If the feature will mostly be viewed from passing automobiles rather than by pedestrians, for example, the issue of glare must be directly considered for safety reasons.  If the watershape is to be seen from a lit interior space, then we know that its lighting level must be equal to or greater than that of the interior lighting.  Likewise, relative brightness is an issue in making the illuminated watershape work with the rest of an illuminated landscape. The most important need in all of this is for
A Rustic Retreat
The Shenandoah Valley of western Virginia is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.  The site to which we were summoned in January 2004 - a 220-acre estate set amidst its rolling hills - confirmed that opinion in every possible way by offering incredible views of nearby valleys, forests, farmland and mountains.   We'd been called to take over a grand-scale swimming-pool project, one as outsized as the property with respect to scope and complexity - and one that required constant, detailed interaction with