Pools & Spas

WaterShapes Returns
WaterShapes has been going through some big changes, some readily apparent, others are more behind the scenes. As Editor Eric Herman explains, after a set of much-needed upgrades, the publication is set to deliver the content readers have come to expect. ...
Detail: A825
 Tectonics is defined as the science or art of assembling, shaping, or ornamenting materials in…
Detail A802: Vanishing Edge Perspectives
Movement is one of the foundational principles of design. That doesn't mean necessarily moving through space in the literal sense, but the way design can pull your attention and your eyes to certain elements. Vanishing edges, as Dave Peterson explains, are a compelling source of movement -- drawing our eyes across a reflective surface to another space beyond.
Art of the Angle
Most people probably don't think of geometry as being "cool." While studying points, planes, protractors and the Pythagorean theorem may not have seemed like any fun back in high school, when you use the mathematics of form to create a beautiful hillside watershape, lines and angles become far more interesting. 
Collecting & Using Survey Data
No matter how sophisticated your design software, it’s not worth much without accurate site data,…
Battle for the Grandkids
As we grow older, and our children have children, there's a powerful desire to spend time with younger family members. Savvy grandparents know that one way you can make that happen is to have an at-home environment that kids can't resist.
Detail: A171 (One Step Closer)
Vertical dimensions in floating steps can be critical to walking safety. In our last Beneath the Surface Detail, we coordinated the human stride to basic step geometry in a plan view, now Dave Peterson takes it one step further and looks at this detail from a different angle: an elevation view.
Eyes on Sites
Watershape University launched its 2021 online educational offerings with a detailed primer on site evaluation and surveying in a January Wolfpack Webinar Wednesdays presentation. Taught by Rob Warren, a member of the International Watershape Institute, the presentation covered what watershapers should keep in mind when gathering key site-based information.
ControlOMatic Offers Pool Warden Controller
ControlOMatic (Grass Valley, Calif.) off the Pool Warden chemical controller. The controller uses DPD reagent…
Pentair Improves AquaTRAM 90+
Pentair (Sanford, N.C.) has upgraded its AquaTRAM 90+ pool access lift. The lift rotates 90…