English Lessons
As a garden designer, I've often heard about wonderful English gardens, historic British designers and specific design styles that have radiated from England through the years.   I've studied books, seen wonderful profiles in magazines and searched the web for photographs and descriptions, but in recent years, the modern miracles of frequent-flier miles and house swapping have enabled me to experience these truly marvelous gardens for myself.  My family and I, in fact, have visited England ten times since our first trip there in 1999. Each trip has given me the opportunity to visit amazing and inspiring gardens in different areas of the country - an education in design that I have fully integrated into my garden-design practice with Blue Hill Design in northern California.   For their part, the English people are very welcoming - and especially, it seems, to gardeners:  Gardening hosts on television are major celebrities, garden shows draw enormous crowds in a country where everyone
Community Imperatives
As I wrote in a recent blog ("The Way-Back Machine," September 23), I envy you if you live in a community where your public pools are still being used to teach people of all ages (and especially children) to swim.   It means that kids in your area are able to discover swimming in capable, confidence-building environments - the sort of supportive circumstances that were found just about everywhere
Industrial-Strength Milestones
I've been around watershapes a long time - for more than three-quarters of my professional life.  I started out with scientific and technical magazines in 1980, but once I started splashing around at Pool & Spa News in 1987, I never really looked back. As it turns out, I found my way into the world of aquatics
Life at the High End
'Through the years,' wrote Brian Van Bower at the head of his Aqua Culture column in the October 2005 issue of WaterShapes, 'more than a few watershaping professionals have asked me how to break through and start working with high-end clients.   'I respond by giving them the disappointing news that there is no magic key here:  Serving the high end takes
Double Play
It happens often enough that it was time for me to make a video about the process. It usually starts with a call from a homeowner who has a pond that has become a plant-choked, green and often smelly mess.  It may have been a do-it-yourself project, but sometimes
Expansive Errors
The lessons we've covered in this long sequence of articles have typically revolved around single, key errors and have generally called for commonsense (and often simple) remedies.  In the world of pool construction, however, there are situations in which the problems are far more complex, often rising from multiple missteps and clusters of intertwined failures. This is one of those situations, and it has to do with a basic pool/spa combination in a brand-new housing development.  Although the pool contractor charged only $35,000 for the installation, the associated legal
Let’s Do It!
Several years back, the luxury car maker Lexus described its corporate mission as the relentless pursuit of perfection, and I'm willing to step up and say that working with glass tile on the shapely, detailed interior surfaces of swimming pools and spas is just that sort of pursuit. That's not saying we hit the mark with placement of every single piece of tile across surfaces that frequently cover thousands of square feet, but we have
When Fall’s in the Air
'As fall looms before us,' noted Stephanie Rose in kicking off her Natural Companions column in the September 2000 issue of WaterShapes, 'it's timely to consider a question that should be a factor in every design we prepare:  To drop or not to drop?' 'This question is a good one to ask before you start planning and has to do with how much natural debris your clients will be willing to fish out of their watershapes once you're gone.  In other words, while it's always important to decide
Floating in Style
I came out of college as a full-fledged art-and-architecture geek:  By the time I was through, I'd taken more than my share of classes in very dark rooms.   When I set out on my self-directed tour of Europe about ten months after graduating, I knew there were countless places I wanted to see with my own eyes
The Way-Back Machine
A couple weeks ago in this space, I raised a few questions about public swimming pools and their current tendency toward becoming utterly grand, infinitely varied, impressively expensive mega-facilities.  I also hearkened back to watershaping on the level of the places in which I'd learned to swim - pools where I gained the strength and skill required to