Test Your Knowledge #22
What Pool Device Did Jandy Industries'Founder Andrew Pansini Invent in 1957?
Finding the Artistry Amid the Art
The Getty Center is a true multimedia experience: imposing architecture, lots of people, incredible materials of construction, amazing views, diverse spaces, and rich and varied sounds. Designed by architect Richard Meier, the 750-acre campus is dominated by
Ripples #33
Compiled and Written by Lenny Giteck   L.A. County Sheriff’s Department Reinvestigates Natalie Wood Case Even though 30 years have passed since beautiful Hollywood actress Natalie Wood drowned near Catalina
WaterShapes TV, Part 5
To see WaterShapes TV, Part 5, click here mySpace
Making Things Easier
There’s nothing like a good breeze to turn swimming pools and other watershapes into magnets for debris – especially if there are still plenty of leaves on the trees. We had gusting winds of record strength here in Southern California the other day – enough, in fact, to make the national news. When I walked out into my backyard the next day, the skimmer basket was full and the pool cleaner had
Seeing a Bigger Picture
Even these days, when new houses tend to be overly large and their lots tend to be quite small, it’s rare to encounter a situation in which there’s nothing in a backyard other than a basic patio. Indeed, there’s almost always something more to do in designing a backyard — and on many happy occasions, there’s actually a good deal to be done in integrating spaces beyond the patio into
What Is a Designer?
When people talk about pools these days and have something ambitious in mind, many of the conversations focus on vanishing edges, perimeter overflows, infinity edges, knife edges, wet decks, disappearing edges and whatever other terms one might use in describing water-in-transit effects. In lots of these cases, if not most, these discussions are misdirected: Just because
Test Your Knowledge #21
  In What City Were the Recent Pan American Games Held?
Life on the Leading Edge
    Late in 2001, WaterShapes columnist Brian Van Bower wrote passionately about innovation and the value he saw in pursuing trends, accepting change and moving steadily forward.  As we stand at another set of crossroads a decade later, the foundation he defined back then has 
Ripples #32
  Compiled and written by Lenny Giteck     ‘Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie’ Dead,  ‘Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie’ Alive?