Test Your Knowledge #58
New Attempt to Swim from Cubato Florida Without a Shark Cage
Ripples #69
Compiled and written by Lenny Giteck Are U.S. Public Swimming Pools Full of…Uhh…Poop?
Test Your Knowledge #57
Right-Wing French Politician Injured in Freak Pool Accident
Ripples #68
Compiled and written by Lenny Giteck Kate Middleton Takes Up Swimming In Preparation for the Royal Birth
A Little Respect
I’ve spent a lot of time being happy in the past couple weeks. On the personal side, my wife and I recently welcomed our first grandchild into the family, cradling our oldest daughter’s baby in our arms hours after her birth and flashing back to doing the same with each of our three girls when they, too, emerged freshly into the world. I had no idea what
How Deep?
I started making videos and putting them up on YouTube a couple years back to help my prospective clients (and, for that matter, anyone else who might be interested) become better informed about all of the decisions that go into purchasing backyard swimming pools. The one I’m sharing here, for example, is about a detail the average consumer rarely (if ever) considers
Big-Shouldered Fountain
My family moved away from Chicago when I was just four years old, but I have three vivid, very specific memories of the place:  icicles hanging from the eaves of our home in Evanston; the long freight trains that ran constantly on tracks at the far edge of the open field across the street; and Buckingham Fountain in downtown Chicago’s Grant Park. When I returned to the Windy City on business in the early 1980s (several years before I became directly involved with watershaping), it wasn’t to Evanston I went; instead, once I’d checked into my hotel on that bright spring day, I made a beeline to the
Exploring the ‘Acid Column’
When I conduct seminars at pool and spa industry trade shows, I regularly get asked about the validity of a water-management technique known widely as the “acid column” approach. Those who believe in this application method say that if acid is poured into a swimming pool in a concentrated area – producing what adherents variously call a column, slug, well or cloud – the alkalinity of the water will be drastically reduced, but the pH will not drop as much as it otherwise would.  By contrast, they say, if that same volume of acid is added by walking it around a pool and evenly distributing it throughout the water, the pH will be
Rocking Good Times
I’m generally a low-key guy, but I love almost everything about building waterfalls.  I like discussing a site’s potential with my clients.  I like going to the supply yard and selecting stone.  And while I don’t mind letting others take the lead with the digging, I do like laying out shelves and setting the pond’s interior contours in ways that will maximize
Ponds on the Level, Part 3
This is the third and final article in a series on auto-fill systems for ponds and watergardens. Although relative cost is certainly a key factor in the selection and installation of an auto-fill system for a pond or watergarden, there are practicalities that come into play in the decision – not the least of which will have to do with how the device is to be mounted. Float valves, for example, come in a variety of forms – some with large float bulbs attached to pivoting arms (as with common toilet valves).  Not only are these devices fairly unsightly, but they also operate in a horizontal plane and need