
Cold Weather Fountain Care
While comprehensive maintenance implemented by skilled service professionals is always imperative, as fountain expert Jerry West explains, preventive care is especially critical in the colder months when damage from ice can destroy even the best-designed and installed fountain systems.  ...
Teaming with History
The Arizona Biltmore is a truly historic property with a unique design pedigree. Crystal Fountains’ David L’Heureux reports that his company’s participation encompassed providing state-of-the-art fountain lighting and jet systems, as well as acting as a fountain design consultant on an elite project team. ...
Renovating a Georgia Classic
Atlanta’s Hurt Park and its iconic fountain have been fixtures in the city’s downtown for more than eight decades. Time had taken its toll and the site underwent an extensive recently completed renovation, including a full-scale fountain renovation by Fountain People.  ...
Amazement in Motion
As animated fountain systems become more and more common in public settings, Toronto’s Crystal Fountains continues to push the creative and technical evelopes. Here Simon Gardiner profiles a recent project that utilizes the company’s latest design software and newly developed jets to create an engaging experience for people of all ages.   ...
Desert Dazzle
Marilyn Monroe’s legacy has a new home in a plaza directly adjacent the recently dedicated Downtown Park in Palm Springs, Calif. It’s a beautiful park with an ingenious design that blends modernism of the fabled resort city, while harmonizing with the desert environment. It also features a truly beautiful and inventive watershape.   ...
The Beauty of Paseo Santa Lucia
Mexico’s equivalent of the San Antonio Riverwalk is known as Paseo Santa Lucia in the city of Monterrey, a place replete with fountains, public art, businesses, apartments and beautiful spaces that attract thousands. Watershaper JC Escudero reports it’s a place well worth visiting, and appreciating from both an aesthetic and technical perspective. ...
Finding Flaw & Future Favor
What does it mean to create something that qualifies as “great”? Is it originality and inventiveness, reliability and function, or the ability to withstand the test of time, or all of those? Here Jeff Freeman & Mark Holden dissect that question with a look at the rehabilitation of a truly iconic and complex fountain system at the Los Angeles Music Center. ...
Beautiful Wet or Dry
Watershaping and water shortages are a problematic combination, and one that can require significant levels of adaption. According to Dave Garton, working the water-strapped Colorado market has meant creating features that look just as good dry as they do when in full flow. The best place to start, he says, is studying how nature looks when waters run dry. ...
Theaters of the Seas
The AquaTheaters located on the Oasis class of Royal Caribbean cruise ships are arguably the most unusual and dynamic performance venues found on the high seas. As Crystal Fountains’ George Ayer explains, taking part in the development of the fountain effects for these spectacular productions has been a thrilling high adventure.    ...
Glassy Permutations
Glass tile has long been one of, if not the, most distinctive material used in swimming pools. Applying the science of optical physics, inventor David Knox of Lightstreams Glass Tile, takes on projects that require one-of-a-kind tile creations for designers and clients that want something no one else has. ...