Over the past two years, WaterShapes has devoted considerable coverage to the drought, and for good reasons that have become familiar to anyone who’s been paying attention to the issue. Still, there is some cause for optimism with the arrival of recent drought-busting storms.
Combining plants and water is one of the key elements in creating watershapes that look natural. How to handle those key transitions where water, plants and earth come together can be tricky, especially if you don’t plan ahead for the presence of planting pockets. This simple detail offers a clean and easy way to manage those visual and functional transitions.
Fire has been integral to the outdoor experience all along. In backyard environments, the market has seen expansion over the past several years, both in terms of number of fire features sold, and the creative designs of those features. Using today’s beautiful fire elements safely and effectively means following well-established guidelines.
Independent pool service is a solitary task – an often-lonely profession built on sweat equity and skill. Veteran technician, Robert H. Foutz Jr., has made it his business to educate his fellow technicians, in classrooms, print and in conversation. Here he shares nuggets of wisdom for young technicians entering field.
Indoor pools, known as natatoriums, are notorious for bad air quality. These facilities are unique in the world of design, construction and maintenance because they contain open bodies of water. In this two-part series, Eric Knight describes the basic framework for maintaining quality water and air in these special aquatic spaces.
Jellyfish are among the oldest and most diverse creatures on earth, and among the most mysterious, occupying a unique niche in the animal kingdom since the dawn of life. Both beautiful and potentially dangerous, science continues to learn evermore fascinating aspects of these translucent denizens of the water.
While comprehensive maintenance implemented by skilled service professionals is always imperative, as fountain expert Jerry West explains, preventive care is especially critical in the colder months when damage from ice can destroy even the best-designed and installed fountain systems.
A massive new study shows a strong connection between childhood experiences with water and nature and wellbeing as an adult; yet, more and more people are turning away from “blue spaces” despite the profound benefits. Why?
For all of the uncertainty in today’s economic and social landscape, change remains the only constant. Many of the questions that greeted the watershaping industry at the beginning of last year have remained in place, including whether or not the industry, and the greater economy is headed into deeper water.
Bedsheets of Dunes and Water