
Fountains Unique Offers Metro Water Bowls
Fountains Unique (Laguna Hills, CA) manufactures Metro Bowls for residential and commercial projects. Made of…
Lofty Inspiration
With some watershaping projects, homeowners enter the process with a very specific vision in mind.  This can, of course, be problematic if their thinking doesn't align with the character of the site or the extent of the available budget. With this project, however, the clients' deep-seated desires were never an issue.  In fact, the space the clients envisioned had a source of inspiration so sublime - and the property was so well suited to the desired look - that there was no reason even to question how things would turn out. The clients live in a large home in San Marino, Calif., just a couple blocks away from
Against the Clock
Living and working on a part of the globe where the winters are severe is almost balanced by how hospitable the weather generally can be for the rest of the year. That, of course, is something we count on as watershapers in the Canadian marketplace:  The joy of leaving winter weather behind is something our clients fully appreciate, so much so that they're willing to go the distance with
#24: Rain Curtain
This is one of those cases where, from a design perspective, I said just about everything I wanted to say about rain-curtain effects in the video linked below. They look great, they sound even better and my clients love them.  So what else is there to consider?  Well,
2016/7.1, July 13 — Inspired Pondcraft, Rain Curtains, Racing the Clock and more
Hearing Voices
'In all of the discussions in print and in seminar rooms about advancing the watershaping trades,' declared Brian Van Bower in opening his Aqua Culture column in WaterShapes' July 2006 issue, 'it seems to me there's been a missing voice - that of the client.   'We spend lots of time dissecting, praising, disputing, criticizing and encouraging one another, but somehow we seem to have bypassed the thought that
Urban Bliss
I recently spent several weeks in Kirkland, Wash., doing what I could to help my daughter and her family prepare for the arrival of our grandson-to-be. One of our outings on a sunny Sunday was to a playground in nearby Bellevue, a place where the cityscape is
Meeting Minds
'What if you were so bad at your job that a person in a related field decided, for the good of his own business, he had to learn your business and replace you rather than cope with your incompetence?'  That's how Brian Van Bower eased his way into his Aqua Culture column in the May/June 2011 issue of WaterShapes.  'Most people,' he continued, 'would say that this would be a justified response to the fact that you
Oxygen Rescues
In a well-balanced pond, the oxygen content of the water is seldom an issue.  But if things move off course, notes Mike Gannon, it's essential to find the cause -- and then apply one of three possible remedies tailored to the urgency of the need and the extent of the budget.
A Personal First
As I noted a couple weeks back, my to-do list of household projects has long included installation of a small fountain.   In the place I had always intended to put it, I figured that the watershape would be visible from the redwood deck where we do most of our warm-weather entertaining; from the stone deck where we