
Protective Measures
Next to the water itself, concrete is the most important and widespread of materials used in watershaping.  Not only is it instrumental in creating the structures that contain water as well as the substructures that support them, concrete is also the stuff of which faux-rock panels, pre-cast or poured-in-place coping, pavers, all manner of stamped or textured decks and poured-in-place or block walls are made.  Despite its omnipresence, however, concrete remains one of the most misunderstood of all watershaping materials in this sense:  Because it is so durable in basic structural applications, there's a tendency to
Crossroads of Culture
I spent ten days this last December traveling in Turkey - my second visit to the country in the past several years and a trip that reinforced vivid memories of just how mind-expanding a place it is. The Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires all held sway over this patch of land at times during the past 2,500 years, and throughout that long history, these and other great civilizations of both East and West have made their marks on the place.  Situated at the crossroads of land- and sea-trade routes between Europe and Asia, Turkey has vast, rich reserves to drawn upon when it comes to
Water in the Garden
Without any hesitation at all, I can say that Gardening with Water by James Van Sweden (Random House, 1995) is one of the most influential books on design that I've ever read.  It's currently out of print, but it's certainly worth a hunt and can still be found on the Internet and in many technical bookstores. All through its 206 beautifully illustrated pages, Van Sweden carefully details his approach to designing with water - an element he says should be used in some form in every garden design.  Along the way, he covers his firm's use of swimming pools (natural and architectural) as well as birdbaths, fountains, small watergardens and large ponds. It's an important book from a tremendously influential designer.  In fact,
The Soul of the River
I live in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado on the banks of the Arkansas River - a beautiful place and a beautiful river.  Within easy reach of my home, the Arkansas flows swiftly in certain spaces, cascading over rugged terrain, then slows down in others to form deep pools that reflect brilliant skies and create a diversity of aquatic habitats. As I watch the river flow, sometimes I can't help thinking back to my days at a trout hatchery and recognizing that if we'd had such a volume of moving water available to us in our operation, we could have produced millions more pounds of healthy fish.  I'm simply amazed by the power and complexity of the water I watch, and especially by its ability to
The Soul of the River
I live in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado on the banks of the Arkansas River - a beautiful place and a beautiful river.  Within easy reach of my home, the Arkansas flows swiftly in certain spaces, cascading over rugged terrain, then slows down in others to form deep pools that reflect brilliant skies and create a diversity of aquatic habitats. As I watch the river flow, sometimes I can't help thinking back to my days at a trout hatchery and recognizing that if we'd had such a volume of moving water available to us in our operation, we could have produced millions more pounds of healthy fish.  I'm simply amazed by the power and complexity of the water I watch, and especially by its ability to
Comfort, Fun and Beauty
It's tough to keep the Big Picture in mind when the day-to-day grind seems relentless.  Even so, it's important to take a step back from time to time and remind yourself of exactly
A Good Grounding
Through the years, the #1 question asked of me at seminars and trade shows has been:  "What's the difference between bonding and grounding?" I have wanted to do an answering article far some time, but I was concerned that its length would require it to be split into two pieces and that the every-other-month format of WaterShapes might make it difficult to maintain continuity of thought over a two-month span.   I was pleased when our editor informed me that we would be going monthly for a while.  I figured I'd strike now, while the fingers are nimble and the magazine issues more
Designing a New Paradigm
There was a time not long ago when the mere thought of pool builders and landscape designers getting together on equal footing and having meaningful conversations about backyard design would have met with skepticism:  There is not, it seems, much love lost between the trades.  But times are changing, and if the dialogue begun around a table last August is any indication, there's a tremendous amount to be gained by keeping the communications channels wide open.