Landscape Structures (Eden Prairie, MN) has added HydraHub2 to its Aquatix line of interactive play…
Water Odyssey (San Marcos, TX) has added Water Coils to its range of inclusive waterplay…
Picture this: A seaside fountain in which jets of water are arrayed and programed to emulate a Pacific Ocean swell. It's designed as a mirror to existing conditions, using real-time ocean-observation data to determine the exact timing and height of the fountain's jet sequence. Or this: An installation scheduled by its managers to function as an interactive-play fountain at certain times of the day when children are likeliest to be present, or as a musical/performing fountain in the evenings or at other times when the property owner's desire is to entertain and help people relax. Or this: A fountain that
In summers long past, I'd come home from work, get into my swimming trunks, grab the newspaper and a cooling beverage and head for the pool. On some days, I was left on my own for an hour's worth of drifting on my big float, not a care in the world. Before putting the cover back on the pool, I'd swim a couple dozen short laps and tend to any
I'm a big fan of beach entries: As I see it, they wrap at least five important design and usage issues up in one neat package. First, they provide easy access to the pool. Second, that access is gradual, which many bathers prefer. Third, they bring a bit of visual drama to the water's edge - and then repeat it where the slope breaks off into deeper water. Fourth, they create an easy