Aquascape Design
Healing troubled bodies of water is an opportunity to make a positive impact on both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, explains Ed Beaulieu, and elevate the human experience in the process. Using this project as a prime example, a set of ponds owned by an A-list celebrity and activist was transformed from a morbid state of deterioration to a vibrant ecological asset.
The presence of water in the landscape can stir deep emotions, and sometimes even help soothe the pain of a lost loved one. That was case in the project described here, where a beautiful stream and waterfall installation serves as a centerpiece of a property that is devoted to love, remembrance and grieving.
It was the kind of opportunity that doesn't come along very often. This past Memorial Day weekend, members of the Aquascape family had the pleasure of installing a sprawling stream and pond system for none other than NBA Hall of Famer and four-time NBA champion, Shaquille O'Neal. A team of Aquascape Inc. employees and "Artists of the Year" came together to create a bucolic 22-by-50-foot ecosystem pond with a 70-foot stream for "the big man" on his sprawling 80-acre Atlanta-area home. Our talented project team collaborated on the installation of the pond with all sorts of input on a variety of our signature details.