WaterShapes World Blog

Old West, New West
The most beautiful bodies of man-made water aren’t worth much without the people who maintain them. The profound importance, and enduring nature, of the traditional independent pool service industry was on Eric Herman’s mind as he attended this year’s, forty fifth edition of the Western Pool & Spa Show. ...
Add Water, Live Better!
The towering importance of health and wellness is manifesting in the skyrocketing value of the global market. The short and long-term implications for the watershaping industry could be far-reaching and lucrative for those who embrace the healthful power of an aquatic lifestyle.  ...
Chance Inventions
Toys that feature getting wet have a history of becoming iconic to the point it’s hard to imagine summer without squirt guns, water balloons or flotation devices. It may come as a surprise that some of the most popular water toys were not planned by their inventors, but instead were inspired by random observations. ...
Drought Busting
Over the past two years, WaterShapes has devoted considerable coverage to the drought, and for good reasons that have become familiar to anyone who’s been paying attention to the issue. Still, there is some cause for optimism with the arrival of recent drought-busting storms. ...
The Uncertain Road Ahead
For all of the uncertainty in today’s economic and social landscape, change remains the only constant. Many of the questions that greeted the watershaping industry at the beginning of last year have remained in place, including whether or not the industry, and the greater economy is headed into deeper water.  ...
Informed Vigilance
Are dark clouds gathering on the economic horizon? Many people think so, and are feeling that way with growing frequency and deepening levels of concern. As Eric Herman points out, based on past experience in periods of looming financial strife, this is the time to plan for a changing business landscape. ...
Not Enough or Too Much
Between the ravages of protracted drought and devastation of widespread flooding, the summer of 2022 will be remembered as a season of extremes. Besides realizing the obvious point that weather that is either too dry or too wet is dangerous, these crises illustrate the need for investment in, and commitment to, long-term infrastructure solutions. ...
Thriving Beyond Recession
Who are the companies that thrive after times of economic hardship? The Harvard Business Review conducted an extensive study of that very question during the peak of the last “great” recession. As we now face a growingly uncertain economic picture, considering what they found may be of use today.    ...
The Disconnected River
Lazy rivers have become a mainstay in countless waterparks and resort pool facilities. As Eric Herman points out here, it is vitally important that when properties advertise the presence of a lazy river, that it actually fits the definition. As he recently discovered, it’s a surprisingly big disappointment when that turns out to be untrue. ...
United by Water
As we approach the 4th of July, 2022, Eric Herman offers a unique summation of our history and ongoing relationship with the world of water. As he points out, creating water infrastructure and technology stands among our society’s greatest achievements.    ...