Professional Watershaping

Broad Boundaries
'Not long ago,' wrote Brian Van Bower at the start of his Aqua Culture column for the November 2010 edition of WaterShapes, 'I was reminded in a big way of the importance of understanding the international nature of our industry.' 'It was July, and my Genesis 3 partners . . . and I were on the Gold Coast near Brisbane, Australia, presenting a program at the Splash! Conference - an experience that, once again, underscored the fact that
For the Love of Beauty
'The creation of something outstanding, something that stirs an emotional response, something that establishes an ongoing, extraordinary experience for clients and anyone else who sees our work all starts with the passion we have in our hearts for art and its intimate relationship to what we do as watershapers.' That's how David Tisherman opened his Details column in the October 2005 edition of WaterShapes.  He continued:  'I believe that unless you appreciate and
Life at the High End
'Through the years,' wrote Brian Van Bower at the head of his Aqua Culture column in the October 2005 issue of WaterShapes, 'more than a few watershaping professionals have asked me how to break through and start working with high-end clients.   'I respond by giving them the disappointing news that there is no magic key here:  Serving the high end takes
Living in Color
'Few things are as important to the aesthetic impression made by swimming pools, spas and other watershapes as the colors you select to use in and around them,' wrote David Tisherman in opening his Details column in the September 2005 issue of WaterShapes.   'Take tile as an example.  Whether it's just a waterline detail, a complete interior finish or some elaborate mosaic pattern, it serves to draw the eye into a design.  If the color and material selections work, the scene can become
Winter’s Work
For many years, Bruce Zaretsky faced the annual need to generate enough income to keep his business and his staff going through New York's long, cold winters.  Here's a look at few of the most successful sidelines he found in his quest to keep the seasonal wolves at bay.   As you read this, some of us in upstate New York are already thinking about
Wanted: Water Artists
'The way I see it,' wrote Brian Van Bower to start his Aqua Culture column in August 2000, 'we watershapers can look at ourselves in one of two ways:  as diggers of holes in the ground that hold water, or as artists working with one of the most exciting mediums on the planet.  For a lot of reasons, I like the second of those options, because the first is passive - the sole goal being to contain the water - while the second gets me more
Rising Aspiration
Back in 2001, I took a job working for a high-volume pool-construction firm as one of its 30 salespeople.  For the first four years or so, I did all of my design work by hand.   Quantity was always king in that operation, so I never even left the office:  Someone would hand me a set of plans and I'd start working, despite the fact I'd never walked the site, seen its surroundings or had any
The Necessity of Restraint
'Everywhere you turn these days,' wrote David Tisherman to start his Details column in August 2005, 'you see watershapers tackling projects that would have been unthinkable even a few years ago.'   'With this broadening list of possibilities, however, . . . [t]he industry's like a teenager with a fresh driver's license:  just because he or she knows how doesn't necessarily mean that
Passion and Practicality
'If you ask my employees,' wrote Bruce Zaretsky in starting his July 2010 On the Level column, 'they'll tell you that I'm an unrelenting pain in the neck - a real tyrant.  That's because I'm always asking nagging sorts of questions such as, "Why isn't this project finished yet?" or "How much longer is this going to take?" or "Can you speed things up?" 'My questions, of course, are somewhat unfair.  . . .  But I have no reluctance to come across as a tyrant
A Path to Enlightenment
I started out on the construction side of the pool industry nearly 20 years ago.  Back then, I probably experienced the building process a good 500 times, picking up insights into what determined the level of success of each project.   As time passed, I found myself being drawn to the design side:  I saw it as a way to put all of those insights to good use; more important, I knew it was where I could do the most good for homeowners. In making the transition, I