
Imagination Renewed
When the management at Longwood Gardens announced in late 2014 that the Main Fountain Garden would be taken offline and become the subject of a $90 million restoration project, anyone who has ever visited the gardens had to be happy. I've been a regular visitor and huge fan of the Longwood for most of my life, and it's been sad through the years to watch various systems break down and the overall performance of what was left gradually
Standard Bearers
'If there's one thing about the watershaping world that continuously drives me crazy,' wrote David Tisherman in his Details column in March 2006, 'it's the existence and persistence of a sub-professional mindset that says creative designs and affluent clients deserve one set of standards, while projects with more affordable designs can acceptably be built to another, less stringent set of standards. 'To me, middle-class clients who've commissioned modest projects
Simpler Solutions
The lengthy headline atop the news item definitely made the story worth a look.  It read:  "Couple blow £4,000 on two-year legal battle with neighbour over his 'noisy' water feature, which they claim makes them need the loo." The article appeared February 16 in the online version of the Daily Mail, a U.K.-based publication known for sensational headlines up top with detailed text below that doesn't always
Chlorine Conversations
In recent years, it's been difficult to avoid two large and related discussions about water treatment as it relates to swimming pools and spas. One the one hand are discussions of the evils of chlorine, which, after more than a century of common and beneficial use, is still widely misunderstood by homeowners and many professionals in the watershaping trades.  On the other are conversations about chlorine-free pools and spas - another set of exchanges where there's proving to be
2016/3.1, March 2 — Chemical-Free Savvy, Pond Chores, Longwood Rebirth and more
HaddonStone Manufactures Triple-Ball Fountain
HaddonStone (USA) Ltd. (Pueblo, CO) makes a triple-ball fountain for gardens and landscapes. With its…
Whitewater West Publishes Waterpark Maintenance Guide
Whitewater West Industries (Richmond, British Columbia, Canada) has just released its “Guide to Waterpark Maintenance.”…
Basecrete Technologies Offers Waterproofing Materials
Basecrete Technologies (Sarasota, FL) has developed an all-in-one cementitious waterproofing membrane and bondcoat. Featuring high…
Updated Wireless Handheld Remote from Hayward
Hayward Pool Products (Elizabeth, NJ) has unveiled AquaPod 2.0, a wireless, handheld remote that now…
Speck Pumps Introduces Badu Jet Super-Sport II
Speck Pumps (Jacksonville, FL) now offers the BaduJet super-sport II, a swim jet featuring suction…