I've been an avid fan of the Olympic Games ever since I can remember. It all started with the 1960 Games in Rome, which I watched with my brothers and sisters through some of the few hours of available television coverage. Mostly I recall Rafer Johnson's and C.K Yang's duel in the decathlon, with the mere concept of competing in ten separate events blowing my young mind. And I recall watching Cassius Clay in boxing
A brief, late-spring visit to San Francisco gave me the opportunity to be just a tourist there for the first time in many years. Judy and I stayed at a place near Golden Gate Park and spent a long, full day in its huge expanse, moving from one great and wonderful attraction to another. The fact that the Park's museums
When I look at the average pond, I tend to perceive a range of missed opportunities. I come from the world of aquaponics, where I've spent my career figuring out ways to integrate environments for fish and plants in ways that make both fins and leaves grow like crazy. For the most part, I work on an industrial scale, designing facilities where huge populations of fish are grown as food and, nearby, huge
By early 2015, my folder of saved emails was stuffed with years' worth of questions people wanted me to answer about either their ponds or, as frequently, ponds in general. I decided at that time to answer a number of these inquiries in a video series I've called "Ask the Pond Digger." Most of the questions came from pond owners and do-it-yourselfers, but many others had come from
'In my observation,' wrote David Tisherman in his Details column for the August 2006 edition of WaterShapes, 'steps tend to be afterthoughts and are seldom fully considered. But I've always taken them seriously because I see them as prime gathering places where people sit, move in and out of the water and in general spend a great deal of time.' 'Children also jump from the steps into the deeper water and
Taking Care