
Intermatic Introduces Electronic Valve Actuator
Intermatic (Spring Grove, IL) has launched the ReadySet Electronic Valve Actuator for use in pool…
Another Look
Before I walk away from my little series of blogs on big transitions, I want to call attention to renovations, which I consider to be both a generational phenomenon as well as the greatest potential source of projects and market growth through the next
Water’s Place
As watershapers, we're comfortable using our chosen medium as a place-maker, an entertainer and a resource for recreation.  In doing so, we take advantage of the fact that water is a unique, extremely versatile substance that can be manipulated in innumerable ways. We also accommodate the thought that, supreme among design media, water has a pronounced and often profound effect on people who
Hammerhead International Supplies Viewing Panels
Hammerhead International (Las Vegas, NV) offers custom acrylic viewing solutions for use under and above…
Outdoor Shower Co. Releases 2015 Catalog
Outdoor Shower Co. (Dallas, GA) has published a digital catalog on its line of freestanding…
The Directory Is Back!
I have the great pleasure of announcing that another major service for users of the web site is now fully up and running in streamlined digital form:  The WaterShapes Resource Directory, which we last published as a printed document in December 2010 and have been updating
Ponds on the Level, Part 3
This is the third and final article in a series on auto-fill systems for ponds and watergardens. Although relative cost is certainly a key factor in the selection and installation of an auto-fill system for a pond or watergarden, there are practicalities that come into play in the decision – not the least of which will have to do with how the device is to be mounted. Float valves, for example, come in a variety of forms – some with large float bulbs attached to pivoting arms (as with common toilet valves).  Not only are these devices fairly unsightly, but they also operate in a horizontal plane and need
Planting a Pool
When these clients decided that they wanted to have a swimming pool, they knew above all else that they did not want another box of blue water.   By contrast, as avid patrons of Disney World, the Princeton, N.J., homeowners had decided that their pool should be what they called “Disney natural” – not as completely naturalistic as a real pond, but natural enough so that they and their children could suspend disbelief and pretend that they were swimming in a pond. Before we came on the scene, the clients had
Cresting Waves
The idea that someone can enter a man-made body of water and go surfing is both exciting and a bit mind-boggling.  Perhaps that's why, as is the case with many a good idea, there's more than one claimant to the distinction of having built the first-ever wave pool.   Most people in the know trace the origins of these vessels to the early 1970s, and I know for certain that we at Whitewater West jumped into the game early on:  The company became involved in its first wave pool a year after opening its doors in 1982, and to date we've been involved in installing many of the hundreds of systems that now grace aquatic facilities across North America. As waterparks work to distinguish themselves, wave pools have become more elaborate when it comes to both themes and aesthetics.  In fact, in the 17 years I've been working on wave or surf pools for the company, I've seen these vessels grow dramatically both in popularity and in the level of the technologies and design details that make them
Cresting Waves
The idea that someone can enter a man-made body of water and go surfing is both exciting and a bit mind-boggling.  Perhaps that's why, as is the case with many a good idea, there's more than one claimant to the distinction of having built the first-ever wave pool.   Most people in the know trace the origins of these vessels to the early 1970s, and I know for certain that we at Whitewater West jumped into the game early on:  The company became involved in its first wave pool a year after opening its doors in 1982, and to date we've been involved in installing many of the hundreds of systems that now grace aquatic facilities across North America. As waterparks work to distinguish themselves, wave pools have become more elaborate when it comes to both themes and aesthetics.  In fact, in the 17 years I've been working on wave or surf pools for the company, I've seen these vessels grow dramatically both in popularity and in the level of the technologies and design details that make them