
Pebble Tec Offers Outdoor Features Line
Pebble Technology(Scottsdale, AZ) outdoor products are designed to align the quality and luxury of the…
GSky Offers Versa Wall XT Plant Systems
GSky Plant Systems (Delray Beach, FL) manufactures Versa Wall XT, a planted-wall system that uses…
Planting Places
'Growing as a designer,' wrote Brian Van Bower to start his Aqua Culture column in October 2008, 'is often a matter of seeing things from fresh perspectives.   'As one with roots in the pool industry, for example, I once thought first about water and about plants and softscape later (if at all).  That bias isn't uncommon, of course:  I know plenty of landscape architects and designers who think about plants first and only later
Planting Places
'Growing as a designer,' wrote Brian Van Bower to start his Aqua Culture column in October 2008, 'is often a matter of seeing things from fresh perspectives.   'As one with roots in the pool industry, for example, I once thought first about water and about plants and softscape later (if at all).  That bias isn't uncommon, of course:  I know plenty of landscape architects and designers who think about plants first and only later
Hidden Garden Sounds from PlanterSpeakers
PlanterSpeakers (Bridgeport, CT) makes speaker systems hidden within classic planter formats, including the Model 6.17…
Bobé Releases Line of CorTen Planters
Bobé Water & Fire Features (Phoenix, AZ) has introduced a line of planters made from…
2012/4.1, April 11 — Coloring Plaster, Hiding Plumbing, Fine Stonework and more
April 11, 2012 WATERSHAPES.COM MY PERSPECTIVE Unconventional Plaster? As he’s shaping his new approach to…
Planting Places
Growing as a designer is often a matter of seeing things from fresh perspectives.   As one with roots in the pool industry, for example, I once thought first about water and about plants and softscape later (if at all).  That bias isn't uncommon, of course:  I know plenty of landscape architects and designers who think about plants first and only later consider water.  It all has to do with our
Too Little, Too Late?
Many watershapers have a single-minded focus, doing all they can to deliver quality shells and surrounding decks to their clients.  Quite often, however, that narrow focus means that inadequate space is left for planting - a problem I face quite often as a landshaper. It's clear in many cases that no thought at all was given to the landscape - and certain that no design professional was consulted before laying out and installing the hardscape.  The result all too often is that there simply isn't enough room to allow for good-size planter beds. I often find myself rolling my eyes and lamenting the missed opportunities to
Too Little, Too Late?
Many watershapers have a single-minded focus, doing all they can to deliver quality shells and surrounding decks to their clients.  Quite often, however, that narrow focus means that inadequate space is left for planting - a problem I face quite often as a landshaper. It's clear in many cases that no thought at all was given to the landscape - and certain that no design professional was consulted before laying out and installing the hardscape.  The result all too often is that there simply isn't enough room to allow for good-size planter beds. I often find myself rolling my eyes and lamenting the missed opportunities to