perimeter overflow

#23: Perimeter-Overflow Spa
Once U.S. designers and builders "discovered" vanishing edges - probably at some point in the 1980s, although the look emerged long before then with some forward-thinking architects and watershapers - we've never let this highly visual design detail go.   I use these edge effects in my designs all the time, and setting them up in the best way possible has
A San Francisco Treat
i don't get to san francisco as often once did and that's a shame because there so much see do. on the plus side, however, when do make one of my infrequent trips bay area, there's always lot brand new me, even if it has been around for while. monument i'll discuss here example since 1998 or but i'd never come across until had reason visit moscone center downtown in 2007 convention centers go, is both modern imposing, real highlight me was yerba buena gardens,two-city-block= park situated such way that part actually over center. it's wonderful space highlighted by martin luther king jr memorial, set glass panels celebrating his life legacy. those engraved are mounted granite behind waterfall measuring 20 feet tall 50 long devised artist sculptor houston conwill collaboration with poet estella majoza architect joseph de pace. And as you move away, you appreciate the fact that the sound of the waterfalls also masks a great deal of traffic noise. And the same can be said for the perimeter-overflow fountain on the terrace just above the waterfalls: It's hard to get a break from general urban clattering in a place like downtown San Francisco, and these watershapes succeed at it to a wonderfully welcome degree. We have a trip to San Francisco planned for this summer: This will definitely make it to my short list of stops while we're there - provided I don't get distracted by something new! For a video that puts the waterfall on full display, click here. For a look at the watershape on the upper terrace, click here. For a glimpse inside the memorial, click here.
Elegance Squared
Through the years, I've come across all sorts of clients with unique motivations and interesting available spaces.  My task in collaborating with each of them centers on carefully evaluating the situation, sorting through various sets of possibilities and, ultimately, delivering a design that hits the mark on all possible levels. This project, however, was a bit different from most:  The client had acquired
Working on the Road
Working on a large-scale project is a challenge when it happens even ten miles from your home base:  Big jobs are just plain tough.  But building that same project 150 miles away?  That takes the difficulty to another level - and when you mix in an extremely difficult, environmentally sensitive site, it can feel as though you're operating on another planet. A case in point can be found in our participation in a design/build project on a remote cottage estate in the stunning
Bobé Offers Grass Edging for Perimeter Overflows
Bobé Water & Fire Features (Phoenix, AZ) has introduced a Grass Edge kit that allows…
2015/9.2, September 23 — Overflowing Consequences, Heater Talk, Small-Site Potential and more
Formal Ease
These days, we do most of our work in the hills in and around Newport Beach, Calif.  To describe the area as "affluent" is understating the case:  For years now, even modest homes for sale in the area usually draw seven-figure prices - and the more modest the home, the likelier it is that it will be torn down and replaced with something larger and more elaborate. Through the past few years, we at Pure Water Pools of Costa Mesa, Calif., have been called to many of these built-out properties by homeowners who
#16: Fire Fountain
In my experience, watershapers have a tendency to focus a bit too narrowly on one or another aspect of the craft - some on pools and spas, others on ponds or fountains.  You get the idea:  In speaking with clients, there's an inclination to play to one's strongest cards - and I think that can be
Poolstones Introduces Marble Overflow System
Poolstones by Sofikitis (Voula, Greece) offers a pool-overflow system made of solid marble. Precision-cut for…
2013/6.1, June 5 — Angular Vanishing Edges, Ponds for Schools, Backyard Waterparks and more
                             June 5, 2013        …