pampering spas

Seeking Wellness
You don’t have to be a physician to know that watershapes offer profound benefits when it comes to health, fitness and wellness.  Indeed, most people know that swimming and other forms of activity in water are, along with hydrotherapy, among the healthiest of all activities known to us mere mortals. Unfortunately, and for reasons that escape me, promoting the value of that connection has never spent much time on our industry’s front burner. My own curiosity about the topic recently led me to seek published resources, and I’m sad to say that my search hasn’t yielded much.  It reminds me of my early days in this industry and a time long ago when I craved books that would inspire my design work:  For a long time, there wasn’t much to find – but that’s all changed now.  My hope is that the case with water-related health and wellness is the same and that it will soon become a
Pampered Perfection
I've always loved the word "pamper." I love its meaning, I like the way it sounds and, most of all, I think it's the perfect verb for us Baby Boomers, because I know as we slide through middle age and head toward retirement, a word that means "to treat with excessive indulgence, gratify desires or coddle" will only grow in usage and importance. As I've pointed out many times, I'm a big proponent of indulging in the good life and gratifying one's needs for pleasure and enjoyment.  One of the places you can go to plunge headlong into such indulgence is what some people call