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The Swimming Imperative
I spend a lot of time wandering around the web looking for information to share with followers of WaterShapes.com's "Around the Internet" and "Aquatic Health, Fitness & Safety" sections and of the "The WaterShapes Web Café" feature that appear in each edition of the WaterShapes newsletter. This browsing can be fun and entertaining, but there's also
The Aquatic Quiz #24
Swimmers 'Make the Best Lovers' According to New British Study  
We love working on projects we can record and share through the Internet.  At The Pond Digger (Yucaipa, Calif.), we've always believed that these videos help our prospective clients make informed decisions about what they want to do in their backyards.  That's why we generally keep them pretty basic. At the same time, we've always believed that our videos have value in a professional context, particularly for
On the Ground Floor
I grew up in my father's pool business - a successful design/build firm based in Henderson, Nev.  Even in high school, I was consciously preparing myself to get involved on the design side of things and had signed up for a drafting class to start developing the requisite drawing skills. But something big was happening in the late 1990s:  I was all set for my drafting class and had equipped myself with the tools I'd need
Permeating Issues
'I've taken up a fair amount of my column space in WaterShapes with discussions of the wise use of water, and for good reason:  What could be more important to watershapers,' wrote Bruce Zaretsky to open the April 2010 edition of On the Level, 'than knowing how to make the best possible use of the material that defines our profession?   'The common thread in all of this coverage . . . is that, ultimately, our aim must be to preserve the integrity of water, to cleanse it for return to the groundwater system and to
Water Dynamics
Given what I do for a living, it's fortunate that I have a deep and abiding love of water.  I enjoy being in, on and near it.  I even like water in the forms of mist and fog. I must declare, however, that living in the Pacific Northwest for more than three years in the early 1980s put me off a similar love of rain and, more specifically, led me to loathe
Trust in Balance
No matter where you turn these days, you'll find watershaping experts preaching the gospel of balanced hydraulics.  In class after class, text after text, they all say that if you do exactly the same thing on one side of a tee as you do on the other, you will get the same flow on both side of that tee. If, for example, two main drains are connected to a single tee with pipes of the same length and diameter and the same fittings, those drains will both draw equal amounts of
The Aquatic Quiz #23
Not an Illusion:  Famed Magician's Pool Flooods New York Building  
2015/4.1, April 8 — Cascade Mastery, Hydraulic Balance, Digital Pioneering and more
Grand Effects Manufactures Aura Fire Tables
Grand Effects (Irvine, CA) produces Aura Fire Table, complete with matching seats. Available in ten…