Waterplay Manufacturing (Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada) has introduced Puddles, a fresh take on traditional ground…
Aquility Systems (Gainesville, FL) announces StealthFull, a hidden auto-fill system designed for use in fountains,…
Aquascape (St. Charles, IL) now offers hand-cast spillway bowls, basins and stands. Made from glass-fiber-reinforced…
Hayward Pool Products (Elizabeth, NJ) has introduced the Super Pump VS 115V, a variable-speed pump…
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can sometimes look like a rock outcropping myself: Whatever it is, I love working with big chunks of stone in my pond projects. More than any single design element I can deploy, there is no other component that's more important when it comes to making my work look as though it's been there
I started out on the construction side of the pool industry nearly 20 years ago. Back then, I probably experienced the building process a good 500 times, picking up insights into what determined the level of success of each project. As time passed, I found myself being drawn to the design side: I saw it as a way to put all of those insights to good use; more important, I knew it was where I could do the most good for homeowners. In making the transition, I
David L'Heureux For much of human history, those with power and wealth have been willing to put both on display in the places they choose to reside. There are palaces and great houses all over the planet, each one testifying to the grandeur of its owner and the talents of the architects and designers brought in to turn grand visions into actual structures and garden spaces. Often, those commissioning these conspicuous projects were members of
'Every single project I design and build,' wrote David Tisherman near the top of his Details column in July 2005, 'is fully, individually engineered, and I refuse to make any assumptions on my own about what might be needed in a set of plans to create a sound structure. If any builder anywhere thinks that he or she knows enough to get by without support from a structural engineer, well, that's just asking for trouble.' 'I know what I don't know, frankly, and I sleep well at night knowing that
You've all been peppered by my emails in recent weeks, and I'm sorry for that. But I think that letting you know about the WaterShapes Professional Network is important enough to burden you with a few special messages - including this one. So far, the most frequently asked questions have had to do with