Waterparks From the Start
In 2022, waterpark operations legend, Billy Hamilton, was inducted into the World Waterpark Association Hall of Fame, honored for his pioneering work maintaining water quality on a mass scale. Here he shares his story with an eye toward the innovative spirit and experimentation that put him on the forefront of the industry’s most complex and challenging commercial facilities. ...
Riding the Tides (25 years of WaterShapes)
Since its debut in February 1999 as an innovative print magazine, WaterShapes has spent the past 25 years exploring the art and science of water – and the oceans of possibilities waiting to be discovered along the way. As Eric Herman shares in this special retrospective, the long journey through the world of water has been its own unique reward.   ...
Steps to a View
Unfolding during the heart of the pandemic, this beautiful remodel in the fabled Hollywood Hills gave JC Escudero an opportunity to work his renovation magic in a truly breathtaking and vintage setting. The result is a pool area that celebrates both the view and the property’s mid-century design. ...
Turning to Revit
As design and construction become ever more dependent on sharing accurate information among project team members, the Revit platform has come to represent the state-of-the-art in modeling and plan-sharing software platforms. Here Rick Chafey shares his company’s journey using the program, and its broad implications. ...
Finding a Southern Treasure
Protecting its most beautiful waters and landscapes is a cultural priority seen as a civic responsibility in New Zealand. One example can be found in a shimmering body of water known as Te Waikoporopupu Springs, which stands among the island nation’s dreamlike places that are being treasured and preserved for future generations – and a great reason to visit. ...
Fit for Friends
Nestled on the banks of Lake Norman, NC, this project was created for a couple who love to entertain, enjoy the good life, and wanted something none of their neighbors had. The result is this balanced composition of form and function from Lea and George Frederick. ...
Meet the Water-Quality Manager
Caring for pool water is a sacred trust, says Steve Kenny, a task that exists to ensure the health and safety of anyone and everyone who takes a dip. That’s why he believes it’s time for a new professional designation for those who apply artisan care to their clients water, the Water-Quality Manager. ...
End of the Endless Summer
The lives of beach bums, surfer girls and hodads everywhere have become less comfortable in recent years, observes Eric Herman. In fact, the summer of 2023 might stand as the most unpleasant beach season ever, and one that sadly concluded with the passing of summer's high priest, Jimmy Buffett.  ...
Essential Connections
While our innate need to be in the presence of water, and have constant access to it is both philosophical and biological, Kevin Woodhurst argues it is also practical from a business perspective. Not only essential for survival, as the desire for water is the primary factor underpinning the existence of the watershaping industry, and arguably modern civilization itself. ...
Fine Points: Pipes in Trenches
In this first installment of our new series exploring the “fine points” of watershape construction, Kevin Cobabe gets down to basics about running multiple pipes in trenches. As simple as it seems, he says, there are a handful of key issues that are important to keep top of mind when working beneath your feet. ...