Professional Watershaping
It’s one of history’s most influential design traditions. Japanese gardens are much more than pagodas, lanterns and Bonsai trees, says Jason Brownlee. Studying these timeless gardens that are so artfully inspired by nature is, he says, one of the best ways to elevate watershape and landscape design of almost all types.
Despite decades of being derided as an industry that has been unable to change for the better, Mark Holden argues that some segments of the pool industry have, in fact, dramatically improved in recent years. Moving to higher professional ground, he says, requires elevating practices across a range of important fronts.
Nestled within the heart of the Sierra Nevada mountains in California lies Yosemite National Park, a land of breathtaking natural beauty and awe-inspiring landscapes. The waters that have shaped its iconic landscape stand among the park's many natural wonders.
In an era when many public pools have fallen into decay and ceased to exist, the City of Globe, AZ, had a different fate in mind for its community pool. With assists from a top-flight project team, the community undertook an expansive pool renovation project featuring an updated design and functionality.
Given complete creative carte blanche by a client focused on fun and luxury, Alison Felschow capitalized on the property’s setting and sight lines to weave a layered design that brims with interesting details and winding contours—all with one major surprise along the way.
There’s a big difference between paying lip-service to the importance of education and actively embracing the learning process. For Joe Dempsey, Jr., pursuing continuing education certification is a cornerstone of success. It’s a professional obligation, he says, and ultimately an opportunity to unlock your full potential.
Backyard watershape design is at its best when everything works together to complement the setting. In this case, explains Joe Dempsey, Jr., the spirit of integration included not only pure aesthetics but also the hillside engineering and construction, as well as sharing the home’s energy-efficient heating system.
For most of the past century, natural waterways in Southern California have existed as lifeless concrete channels. Efforts to “regreen” some of those once-beautiful waters have given rise to hopes that the Los Angeles River, and others like it, will one day recapture their former natural health and riparian beauty.
Riding the Wellness Wave