Professional Watershaping

In Person and Beyond
The Wolfpack recently returned to in-person instruction with a successful essential builder program in September. WU is also continuing its robust online presence with courses that cover technology, design, business and architectural history.
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Avoiding 'shadowing' in the shotcrete-placement process is crucial to the structural integrity of pool shells, notes Dave Peterson. Here, he shares a detail that dodges the void creation that can lead to structural compromises.
Fluid Engineering Goes Digital
In a ground-breaking presentation, Watershape University's Essential Fluid Engineering Workshop spread out over two intensive days of online instruction -- and it may have been a first-ever event for the industry.
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  With this edition of WaterShapes, Dave Peterson introduces a new, ongoing series that will focus on plan schematics builders can use to improve, fine-tune and fortify their projects. He starts here with a simple way to eliminate visual insults to waterline tile and interior finishes.  
Across the Platforms
 Watershape University is sensitive to the fact that our industry is facing unprecedented demand and an ongoing shortage of skilled labor, all during the current global pandemic. Add it all up and the ability to adapt has never been more crucial. Case in point, we had scheduled a much-anticipated live presentation of ENG2311: Essential Fluid Engineering for
The Art of Service
Pool service can be complex and challenging, with the level of difficulty largely determined by decisions a builder makes long before a technician ever shows up. That's why Steve Kenny infuses his design and construction approaches with awareness of the basic needs of gourmet water.  
Hydraulic Harmony
Editor's note: Welcome to 'Direct Connections,' a new department that is now part of the WaterShapes feature array. What you'll find here are videos and multi-media presentations on technical and business topics -- including this podcast by Dave Penton about a key factor in system engineering.  
Constructive Engagement
At Watershape University, our sponsors, which we call our Corporate Engagement Team (CET), is a critical part of our program development and the benefits we provide our students. We actively pursue relationships with industry-related businesses as a way to further our mission to bring quality education for students at all levels of the pool, spa and aquatics industries.
Patient Perfection
When you target the high-end custom pool market, you have to be prepared to work with clients who like to change things along the way. It can be a real challenge because it causes delays, re-engineering and sometimes removing work you've just installed. More than anything, you have to remain patient, constantly listening and explaining the ramifications of changing things to the client. It helps when you have a good rapport from the start. All of that was true and then some for the project pictured here. It's located in an upscale neighborhood in Sherman Oaks, Calif. The property is about a third of an acre on a relatively flat corner lot completely surrounded by tall fichus hedges for privacy.
Pathways to Efficiency
Creating swimming pools that save on energy costs is a consuming passion for Douglas Cook. As he explains here, he achieves best results with combinations of energy-smart solutions -- often including solar heating and power generation -- that can lead to dramatic savings.