Pools & Spas

Elegance Squared
Through the years, I've come across all sorts of clients with unique motivations and interesting available spaces.  My task in collaborating with each of them centers on carefully evaluating the situation, sorting through various sets of possibilities and, ultimately, delivering a design that hits the mark on all possible levels. This project, however, was a bit different from most:  The client had acquired
Bicarb Start-Up ABCs
WaterShapes recently published a pair of my articles on techniques for filling newly plastered swimming pools with water and starting them on the path to a long, successful service life.   In the second of those articles (click here), the focus was on the bicarb start-up method and the effect this approach has on the establishment of a durable plaster, pebble or quartz finish.  But rather than being a step-by-step description of how the bicarb start-up works on site, the article was about
Smooth Ambition
Every once in a while, the stars align and we're given the opportunity to pursue and attain perfection in applying glass tile to a beautifully designed and built swimming pool and spa.  The project illustrated here is one such case:  Everything about it just snapped into place. First, we were asked to join the design team at an early stage, so we had a good level of input on how the pool was to be laid out and its interior surfaces formed; second, the watershapes fit
Off the Deep End
'A big part of properly designing watershapes to meet specific client needs has to do with understanding how they'll be using the body of water,' wrote David Tisherman at the start of his Details column in January 2006.   'I always explore this issue with my clients, which is why, for
Functional Aesthetics
Designing swimming pools and spas for people with disabilities is a special calling for watershapers:  The process gets you involved with sets of capabilities and physical limitations that force you to think beyond the usual; it also puts you in gut-level contact with the needs of those who crave involvement with water and its potential to ease pain, make aquatic exercise possible and, via simple buoyancy, make gravity less of
Remaking a Classic
In the course of my career, I've worked with blue-chip clients from rock stars and professional athletes to Hollywood celebrities and business tycoons.  It may be my sparkling personality, but, realistically, I think it has more to do with the way I have with glass tile and custom mosaics associated with beautiful swimming pools. My company, Rock Solid Tile of Calabasas, Calif., has worked all over Los Angeles through the years, taking its
Overhead Defects
Rooftop pools and other similarly elevated swimming pool structures present unique sets of considerations that must be thoroughly addressed by anyone involved in their design and construction. As was discussed in the first article in this two-part series ("Elevated Engineering," click here), it is common for these watershapes to be constructed inside a concrete vault or supported on a concrete structural slab - either of which is usually
Speaking to Authority
'There is no doubt that the recent wave of legislation, codes and standards regarding suction entrapment has caused confusion - not just in the pool and spa industry, but also among lawmakers, inspectors and contractors as well as pool and spa owners.'  That's how Dave Peterson opened his Currents column in November 2010.   'Our firm and others have been retained by numerous owners, contractors and maintenance companies to
Durable Pool Plaster, Revisited
In December 2010, WaterShapes published "How to Make Durable Pool Plaster," an article filled with what I knew about making reliable, discoloration-free pool plaster - including basic information about both proper and improper plastering practices. It should come as no surprise that, since then, research has continued and our understanding of issues involved in the proper mixing and application of these cementitious finishes has continued to grow. This article will cover these developments, discussing in greater detail the
Elevated Engineering
I had a college professor who was fond of saying, "There are only two types of concrete in this world:  The first is concrete that is cracked, and the second is concrete that is going to crack."   That's a good laugh line, but the tough thing about it is that it's also true.  This is why the engineering design procedures for all reinforced concrete (pursuant to ACI 318 and 350, which are the key American Concrete Institute standards for concrete structures) allow for