Other Waterfeatures (from birdbaths to lakes)
Her name is Kópakonan, but she is also known as “The Seal Wife,” a mythical figure known as a “selkie.” Immortalized in Nordic legend, a stunning bronze stature celebrates the rich oceanic folklore of remote Faroe Islands, and the power of art in a dramatic aquatic setting.
When it came time to install the interior surface at a Florida dolphin facility, Cameron Rhodes turned to a relatively new spray-on treatment designed to enhance plaster durability – a move that prevented damage from a desperate and highly unusual measure during the filling process.
Protecting its most beautiful waters and landscapes is a cultural priority seen as a civic responsibility in New Zealand. One example can be found in a shimmering body of water known as Te Waikoporopupu Springs, which stands among the island nation’s dreamlike places that are being treasured and preserved for future generations – and a great reason to visit.
Working for one of the leading pond suppliers and builders in the U.S., Jennifer Zuri has seen countless examples of beautiful, naturalistic watershapes. When it came time to installing a pond for her and her family, even with all her experience, she wasn’t completely prepared for the positive impact it would have on their lives.
Creating emotional connections within the landscape ultimately means understanding the clients’ most deep-seated desires. As Mike Farley explains, working with natural elements, a discipline known as biophilic design, is arguably the most direct route to the hearts of his clients.
Bodies of water are often the center of attention, especially those located in historic settings. When the water is the subject of mystery and folklore, interest can be piqued even higher. That’s certainly the case for a spring known as Fosse Dionne in France’s Burgundy region, where the water is shrouded in death, myth and mystery.
There are many ways to enjoy a visit to the beach. From surfing to sunbathing, the sand’s edge encompasses some of the most enjoyable human experiences. For some, the preferred activity involves little more than wandering the shore with a pair of keen eyes looking for treasures in the form of sea glass.
Located in the heart of Tuscany, the Colossus of the Apennines stands guard over the surrounding historic landscape like an ancient sentinel. Not only an imposing sculpture, the massive statue was also a remarkable example of early watershaping innovation.
Healing troubled bodies of water is an opportunity to make a positive impact on both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, explains Ed Beaulieu, and elevate the human experience in the process. Using this project as a prime example, a set of ponds owned by an A-list celebrity and activist was transformed from a morbid state of deterioration to a vibrant ecological asset.
Riding the Tides (25 years of WaterShapes)