Landscape, Plants, Hardscape & Decks

Revealing Elegance
It often happens that the way people enter a space has everything to do with the way they experience it and come to regard its overall design. This was much on my mind as we concluded our work on the Long Beach Island project I've discussed in my last few "Details."  By orchestrating access and movement toward the backyard/pool area, we developed a string of transitions that lend a sense of surprise and delight to those entering a beautifully designed and constructed space that literally seems like a world apart. As discussed in previous columns, the backyard features a
More than Functional
It may seem an odd source of inspiration, but I've always been interested in retaining walls. Even as a child, I'd see photographs of terraced hillsides rich with crops and wonder, "How did they do that?"   I've since done my homework and have found historical evidence indicating that the skills needed to build these structures goes back many hundreds of years.  I'm now applying those same skills today in devising soil-retaining systems for my clients. Whether it's farmers creating flat spaces on which to
Creative Genus
In looking back over several recent projects, I noticed that I've been using one particular genus of plants more frequently than just about any other.   Its name probably evokes thoughts of petri dishes and bacterial colonies for most of us, but this plant genus - Pittosporum - has truly held an extremely valuable position in most of my plant palettes in recent years and is one of the most useful of all plant types I use. I find myself pointing them out every time I take clients to a nursery to view and select plants, and it seems I'm always trying to find ways to fit one or more of its many varieties into my planting plans.  I treasure them for their great variety in
Spanish Colonial Keys
In my years as a practicing landscape architect, I've found that designers love in particular to borrow elements from the Spanish Colonial style of architecture.  In fact, it has become one of the most important and influential of all architectural forms. This archetypal architecture flourished between the 16th and early-19th centuries in the New World and is based upon historical models established in
Texture’s Magic
As is true of many things we savor in our lives, our perception of texture is filled with subtlety and nuance. This is particularly true in gardens, where space, form, color and texture dance together to create our experience of a living entity and, for designers and installers, of the envisioned entity as well:  We start by defining the entity's function and style - make it an outdoor room, a neoclassical knot garden or a meditative space - then layer hardscape and plant materials to engage the five senses one by one or all at once.   Texture plays a large role in creating this sensory engagement:  It's the lure that invites observers to pause and linger, to breathe deep and compose themselves within the environment.  In that sense, texture is the twin of form and the companion to color in the triad of basic garden relationships. Texture also involves an
Design Psychology
When someone calls and asks you to "landscape my home," what does it mean? Are you going over to put plants and trees in the ground, or will you be rolling in with backhoes to install a pond?  This initial uncertainty is why, before any project begins in earnest, there are questions to be asked.  It's also why there are measurements to be taken, elevations to be shot, sketches and more sketches to be drawn, meetings to schedule and plans to present.   Then, maybe, a working design will develop and then, maybe, construction will start.   Gathering information and doing the foundation work on a design takes research, patience, experience and time, and it's never
A Window on Our World
With a first glance at last month's cover of LandShapes, a colleague of mine said he thought it more properly belonged on the cover of an architecture magazine instead of on my landscape publication.  It was beautiful, he said, but he felt that the dominance of the wall in the image made him wonder if he'd received the right magazine.   In defending the choice of this photograph, I found myself flooded by all sorts of thoughts and considerations, many of them having to do with
Please Fence Me In
Almost every landscape I've ever worked on has had some type of fence.   I use them because they establish boundaries, but I also see them as having much more than a simple utilitarian function.  To me, they set a stage for everything they enclose and, depending upon where you happen to be standing, encompass you within a space or invite you to appreciate the view from a distance.   In this discussion, I want to focus on the use of fences you can easily see over - a fence that defines a boundary while allowing viewers on one side to see what it encircles and on the other to enjoy the space's visual imagery.  By low, I mean 42 inches tall or lower - low enough not to require
Creating an Identity
Although my practice primarily encompasses residential landscapes, I occasionally tackle a commercial project. In one such case, I was recently asked to design the entry planting and make recommendations for the hardscape at the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades, Calif.  One of the most prestigious golf courses in the world, Riviera is the regular host to the Nissan Open, one of the sport's premier tournaments.   It's a high-profile site in every conceivable way, so image is everything to the facility's owner and managers.  After many years of placing what were essentially band-aids on the entry's landscape, they decided it was time for a complete overhaul and a
Original Intent
  A well-conceived garden that has endured through many decades can teach us all a multitude of lessons.  In the case of the Virginia Robinson Gardens, however, even getting to the point where those lessons might be recognized and appreciated has taken years of research, study and painstaking restoration.   In the nine years I've been associated with the gardens, I've done all I can to determine the original design intent of those who owned and established it, stripping away generations of alterations, additions and miscalculations while interpreting the site and uncovering clues that point to the sense of mission and the creative spirit that influenced its creation and further development early in the 20th Century. I've done so with a recognition that the Virginia Robinson Gardens are important as an emblem of southern California history and an era gone by.  I've also come to perceive the complexity, artistry and beauty of the space, seeing it as a blueprint that, examined closely, can serve to inspire and inform the work we all do today. The current gardens occupy most of the grounds of the former estate of Harry and Virginia Robinson, heirs to a department store fortune.  My charge has been to restore and manage these six-and-a-half acres in the heart of Beverly Hills, Calif. - a graceful setting in the midst of