Commentaries, Interviews & Profiles

The Importance of Watershaping’s Color Palette
Interview by Lenny Giteck Judith Corona has a keen eye for color -- plus a rare ability to teach people how it works and how to use it to greatest effect. Corona is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Art at Otis College of Art and Design, in Los Angeles, and is on the faculty of UCLA Extension in the Architecture, Interior Design & Landscape Architecture Department. In addition, she teaches
A Time for Leadership
In the 40-plus years I’ve been involved in the pool and spa industry, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a variety of organizations on the local, state and national levels.  Every step along the way, I worked closely with people who displayed a variety of leadership styles and have done my best to perform well when I’ve been called on to take those leading roles myself. These experiences leave me convinced that
New Year’s Greetings from Eric Herman
By Eric Herman Dear WaterShapes EXTRA! Reader: As we all know, it’s been another tough year for the watershaping industry. Although we continue to anticipate a break in the clouds, we’re still waiting for the occasional rays of hope to gather into a full-blown economic recovery. So we soldier on seeking better days, all the while making the most of what we have in the meantime. As the editor of WaterShapes, I’m privileged to know many of you — and if grit and determination in the face of adversity are the measure of our industry’s character, then what I’ve seen these past difficult years is nothing less than inspiring. Yes, it’s been tough, but the pride and determination so many of you exhibit give me confidence that
Santa Claus Talks About the Ho-Ho-Ho of Watershapes
Interview by WaterShapes' Elves He is known by many names in many places — including Father Christmas, Kriss Kringle and Saint Nicholas — but in America, wide-eyed children of all ages mainly know him as Santa Claus. Imagine our surprise at WaterShapes when we received an e-mail from
Spread the Word!
My history with Vance Gillette and his crusades began when I was editor of Pool & Spa News. Early in 1990, he approached me with a commentary that, almost overnight, opened everyone’s eyes to a complacency and lack of direction within the pool and spa industry that threatened to
Changing the Industry’s Focus
The time has come for a major change in the pool and spa industry: Time to think differently about how we promote and market our products; time to recognize that our products bring more happiness and excitement to people than anything else they can buy; and especially time to
Green Horizons
Although they’re occasionally the focus of media attention in North America, green roofs and their potential benefits are still relatively unknown quantities unless you happen to be a landscape architect or architect.  In this commentary, Steven Peck and Damon van der Linde of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities aim to expand that base to include all watershapers – professionals, they say, who can play key roles in spreading the influence of these systems.   Just think of it:  There’s a design approach that improves energy efficiency, reduces the urban “heat island” effect and provides much-needed green space in places where opportunities for natural stress relief are
Broad Boundaries
Not long ago, I was reminded in a big way of the importance of understanding the international nature of our industry. It was July, and my Genesis 3 partners Skip Phillips and David Tisherman and I were on the Gold Coast near Brisbane, Australia, presenting a program at the Splash! Conference – an experience that, once again, underscored the fact that ours is not just a North American business, but is instead a global industry in which people worldwide share
A Doorway to Emotional Value
The true test of whether a watershape is well-conceived and well-built is what happens in the minds of the clients when they view the finished product. Not only should they appreciate the beauty of the work, they should also
The Ultimate Solution for Suction Entrapment
An Interview by Eric Herman For more than 30 years, Dr. William N. Rowley — founder and principle of Rowley International, headquartered in Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. — has worked tirelessly to address the causes of suction entrapment incidents. He has personally investigated