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It’s a Wrap!
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It’s a Wrap!

6-11 triplett video art

6-11 triplett video art

It’s with mixed emotions that I bring this long series of videos to a conclusion: It’s been fun sharing what I know about all of the steps of the pond-installation process with you, and it’s been gratifying to get comments from some of you along the way. But all good things must come to an end, and that’s what happens with this video.

One technical point before I wrap things up (and you just knew I would figure out a way to get back to plumbing connections before I finished): In working with pipes under various conditions, you need to know which glues to use under which circumstances to make everything fuse together reliably and durably.

Catching up

Here’s a listing of the previous 20 parts of the series, with links to the introductory texts. (The dates indicate when the item was published in WaterShapes EXTRA.)

1: Pond Beginnings, August 8, 2013
2: Preparing the Filter, August 21, 2013
3: Setting the Wall, September 11, 2013
4: Digging In, September 25, 2013
5: Safe and Secure, October 9, 2013
6: All Lined Up, October 23, 2013
7: Setting the Skimmer, November 6, 2013
8: Rocking and Rolling, November 20, 2013
9: A Stitch in Time, December 4, 2013
10: A Pond After Dark, December 18, 2013
11: Skimmer at the Ready, January 8, 2014
12: Cascading Exertion, January 22, 2014
13: Sealing the Deal, February 5, 2014
14: Plumbed for Convenience, February 19, 2014
15: Spillway Finesse, March 5, 2014
16: An Illuminating Exercise, March 19, 2014
17: A Graveling Experience, April 9, 2014
18: The Driving Force, April 23, 2014
19: Bright Ideas, May 7, 2014
20: Developing an Edge, May 21, 2014
— E.T.

To this point, that was never a distinction to be made because we were always working with clean, dry-fitted parts. In the case of the drain line connected in this video, however, water was present and the approach had to be slightly different as a result.

The interesting (and previously unmentioned) thing about this project is that it was all assembled on a temporary basis – more or less a stage setting for the purpose of making these videos: We took it all down soon after we finished putting it up. All of the materials will be recycled into other projects, of course, and the pond itself served a good (and, I think, noble) educational purpose.

And besides, it really did have to be temporary, because the place we put it is where our pet goat lives: You can tell as Billie Jean was climbing up and down the waterfall structure as we wrapped things up that she was reviewing the menu of her own personal salad bar, just waiting for the chance to dig in and leave nothing but rocks behind!

To see us do our final digging in and planting of this waterscape, click here. And thanks again for this opportunity to share what I know with all of you.

Eric Triplett is founder and chief executive officer at The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction in Yucaipa, Calif. He may be reached at eric@the

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