August 23, 2017 www.watershapes.com |
Critical Distance
Presented with a smallish space that opened out onto a great big one, Jeromey Naugle found himself playing with views near and far in all sorts of complex ways. The result is a composition that met his clients’ desires — and offered him an interesting insight into his design process. [more]
Illuminating Challenges
The lighting of pools is much more challenging than it once was, notes Graham Orme, mostly because their contours are so much more intricate than they were even 20 years ago. Here, he starts a new series that will guide all of us toward more ‘enlightened’ results. [more]
Sweet Hospitality
Any visit to Charleston, S.C., can be fun — even when you’re there on business, writes Jim McCloskey — if you find time in your schedule to stroll through its Waterfront Park and make your way into its heart to find the utterly charming and most welcoming Pineapple Fountain. [more]
Persuaded by the Past
Some watershapers see their work in primarily technical terms — as complex tasks to be completed efficiently and well. Others, notes watershaper and landscape artist Christopher Lines, see technical mastery as a starting point beyond which they pursue purely artistic impulses. He’s firmly in the latter camp, he adds, with a penchant for creating classically-inspired gardens that tantalize the senses and fire the imagination with echoes of eras long past.
This article, originally published in WaterShapes in May/June 2011, has been digitized for all readers. Click here to see the full text and enlarge the images to study them in detail.
Waterproofing Raised Spas
For generations, the pool industry has operated under the assumption that plaster is an effective waterproofing membrane. That’s not the case, notes Scott Cohen, which leads him to discuss the importance of waterproofing raised spas — and how to fix a troubled one. [more]
Generational Shifts
Sorting through his understanding of the dynamics of water-related businesses, Jim McCloskey recalls the industry’s last big generational transition — and holds out some hope that the one we’re experiencing now will take a somewhat easier path than the previous one. [more]
Humor in Uniformity Dept.: Cops in pool caps make a strong case for male synchronized swimming. [more]It would be merely silly if they weren’t so good at it . . .
Creatures Great and Small Dept.: Nevada woman saves a waterlogged lizard with a wee bit of CPR. [more]
Happily, there was no need for a mouth-to-mouth session.
Life’s Absurdities
Back in 2007, Brian Van Bower wrote with edgy wit about the vagaries of trying to work with any sort of real creativity on commercial design projects. Has the passage of time improved the situation? [more]
FAFCO Offers Solar Power/Pool Heating System
FAFCO (Chico, CA) has developed CoolPV, a combined solar-power-generating/water-heating system — a hybrid that powers a home with photovoltaic modules while heating its pool with water tubes placed beneath the solar cells. As combined, the water system cools the photovoltaic modules, enhancing performance and increasing their output. For details, click here.
Bobé Releases Line of CorTen Planters
Bobé Water & Fire Features (Phoenix, AZ) has introduced a line of planters made from CorTen, a weathering form of steel that develops a unique patina as it ages. The units are available in three different models — square, rectangular and tall — and come untreated (to produce a rusted color) or with an ocean patina or clear-coated for a steel look. For details, click here.
Making Your Presence Known
Through the years, watershapers have invested extensively in building beautiful web sites but for the most part have been unable to figure out how to help prospective clients find them amid the chaos of the Internet. Why so? It’s because building a strong web presence as a stand-alone site is a tough way to go — and that’s precisely why we started the WaterShapes Professional Network.
building a collective presence in which dozens and, eventually, hundreds of sites participate as an interlinked colossus, we become a group entity the search engines can’t overlook. So if it’s a strong (or stronger) web presence you’re after, check it out.
The Network is working just the way we’d hoped: Time to click aboard?