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2014/4.1, April 9 — A Wetland Wonder, Italy’s Fountains, Better Vanishing-Edge Walls and more
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2014/4.1, April 9 — A Wetland Wonder, Italy’s Fountains, Better Vanishing-Edge Walls and more

April 9, 2014


All About the Water

Specialists in land planning for large-scale developments, the Hilton Head Island, S.C.-based landscape architecture firm of Wood+Partners believes in building communities that harmonize with nature. In late 2003, report Perry Wood and Mark Baker, they were asked to generate a master plan for Hampton Lake, a planned community that dovetailed with their company philosophy by linking luxury living to responsible environmental stewardship.

This article, originally published in April 2008, has been digitized for all readers. Click here to see the full text and enlarge the images to study the craftsmanship in detail.


A Graveling Experience

Setting up a pond’s filtration system is generally a straightforward process, observes Eric Triplett — but in some cases it really helps if you’ve given thought to the approach you’re going to be using (and its physical requirements) from the planning stage forward. [more]


Function Before Form

A few years back, Mark Holden set out on a mission to document some of Italy’s most striking watershapes, seeking out glorious uses of water in beautiful courtyards and piazzas. The result is a travelogue that encourages all of us to go see these places for ourselves. [more]


Nightmares Under Foot

Ever been surprised by something uncovered during a project’s excavation phase? You’re not alone, observes Lew Akins, who knows that how the unexpected is handled can make all the difference between moving forward or having the work grind to a sudden halt. [more]


Rough Edges

Pools with vanishing edges are among the most distinctive of all watershapes. Unfortunately, that popularity produced a rash of errors and structural failures in the walls used to create the edge effects — an epidemic that led Ron Lacher to look for the causes and recommend solutions. [more]

‘Improved Hygiene Habits’ Needed
New Study: Urinating in Pools
Poses Serious Health Dangers

The Preservation Arts

The announcement of formation of a new pool-preservation group in England caught Jim McCloskey‘s eye the other day — ample cause, he believes, to share some additional thoughts on the need to preserve and protect treasured watershapes in the United States as well. [more]


Operating on a Higher Level

Working with upper-echelon clients takes a special level of preparation and skill, wrote Brian Van Bower back in 2004 — with one key factor highlighted here outpacing all the rest in importance. [more]

 © Alain Lacroix |

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New Subspecies of Animal Found
In a Columbian Swimming Pool

Many water-related stories have been in the news of late — including reports connected to the three questions below.

According to, a boy swimming in a pool in the eastern part of Colombia recently discovered a new subspecies of a well-known creature. From the article:

The 1.5-inch-long (4-centimeter-long) [fill in the blank from the list below] “is rather strange-looking — it’s quite fat with short legs and bright orange spots on its sides,” said Luis German Naranjo, WWF [World Wildlife Fund] Colombia’s conservation director.

a. Lizard b. Frog c. Grasshopper d. Beetle

2. Legendary long-distance swimmer Diana Nyad — who recently was named an “Adventurer of the Year 2014” by National Geographic — was quoted as saying the following on the Web site

“It’s intense. In every way. I can’t speak, of course, for the other competitors…. But for me, this is a fully new world, akin perhaps to going to Mainland China to learn Mandarin in a compressed few weeks. Every word, every movement, every transition is brand new to me.”

To what new adventure was she referring?

a. Participating in an amateur mountain-climbing competition
b. Becoming a professional lady wrestler for the WWE
c. Being a contestant on the TV show “Dancing with the Stars”
d. Training to compete in an over-60 triathlon

3. The U.K.’s Equality and Human Rights Commission has produced new guidance for the country’s public swimming pools — among a number of types of facilities — to strengthen the ban on discrimination against a certain group of people. What kind of discrimination did the commission address?

a. Racial discrimination b. Anti-Muslim discrimination
c. Discrimination against the physically challenged d. Age discrimination

To find out how many you got right, click here.

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