If you’re looking for a destination that includes, all in one place, several of the most enduring and influential watershapes of all time, you couldn’t go wrong in visiting Villa d’Este — without question one of the greatest collections of watershapes on earth. Perhaps best known as the inspiration for… [more]
Cold Joints: Avoiding Costly Repairs
In pool-remodeling work, it’s very common to raise a bond beam to meet the needs of a new deck or edge detail — or simply to make the pool level again. As ordinary a step as this may seem, it can be trickier than you might think because, in applying … [more]
Saltwater: A Convenient Scapegoat?
For the past several years, a number of people in the swimming pool industry have debated whether saltwater has a detrimental effect on concrete and, in some cases, stone decks. As one who has worked extensively with saltwater chlorination systems, I’ve studied this issue in depth in an effort to understand… [more]
Defining Resources
Those of you who’ve followed this column for any length of time know that it’s all about my hunt for resources that will help me become better at what I do. As I see it, my job here is to share what I discover in the hope that my own… [more]
Low Bidders: A Cancer on Commerce
Considering the number of responses we received, the article “Low Bidders: A Cancer on Commerce” (WaterShapes EXTRA! 6/2/2010) really struck a chord with our readers. In his piece, author Paolo Benedetti asserted that low-ball bidding “degrades the product, leaves the clients unhappy and diminishes the overall reputation of the watershaping industry.” To read… [more]
(Pompano Beach, FL) now offers custom blending of its River Rok Natures Collection of pool finishes. Designed to allow greater flexibility in matching color palettes… [more]
(Ashtabula, OH) has introduced lighted pool-and-patio furniture. The lightweight rounded chairs and cylindrical tables are designed for use in hotels and resorts… [more]
(Hampshire, IL) has introduced 588-10K, a construction-grade grout. This hydraulic-cement-based, precision, nonshrink, load-bearing material is designed to transfer loads effectively and [more]
(Indianapolis, IN) offers underwater observation windows for swimming or diving pools. Designed to assist in teaching and underwater photography or to provide the ultimate view… [more]