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2007 Editions (12)
Dark Light

2007 Editions (12)

Please note: All of the issues listed below are available online, free of charge. Printed copies of many of these back issues are available for sale in the WaterShapes Store. Quantities are extremely limited! Clickherefor ordering information.


December 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 12)
Franco D’Ascanio on working with palms; David Peterson on the value of CAD standards; Steve Gutai on motor classifications; Rick Pendleton on using water curtains.

November 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 11)
Bill Goddard on an estate-scale project; Donovan Brown on mothods of client communication; David Long on artful artificial rockwork; Michael Denman on watershaping in the desert.

October 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 10)
Brian Van Bower on design collaboration; Andy Tymiak on designing wave pools; Raymond Jungles on the legacy of Roberto Burle Marx.

September 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 9)
Bob Vaughn on regionally appropriate design; Mike Gambino on landscape lighting; Mark Holden on communicating about water; Kevin Fleming on a thoroughly Modernist design.

August 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 8)
Melanie Mackenzie on total environmental design; Ron Lacher on wall failures; Belinda Stillwell on developing an aquatic-therapy facility; Stephen Pevnick on ‘writing’ with drops of water.

July 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 7)
Robert Bledsoe on market trailblazing; Joe Nolan on stone types and varieties; Richard J. Van Seters on grand floating fountains.

June 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 6)
Charles Wise on staying up to date; Alan Hochman on drama in stone and water; Mark Holden on watershaping terminology; Jim Robinson on using Eastern influences.

May 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 5)
Paolo Benedetti on finding great sources; Bruce Kania on microbes and water clarity; Phil Della Pietro on modular construction of vinyl-liner pools; Tim Krzeminski on growing ambition.

April 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 4)
Skip Phillips on organizing Jade Mountain; Nick Troubetskoy on envisioning Jade Mountain; Chris Barnes on building Jade Mountain’s pools; David Knox on accessorizing Jade Mountain’s watershapes.

March 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 3)
Kate Wiseman & Keith Lowry on client-driven design; Mark Holden on teaching about watershapes; Bill Goddard on grand-scale residential design.

February 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 2)
Anthony Archer Wills on using reflections; Bob Rush on working with an architect; Brett Herman with a poolside view of commercial design; John Cohen on pushing the creative envelope.

January 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 1)
Kerry Friedman on watershaping for the Missouri Botanical Garden; Michael Truehart on custom designs with vinyl liners; Roger Gariano on classic tile mosaics mySpace

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