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#100 — and Counting
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#100 — and Counting

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WaterShapes LogotypeEric Herman

It seems like only yesterday that our premiere edition rolled off the presses, and it’s utterly amazing to me to think that was more than nine years ago. It’s an occasion for celebration, which is why this is a very special issue you hold in your hands.

For starters, we’ve included a poster (suitable for framing, I dare say) featuring all 100 of our covers to date. Simply surveying this set of images reveals not only the breadth of the magazine’s coverage, but also (and more important), offers evidence of the impressive (and ever-growing) cast of contributors who’ve stepped up to share their work with readers through the years.

Inside, you’ll also find announcement of the first recipients of The Joseph McCloskey Prize for Outstanding Achievement in the Art & Craft of Watershaping. Named in memory of publisher Jim McCloskey’s father, this award honors individuals who have spent their careers not only creating works of watershaping art, but also have worked tirelessly to share what they know with others in the field as a means of elevating their profession. This time, three exceptional people are being recognized: Anthony Archer Wills (click here), William Rowley (click here) and David Tisherman (click here).

In addition, this issue also includes the second installment of The Platinum Standard. As with the first collection we published in December 1994, this feature recognizes published projects that represent the finest expressions of watershaping as an art form. This time, we’ve gathered 20 such projects for your review and, we hope, your inspiration.


Serving as editor of this magazine has been an ongoing labor of love for me. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the finest creative minds and grandest spirits watershaping has to offer, and when I look back and consider the wealth of friends and acquaintances I’ve amassed, I sometimes wonder what I ever did to be so blessed.

It’s been an honor for me to work here at WaterShapes with our visionary publisher and founder, Jim McCloskey, along with our art director, Rick Leddy, and my associate editor, Melissa Burress. It’s noteworthy and remarkable that the four of us have worked together on every issue of the magazine that’s ever been published. Then there’s Camma Barsily, our amazing sales director, who joined us four issues into our run, and Robin Wilzbach, our extraordinary production manager – a relative newcomer who’s only been around for 90 of our 100 issues. It’s a wonderful, dedicated, persistent team – a miracle of modern business.

I’ve always considered our columnists (past and present) to be an integral part of that team, including Brian Van Bower, David Tisherman, Mike Farley, Stephanie Rose, Bruce Zaretsky and the late, great Jim McNicol. All deserve far more praise and recognition than this space allows. Suffice it to say this magazine would not have happened without their patient counsel and tireless effort.

Finally, I want to include you, WaterShapes’ readers, who have supported us on our lengthening journey and have been more than willing to prod, inspire and fuel our ambitions as we’ve sought to create a magazine that is worthy of the time and attention you tell us you spend with it. I thank you, one and all, from the bottom of my grateful, humble heart.

Here’s to the next 100 issues: I can hardly wait to see what the future brings!

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