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Zillow Picks Pix of Beautiful Pools
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Zillow Picks Pix of Beautiful Pools


PhotoGallery10 Amazing Swimming Pools

In July of last year, Zillow published “10 Amazing Swimming Pools” on, spotlighting the outdoor pools that came with 10 sumptuous homes. Allthe properties were up for sale at the time — at asking prices ranging from $12.4 million to $28.5 million.

Photos: To see these amazing outdoor pools, click on

10 Tantalizing Indoor Swimming Pools

Then in early 2011, Zillow also published photos of 10 spectacular indoor pools that were part of10 luxurious properties.Again, allthe homeswere up for sale at the time — ranging in price from $11 million to a whopping $75 million.

Photos: To see these tantalizing indoor pools, click on

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