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Advertising Specifications
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Advertising Specifications

Top banner

On the site:

Banner Ad (728 x 90)

Top banner

Square Ad (300 x 250)

Right side middle ad

Rectangle Ad (534 x 90)

Top banner

For the WaterShapes digital newsletter:

Banner Ad (728 x 90)

Top banner

Skyscraper Ad (160 x 600)


Rectangle Ad (534 x 90)

Top banner

Ad Specifications

Ads are required in all four configurations. If animated ads are preferred for appearance on the web site, standard ads must also be provided for use in the newsletter, which cannot accommodate animated ads. Please include the URL of the page on your site the banner will point to, plus an “alt tag” (a short description of your ad). Please set animated banners to loop no more than 3 times.

Weight limits

GIF, animated GIF, JPEG or PNG files: 35K maximum, 72 dpi maximum. (Flash files are not recommended, as they are incompatible with Apple operating systems.)

Questions? Contact Jim McCloskey: (818) 715-9776 / [email protected] mySpace

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