WaterShapes.com Newsletter Advertising

newsletter model

WaterShapes is a twice-monthly, content-rich electronic newsletter distributed directly to our opt-in list of newsletter subscribers. Companies advertising in this innovative marketing vehicle proactively grab the attention of thousands of watershaping’s decision-makers and buyers. No need for our readers to search for your ad: Your ad finds them – right on their desktops! Each ad also includes a link to your Web site. (Note: All rates are net – no discounts apply – and must be paid with order.)

newsletter model

Leaderboard Ad
Size 728 x 90 pixels
Position Across top of newsletter
Rate $1200 for two consecutive newsletters, $1,950 for four, $2,500 for six

Skyscraper Ad
Size 160 x 600 pixels (vertical)
Position Right column of newsletter
Rate $1100 for two consecutive newsletters, $1,850 for four, $2,400 for six

Rectangle Ad
Size 534 x 90 (horizontal, rectangular)
Position Left (main) column of newsletter
Rate $900 for two consecutive newsletters, $1,650 for four, $2,200 for six

Square Ad
Size 160 x 140 pixels
Position Right column of newsletter
Rate $600 for two consecutive newsletters, $950 for four, $1,250 for six

Product Promotions
We publish a promotional item (including a photo of the product) based on a product release you submit. This listing occupies the entire column width in the Of Interest section of the newsletter (see the illustration on the right). Clicking on your listing takes readers directly to your company Web site; alternatively, it can link directly to a video presentation you have. Rate: $30 for one item in one newsletter issue; $100 for the same item in four consecutive newsletter issues.

Ad Specifications: Include the URL of the page the banner will point to, plus an “alt tag” (a short description of your ad). Please set animated banners to loop no more than 3 times.

Weight limits: GIF, animated GIF, JPEG or PNG files: 35K maximum, 72 dpi maximum. Flash banner: 35K maximum. Important: Include the original FLA file (not just the SWF), any original fonts used, and a substitute JPG or GIF file for those who don’t have Flash. Please provide the link to your site and a “clicktag” within your FLA and SWF file.

For more information, contact Jim McCloskey at [email protected] − or call him at (818) 715-9776.

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